blob: 80117835acda328e8f7d24eba3a8a7096055006d [file] [log] [blame]
load(":coverage.bzl", "coverage_baseline", "coverage_java_test")
load(":functions.bzl", "create_option_file", "explicit_target", "label_workspace_path", "workspace_path")
load(":kotlin.bzl", "kotlin_compile")
load(":kotlin.bzl", "test_kotlin_use_ir")
load(":lint.bzl", "lint_test")
load(":merge_archives.bzl", "create_manifest_argfile", "run_singlejar")
load("@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:toolchain_utils.bzl", "find_java_runtime_toolchain", "find_java_toolchain")
# This is a custom implementation of label "tags".
# A label of the form:
# "//package/directory:rule[tag1, tag2]"
# Gets split up into a tuple containing the label, and the array of tags:
# ("//package/directory:rule", ["tag1", "tag2"])
# Returns the split up tuple.
def _get_label_and_tags(label):
if not label.endswith("]"):
return label, []
rfind = label.rfind("[")
if rfind == -1:
print("Malformed tagged label: " + label)
return label, []
return label[:rfind], [tag.strip() for tag in label[rfind + 1:-1].split(",")]
# Returns the paths of the given files relative to any of the roots. Were
# files is a list of File objects, and roots is a list strings represnting
# paths of directories relative to the package
# If a file is not found to be inside any of the given roots, it is ignored.
def relative_paths(ctx, files, roots):
package_prefixes = ctx.attr.package_prefixes
translated_package_prefixes = {root: prefix.replace(".", "/") for (root, prefix) in package_prefixes.items()}
paths = []
for file in files:
for root in roots:
path = label_workspace_path(ctx.label) + "/" + root
if file.path.startswith(path):
relpath = file.path[len(path) + 1:]
if root in translated_package_prefixes:
relpath = translated_package_prefixes[root] + "/" + relpath
paths.append((relpath, file))
return paths
def resources_impl(ctx, name, roots, resources, resources_jar):
rel_paths = relative_paths(ctx, resources, roots)
plugin = None
for k, v in rel_paths:
if k == "META-INF/plugin.xml":
plugin = v
zipper_args = ["c", resources_jar.path]
zipper_files = "".join([k + "=" + v.path + "\n" for k, v in relative_paths(ctx, resources, roots)])
zipper_list = create_option_file(ctx, name + ".res.lst", zipper_files)
zipper_args += ["@" + zipper_list.path]
inputs = resources + [zipper_list],
outputs = [resources_jar],
executable = ctx.executable._zipper,
arguments = zipper_args,
progress_message = "Creating resources zip...",
mnemonic = "zipper",
return plugin
def _iml_module_jar_impl(
jars = []
sourcepath = []
forms = []
java_jar = ctx.actions.declare_file(name + ".java.jar") if java_srcs else None
kotlin_jar = ctx.actions.declare_file(name + ".kotlin.jar") if kotlin_srcs else None
# Kotlin
kotlin_providers = []
if kotlin_srcs:
kotlin_providers += [kotlin_compile(
ctx = ctx,
name = module_name,
srcs = java_srcs + kotlin_srcs,
deps = java_deps,
friends = friends,
out = kotlin_jar,
jre = ctx.files._bootclasspath,
jars += [kotlin_jar]
# Resources.
plugin = None
if resources:
resources_jar = ctx.actions.declare_file(name + ".res.jar")
plugin = resources_impl(ctx, name, roots, resources, resources_jar)
jars += [resources_jar]
if res_zips:
jars += res_zips
# Java
if java_srcs:
compiled_java = ctx.actions.declare_file(name + ".pjava.jar") if form_srcs else java_jar
formc_input_jars = [compiled_java] + ([kotlin_jar] if kotlin_jar else [])
java_toolchain = find_java_toolchain(ctx, ctx.attr._java_toolchain)
java_provider = java_common.compile(
source_files = java_srcs,
output = compiled_java,
deps = java_deps + kotlin_providers,
javac_opts = java_common.default_javac_opts(java_toolchain = java_toolchain) + ctx.attr.javacopts,
java_toolchain = java_toolchain,
host_javabase = find_java_runtime_toolchain(ctx, ctx.attr._host_javabase),
sourcepath = sourcepath,
# Forms
if form_srcs:
forms += relative_paths(ctx, form_srcs, roots)
