Merge "le advertisement address type settings api SL4A tests"
diff --git a/acts_tests/acts_contrib/test_utils/bt/ b/acts_tests/acts_contrib/test_utils/bt/
index f7bc93f..71cebd7 100644
--- a/acts_tests/acts_contrib/test_utils/bt/
+++ b/acts_tests/acts_contrib/test_utils/bt/
@@ -282,6 +282,12 @@
     "high": 3
+# Bluetooth Low Energy advertise settings own address type
+ble_advertise_settings_own_address_types = {
+    "public": 0,
+    "random": 1
 # Bluetooth Low Energy service uuids for specific devices
 ble_uuids = {
     "p_service": "0000feef-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb",
diff --git a/acts_tests/tests/google/ble/api/ b/acts_tests/tests/google/ble/api/
index c044b4d..877b00e 100644
--- a/acts_tests/tests/google/ble/api/
+++ b/acts_tests/tests/google/ble/api/
@@ -20,13 +20,16 @@
 then other test suites utilising Ble Advertisements will also fail.
+import pprint
 from acts.controllers.sl4a_lib import rpc_client
 from acts.test_decorators import test_tracker_info
 from import BluetoothBaseTest
-from import adv_fail
+from import adv_fail, adv_succ, scan_result
 from import generate_ble_advertise_objects
 from import ble_advertise_settings_modes
 from import ble_advertise_settings_tx_powers
+# from import ble_advertise_settings_own_address_types
 from import java_integer
@@ -38,6 +41,7 @@
     def setup_class(self):
         self.ad_dut = self.android_devices[0]
+        self.sc_dut = self.android_devices[1]
@@ -498,6 +502,149 @@
+    def test_adv_settings_set_adv_own_address_type_public(self):
+        """Tests advertise settings own address type public.
+        This advertisement settings from "set" advertisement own address type
+        should match the corresponding "get" function.
+        Steps:
+        1. Build a new advertise settings object.
+        2. Set the advertise mode attribute to own address type public.
+        3. Get the attributes of the advertise settings object.
+        4. Compare the attributes found against the attributes exp.
+        Expected Result:
+        Found attributes should match expected attributes.
+        Returns:
+          True is pass
+          False if fail
+        TAGS: LE, Advertising
+        Priority: 1
+        """
+        self.log.debug("Step 1: Setup environment.")
+        droid = self.ad_dut.droid
+        # exp_adv_own_address_type = ble_advertise_settings_own_address_types['public']
+        exp_adv_own_address_type = 0
+        self.log.debug(
+            "Step 2: Set the filtering settings object's value to {}".format(
+                exp_adv_own_address_type))
+        return self.verify_adv_settings_own_address_type(droid, exp_adv_own_address_type)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    def test_adv_settings_set_adv_own_address_type_random(self):
+        """Tests advertise settings own address type random.
+        This advertisement settings from "set" advertisement own address type
+        should match the corresponding "get" function.
+        Steps:
+        1. Build a new advertise settings object.
+        2. Set the advertise mode attribute to own address type random.
+        3. Get the attributes of the advertise settings object.
+        4. Compare the attributes found against the attributes exp.
+        Expected Result:
+        Found attributes should match expected attributes.
+        Returns:
+          True is pass
+          False if fail
+        TAGS: LE, Advertising
+        Priority: 1
+        """
+        self.log.debug("Step 1: Setup environment.")
+        droid = self.ad_dut.droid
+        # exp_adv_own_address_type = ble_advertise_settings_own_address_types['random']
+        exp_adv_own_address_type = 1
+        self.log.debug(
+            "Step 2: Set the filtering settings object's value to {}".format(
+                exp_adv_own_address_type))
+        return self.verify_adv_settings_own_address_type(droid, exp_adv_own_address_type)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    def test_adv_with_multiple_own_address_types(self):
+        ad_droid = self.ad_dut.droid
+        sc_droid = self.sc_dut.droid
+        sc_ed = self.sc_dut.ed
+        adv_count = 10
+        exp_adv_own_address_types = [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]
+        uuid = '01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef'
+        service_data = []
+        for i in range(3):
+            service_data.append(i)
+        for own_add_type in exp_adv_own_address_types:
+            result = self.verify_adv_set_address_type_start_adv(ad_droid,
+                    own_add_type, uuid, service_data)
+            if result is False:
+                return False
+        mac_list = []
+        filter_list = sc_droid.bleGenFilterList()
+        scan_settings = sc_droid.bleBuildScanSetting()
+        scan_callback = sc_droid.bleGenScanCallback()
+        sc_droid.bleStartBleScan(filter_list, scan_settings,
+                                       scan_callback)
+        event_name = scan_result.format(scan_callback)
+"Scan onSuccess Event")
+        for _ in range(1000):
+            if len(mac_list) is adv_count:
+                break
+            try:
+                event = sc_ed.pop_event(event_name, 10)
+                result = event['data']['Result']
+                deviceInfo = result['deviceInfo']
+                serviceUuidList = result['serviceUuidList']
+                if uuid in serviceUuidList:
+                    mac_addr = deviceInfo['address']
+                    if mac_addr not in mac_list:
+              "Found device. address: {}".format(mac_addr))
+                        mac_list.append(mac_addr)
+            except rpc_client.Sl4aApiError:
+      "{} event was not found.".format(event_name))
+                break
+        return len(mac_list) is adv_count
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    def test_adv_settings_set_invalid_adv_own_address_type(self):
+        """Tests advertise settings invalid own address type.