# formc requires full compile jars (no ijars/hjars).
form_dep_jars = depset(transitive = [
for dep in java_deps
# Note: we explicitly include the bootclasspath from the current Java toolchain with
# the classpath, because extracting it at runtime, when we are running in the
# FormCompiler JVM, is not portable across JDKs (and made much harder on JDK9+).
form_classpath = depset(transitive = [form_dep_jars, java_toolchain.bootclasspath])
args = ctx.actions.args()
args.add_joined("-cp", form_classpath, join_with = ":")
args.add("-o", java_jar)
args.add_all([k + "=" + v.path for k, v in form_deps])
# To support persistent workers, arguments must come from a param file..
args.use_param_file("@%s", use_always = True)
inputs = depset(
direct = [v for _, v in form_deps] + form_srcs + formc_input_jars,
transitive = [form_classpath],
outputs = [java_jar],
mnemonic = "formc",
arguments = [args],
executable = ctx.executable._formc,
execution_requirements = {"supports-workers": "1"},
jars += [java_jar]
if form_srcs and not java_srcs:
fail("Forms only supported with java sources")
manifest_argfile = None
if ctx.files.manifests:
manifest_argfile = create_manifest_argfile(ctx, name + ".manifest.lst", ctx.files.manifests)
ctx = ctx,
jars = jars,
out = output_jar,
manifest_lines = ["@" + manifest_argfile.path] if manifest_argfile else [],
extra_inputs = [manifest_argfile] if manifest_argfile else [],
allow_duplicates = True, # TODO: Ideally we could be more strict here.
# Create an ijar to improve javac compilation avoidance.
ijar = java_common.run_ijar(
actions = ctx.actions,
jar = output_jar,
java_toolchain = find_java_toolchain(ctx, ctx.attr._java_toolchain),
providers = []
providers = [JavaInfo(
output_jar = output_jar,
compile_jar = ijar,
deps = java_deps,
runtime_deps = java_runtime_deps,
providers += exports
return java_common.merge(providers), forms, plugin
def merge_runfiles(deps):
return depset(transitive = [
for dep in deps
if dep[DefaultInfo].default_runfiles
def _iml_module_impl(ctx):
names = [iml.basename[:-4] for iml in ctx.files.iml_files if iml.basename.endswith(".iml")]
# Prod dependencies.
java_deps = []
form_deps = []
for this_dep in ctx.attr.deps:
if hasattr(this_dep, "module"):
form_deps += this_dep.module.forms
if JavaInfo in this_dep:
java_deps += [this_dep[JavaInfo]]
module_deps = []
plugin_deps = []
external_deps = []
for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
if hasattr(dep, "module"):
module_deps += [dep]
elif hasattr(dep, "plugin_info"):
plugin_deps += [dep]
elif hasattr(dep, "platform_info"):
external_deps += [dep]
# Test dependencies (superset of prod).
test_java_deps = []
test_form_deps = []
for this_dep in ctx.attr.test_deps:
if JavaInfo in this_dep:
test_java_deps += [this_dep[JavaInfo]]
if hasattr(this_dep, "module"):
test_form_deps += this_dep.module.test_forms
test_java_deps += [this_dep.module.test_provider]
# Exports.
exports = []
test_exports = []
for export in ctx.attr.exports:
if JavaInfo in export:
exports += [export[JavaInfo]]
if hasattr(export, "module"):
test_exports += [export.module.test_provider]
# Runfiles.
# Note: the runfiles for test-only deps should technically not be in
# the prod module, but it is simpler this way (and not very harmful).
transitive_data = depset(
direct = ctx.files.iml_files +,
transitive = [
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(transitive_files = transitive_data)
# If multiple modules we use the label, otherwise use the exact module name
module_name = names[0] if len(names) == 1 else
main_provider, main_forms, plugin_xml = _iml_module_jar_impl(
ctx = ctx,
name =,
roots = ctx.attr.roots,
java_srcs = ctx.files.java_srcs,
kotlin_srcs = ctx.files.kotlin_srcs,
form_srcs = ctx.files.form_srcs,
resources = ctx.files.resources,
manifests = ctx.attr.manifests,
res_zips = ctx.files.res_zips,
output_jar = ctx.outputs.production_jar,
java_deps = java_deps,
java_runtime_deps = [dep[JavaInfo] for dep in ctx.attr.runtime_deps],
form_deps = form_deps,
exports = exports,
friends = [],
module_name = module_name,
test_provider, test_forms, _ = _iml_module_jar_impl(
ctx = ctx,
name = + "_test",
roots = ctx.attr.test_roots,
java_srcs = ctx.files.java_test_srcs,
kotlin_srcs = ctx.files.kotlin_test_srcs,
form_srcs = ctx.files.form_test_srcs,
resources = ctx.files.test_resources,
manifests = [],
res_zips = [],
output_jar = ctx.outputs.test_jar,
java_deps = [main_provider] + test_java_deps,
java_runtime_deps = [], # Runtime deps already inherited from prod module.
form_deps = test_form_deps,
exports = exports + test_exports,
friends = [ctx.outputs.production_jar] + ctx.files.test_friends,
module_name = module_name,
return struct(
module = struct(
module_jars = ctx.outputs.production_jar,
forms = main_forms,
test_forms = test_forms,
java_deps = java_deps,
test_provider = test_provider,
main_provider = main_provider,
module_deps = depset(direct = module_deps),
plugin_deps = depset(direct = plugin_deps),
external_deps = depset(direct = external_deps),
names = names,
plugin = plugin_xml,
providers = [
DefaultInfo(runfiles = runfiles),
_iml_module_ = rule(
attrs = {
"iml_files": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
allow_empty = False,
mandatory = True,
"java_srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
"kotlin_srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
"kotlin_use_ir": attr.bool(),
"form_srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
"java_test_srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
"kotlin_test_srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
"form_test_srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
"javacopts": attr.string_list(),
"resources": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
"manifests": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
"res_zips": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
"test_resources": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
"package_prefixes": attr.string_dict(),
"test_class": attr.string(),
"exports": attr.label_list(),
"roots": attr.string_list(),
"test_roots": attr.string_list(),
"deps": attr.label_list(),
"runtime_deps": attr.label_list(providers = [JavaInfo]),
"test_deps": attr.label_list(),
"test_friends": attr.label_list(),
"data": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
"test_data": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
"_java_toolchain": attr.label(default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:current_java_toolchain")),
"_host_javabase": attr.label(default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:current_host_java_runtime")),
"_zipper": attr.label(
default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/zip:zipper"),
cfg = "host",
executable = True,
"_singlejar": attr.label(
default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:singlejar"),
cfg = "host",
executable = True,
"_kotlinc": attr.label(
default = Label("//tools/base/bazel:kotlinc"),
cfg = "host",
executable = True,
"_bootclasspath": attr.label(
default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:platformclasspath"),
cfg = "host",
"_kotlin": attr.label(
default = Label("//prebuilts/tools/common/kotlin-plugin-ij:Kotlin/kotlinc/lib/kotlin-stdlib"),
allow_files = True,
"_formc": attr.label(
executable = True,
cfg = "host",
default = Label("//tools/base/bazel:formc"),
allow_files = True,
fragments = ["java"],
outputs = {
"production_jar": "%{name}.jar",
"test_jar": "%{name}_test.jar",
implementation = _iml_module_impl,
def _iml_test_module_impl(ctx):
runfiles = ctx.attr.iml_module[DefaultInfo].default_runfiles
return [
ctx.attr.iml_module.module.test_provider, # JavaInfo.