+        This advertisement settings from "set" advertisement own address type
+        should match the corresponding "get" function.
+        Steps:
+        1. Build a new advertise settings object.
+        2. Set the advertise mode attribute to invalid own address type.
+        3. Get the attributes of the advertise settings object.
+        4. Compare the attributes found against the attributes exp.
+        Expected Result:
+        Found attributes should match expected attributes.
+        Returns:
+          True is pass
+          False if fail
+        TAGS: LE, Advertising
+        Priority: 1
+        """
+        self.log.debug("Step 1: Setup environment.")
+        droid = self.ad_dut.droid
+        exp_adv_own_address_type = -100
+        self.log.debug("Step 2: Set the filtering settings own address type to -1")
+        return self.verify_invalid_adv_settings_own_address_type(droid, exp_adv_own_address_type)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
     def test_adv_data_set_service_uuids_empty(self):
         """Tests advertisement data's service uuids to empty.
@@ -1095,6 +1242,55 @@
                        " value test Passed.".format(exp_is_connectable))
         return True
+    def verify_adv_settings_own_address_type(self, droid, exp_adv_own_address_type):
+        try:
+            droid.bleSetAdvertiseSettingsOwnAddressType(exp_adv_own_address_type)
+        except BleAdvertiseVerificationError as error:
+            self.log.debug(str(error))
+            return False
+        self.log.debug("Step 3: Get a filtering settings object's index.")
+        settings_index = droid.bleBuildAdvertiseSettings()
+        self.log.debug("Step 4: Get the filtering setting's own address type.")
+        adv_own_address_type = droid.bleGetAdvertiseSettingsOwnAddressType(
+            settings_index)
+        if exp_adv_own_address_type is not adv_own_address_type:
+            self.log.debug("exp value: {}, Actual value: {}".format(
+                exp_adv_own_address_type, adv_own_address_type))
+            return False
+        self.log.debug("Advertise Setting's own address type {}"
+                       "  value test Passed.".format(exp_adv_own_address_type))
+        return True
+    def verify_adv_set_address_type_start_adv(self, droid, own_address_type, uuid, service_data):
+        try:
+            droid.bleSetAdvertiseSettingsOwnAddressType(own_address_type)
+        except BleAdvertiseVerificationError as error:
+            self.log.debug(str(error))
+            return False
+        droid.bleAddAdvertiseDataServiceData(
+            uuid, service_data)
+        advcallback, adv_data, adv_settings = generate_ble_advertise_objects(
+            droid)
+        droid.bleStartBleAdvertising(advcallback, adv_data, adv_settings)
+        adv_own_address_type = droid.bleGetAdvertiseSettingsOwnAddressType(
+            adv_settings)
+        if own_address_type is not adv_own_address_type:
+            self.log.debug("exp value: {}, Actual value: {}".format(
+                own_address_type, adv_own_address_type))
+            return False
+        try:
+            event = self.android_devices[0].ed.pop_event(adv_succ.format(advcallback), 10)
+  "Ble Advertise Success Event: {}".format(event))
+        except rpc_client.Sl4aApiError:
+  "{} event was not found.".format(
+                adv_succ.format(advcallback)))
+            return False
+        return True
     def verify_adv_data_service_uuids(self, droid, exp_service_uuids):
@@ -1227,6 +1423,20 @@
                 "failed successfullywith input as {}".format(exp_adv_tx_power))
             return True
+    def verify_invalid_adv_settings_own_address_type(self, droid,
+                                                   exp_adv_own_address_type):
+        try:
+            droid.bleSetAdvertiseSettingsOwnAddressType(exp_adv_own_address_type)
+            droid.bleBuildAdvertiseSettings()
+            self.log.debug("Set Advertise settings invalid own address type " +
+                           " with input as {}".format(exp_adv_own_address_type))
+            return False
+        except rpc_client.Sl4aApiError:
+            self.log.debug(
+                "Set Advertise settings invalid own address type "
+                "failed successfully with input as {}".format(exp_adv_own_address_type))
+            return True
     def verify_invalid_adv_data_service_uuids(self, droid, exp_service_uuids):