DefaultInfo(runfiles = runfiles),
_iml_test_module_ = rule(
attrs = {
"iml_module": attr.label(),
implementation = _iml_test_module_impl,
# Macro implementation of an iml_module "rule".
# This rule corresponds to the building artifacts needed to build an IntelliJ module.
# Instantiating this rule looks similar to an .iml definition:
# iml_module(
# # The name of the module used to generate the rules
# name = "module_name",
# # A list of directories containing the sources (.iml use directories as oposed to files)
# srcs = ["src/main/java"],
# # The directories with the test sources.
# test_srcs = ["src/test/java"],
# # The directories with the production resources
# resources = ["src/main/resources"]
# # A dict indicating test targets to create, each one running a subset of tests
# # designated by `test_filter` which matches a package name or FQCN. If a test
# # target does not define a `test_filter`, it will run the set of tests that
# # excludes all the other filters. If a test target defines a `test_filter` which
# # is a subset of another test filter, the test target will exclude those tests.
# # For example:
# # `{"A": {"test_filter": "x.y"}, "B": {"test_filter": "x.y.z"}}`
# # Split test target A will automatically exclude "x.y.z".
# # Targets may specify the following common attributes: `data`, `shard_count`, and
# # `tags`. For definitions of these attributes, see
# #
# split_test_targets = {},
# # Designates the test target with the common Flaky attribute.
# # Tests marked Flaky will be attempted a total of 3 times, until a passing
# # run is achieved or fail.
# test_flaky = True,
# # Specifies the number of parallel shards to run the test.
# # See
# # Mutually exclusive with test_target_shards.
# test_shard_count = 1,
# # The directories with the test resources
# test_resources = ["src/test/resources"],
# # A tag enhanced list of dependency tags. These dependencies can contain a
# # list of tags after the label. The supported tags are:
# # module: It treats the dependency as a module dependency, making
# # production and test sources depend on each other correctly.
# # test: This dependency is included and available for test sources only.
# deps = [
# "//path/to/module:name[module]",
# "//path/to/libs:junit-4.12[test]",
# "//a/module/only/needed/in/tests:name[module, test]",
# "//a/standard/java/dependency:dep",
# ],
# )
# This macro generates the following rules visible to the user:
# "module_name": A Java library compiled from the production sources
# "module_name_testlib": A Java library compiled from the test sources
# "module_name_tests": A java test rule that runs the tests found in "libmodule_name_testlib.jar",
# or a test_suite containing all split_test_targets.
# "module_name_tests__split-name": A java test rule running a split subset of tests if using
# split_test_targets.
def iml_module(
srcs = [],
package_prefixes = {},
project = "",
test_srcs = [],
exclude = [],
resources = [],
manifests = [],
res_zips = [],
test_resources = [],
deps = [],
runtime_deps = [],
test_friends = [],
visibility = [],
exports = [],
plugins = [],
javacopts = [],
javacopts_from_jps = [],
test_data = [],
test_flaky = False,
test_jvm_flags = [],
test_timeout = "moderate",
test_class = "",
test_shard_count = None,
split_test_targets = None,
tags = None,
test_tags = None,
back_target = 0,
iml_files = None,
data = [],
test_main_class = None,
lint_baseline = None,
lint_timeout = None,
back_deps = [],
exec_properties = {}):
prod_deps = []
test_deps = []
for dep in deps:
label, label_tags = _get_label_and_tags(dep)
if "test" not in label_tags:
prod_deps += [label]
test_deps += [label]
srcs = split_srcs(srcs, resources, exclude)
split_test_srcs = split_srcs(test_srcs, test_resources, exclude)
name = name,
tags = tags,
visibility = visibility,
java_srcs = srcs.javas,
kotlin_srcs = srcs.kotlins,
kotlin_use_ir = test_kotlin_use_ir(),
form_srcs = srcs.forms,
resources = srcs.resources,
manifests = srcs.manifests,
res_zips = res_zips,
roots = srcs.roots,
java_test_srcs = split_test_srcs.javas,
kotlin_test_srcs = split_test_srcs.kotlins,
form_test_srcs = split_test_srcs.forms,
test_resources = split_test_srcs.resources,
test_roots = split_test_srcs.roots,
package_prefixes = package_prefixes,
javacopts = javacopts + javacopts_from_jps,
iml_files = iml_files,
exports = exports,
deps = prod_deps,
runtime_deps = runtime_deps,
test_deps = test_deps,
test_friends = test_friends,
data = data,
test_data = test_data,
test_class = test_class,
if srcs.javas + srcs.kotlins:
name = name,
srcs = srcs.javas + srcs.kotlins,
jar = name + ".jar",
tags = tags,
name = name + "_testlib",
tags = tags,
iml_module = ":" + name,
testonly = True,
visibility = visibility,
lint_srcs = srcs.javas + srcs.kotlins
if lint_baseline:
if not lint_srcs:
fail("lint_baseline set for iml_module that has no sources")
kwargs = {}
if lint_timeout:
kwargs["timeout"] = lint_timeout
lint_tags = tags if tags else []
if "no_windows" not in lint_tags:
lint_tags += ["no_windows"]
name = name + "_lint_test",
srcs = lint_srcs,
baseline = lint_baseline,
deps = prod_deps,
custom_rules = ["//tools/base/lint:studio-checks.lint-rules.jar"],
external_annotations = ["//tools/base/"],
tags = lint_tags,
elif lint_timeout:
fail("lint_timeout set for iml_module that doesn't use lint (set lint_baseline to enable lint)")
if not test_srcs:
# The default test_class (JarTestSuite) comes from testutils, so we add testutils as a runtime dep.
test_utils = [] if name == "" else ["//tools/base/"]
if split_test_targets and test_flaky:
fail("must use the Flaky attribute per split_test_target")
if split_test_targets and test_shard_count:
fail("test_shard_count and split_test_targets should not both be specified")
test_tags = tags + test_tags if tags and test_tags else (tags if tags else test_tags)
if split_test_targets:
name = name,
split_test_targets = split_test_targets,
test_tags = test_tags,
test_data = test_data,
runtime_deps = [":" + name + "_testlib"] + test_utils,
timeout = test_timeout,
jvm_flags = test_jvm_flags + ["-Dtest.suite.jar=" + name + "_test.jar"],
test_class = test_class,
visibility = visibility,
main_class = test_main_class,
exec_properties = exec_properties,
name = name + "_tests",
tags = test_tags,
runtime_deps = [":" + name + "_testlib"] + test_utils,
flaky = test_flaky,
timeout = test_timeout,
shard_count = test_shard_count,
data = test_data,
jvm_flags = test_jvm_flags + ["-Dtest.suite.jar=" + name + "_test.jar"],
test_class = test_class,
visibility = visibility,
main_class = test_main_class,
exec_properties = exec_properties,
def _gen_split_tests(
test_tags = None,
test_data = None,
timeout = None,
"""Generates split test targets.
A new test target is generated for each split_test_target, a test_suite containing all
split targets, and a test target which does not perform any splitting. The non-split target is
only to be used for local development with the bazel `--test_filter` flag, since this flag
does not work on split test targets. The test_suite will only contain split tests which do not
use the 'manual' tag.
name: The base name of the test.
split_test_targets: A dict of names to split_test_target definitions.
test_tags: optional list of tags to include for test targets.
test_data: optional list of data to include for test targets.
timeout: optional timeout that applies to this split test only (overriding target level).
# create a _tests__all target for local development with all test sources
# primarily useful if users want to specify a --test_filter themselves
name = name + "_tests__all",
data = test_data + _get_unique_split_data(split_test_targets),
tags = ["manual"],
split_tests = []
for split_name in split_test_targets:
test_name = name + "_tests__" + split_name
split_target = split_test_targets[split_name]
shard_count = split_target.get("shard_count")
tags = split_target.get("tags", default = [])
data = split_target.get("data", default = [])
split_timeout = split_target.get("timeout", default = timeout)
flaky = split_target.get("flaky")
if "manual" not in tags:
if test_data:
data += test_data
if test_tags:
tags += test_tags
args = _gen_split_test_args(split_name, split_test_targets)
name = test_name,
shard_count = shard_count,
timeout = split_timeout,
flaky = flaky,
data = data,
tags = tags,
args = args,
name = name + "_tests",
tags = ["manual"] if "manual" in test_tags else [],
tests = split_tests,
def _get_unique_split_data(split_test_targets):
"""Returns all split_test_target 'data' dependencies without duplicates."""
data = []
for split_name in split_test_targets:
split_data = split_test_targets[split_name].get("data", default = [])
[data.append(d) for d in split_data if d not in data]
return data
def _gen_split_test_args(split_name, split_test_targets):
"""Generates the args for a split test target.
split_name: The name of the split_test_target to generate args for.
split_test_targets: All the defined split_test_targets.
The test args with --test_filter and --test_exclude_filter defined
based on the test_filter given to each split_test_target.
args = []
split_target = split_test_targets[split_name]
test_filter = split_target.get("test_filter")
if test_filter:
args.append("--test_filter='(" + test_filter + ")'")
excludes = _gen_split_test_excludes(split_name, split_test_targets)
if excludes:
args.append("--test_exclude_filter='(" + "|".join(excludes) + ")'")
return args
def _validate_split_test_filter(test_filter):
"""Validates the test_filter matches a package or FQCN format."""
if not test_filter:
if test_filter.startswith("."):
# Allow trailing packages, e.g. ".gradle", which could for example match
# against "test.subpackage1.gradle" AND "test.subpackage2.gradle"
test_filter = test_filter[1:]
for split in test_filter.split("."):
if not (split.isalnum()):
fail("invalid test_filter '%s'. Must be package name or FQCN" % test_filter)
def _gen_split_test_excludes(split_name, split_test_targets):
"""Generates a list of test exclude filters.
These are used to exclude tests from running when other split_test_targets define
a 'test_filter' that is a subset of another test_filter. e.g.,
"A": {"test_filter": ""},
"B": {"test_filter": ""},
The split_target A will generate an excludes [""], and
split_target B will generate no excludes.
If a split_test_target has no 'test_filter', it will generate a
list of excludes based on all the other test filters.
split_name: The name of the split_test_target to generate excludes for.
split_test_targets: All the defined split_test_targets.
A list of exclude filters based on the 'test_filter' of other
split_target = split_test_targets[split_name]
test_filter = split_target.get("test_filter")
excludes = []
for other_split_name in split_test_targets:
# pass over the split_test_target we're generating excludes for
if split_name == other_split_name:
other = split_test_targets[other_split_name]
other_test_filter = other.get("test_filter")
if not other_test_filter:
if not test_filter:
fail("Cannot have more than one split_test_targets without a 'test_filter'.")
# empty test filter, always exclude other test filters
if not test_filter:
if other_test_filter.startswith(test_filter):
return excludes
def split_srcs(src_dirs, res_dirs, exclude):
roots = src_dirs + res_dirs
exts = ["java", "kt", "groovy", "DS_Store", "form", "flex", "MF"]
excludes = []
for root in roots:
excludes += [root + "/**/*." + ext for ext in exts]
resources = native.glob(
include = [src + "/**" for src in roots],
exclude = excludes,
groovies = native.glob([src + "/**/*.groovy" for src in src_dirs], exclude)
if groovies:
fail("Groovy is not supported")
javas = native.glob([src + "/**/*.java" for src in src_dirs], exclude)
kotlins = native.glob([src + "/**/*.kt" for src in src_dirs], exclude)
forms = native.glob([src + "/**/*.form" for src in src_dirs], exclude)
manifests = native.glob([src + "/**/*.MF" for src in src_dirs], exclude)
return struct(
roots = roots,
resources = resources,
javas = javas,
kotlins = kotlins,
forms = forms,
manifests = manifests,