blob: fa1165789ae070682ac09b0a818c31cb72a8c21d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Populates {@link Option} fields from parsed command line arguments.
* <p/>
* Strings in the passed-in String[] are parsed left-to-right. Each String is classified as a short
* option (such as "-v"), a long option (such as "--verbose"), an argument to an option (such as
* "out.txt" in "-f out.txt"), or a non-option positional argument.
* <p/>
* Each option argument must map to one or more {@link Option} fields. A long option maps to the
* {@link Option} name, and a short option maps to {@link Option} short name. Each option name and
* option short name must be unique with respect to all other
* {@link Option} fields within the same object.
* <p/>
* A single option argument can get mapped to multiple {@link Option} fields with the same name
* across multiple objects. {@link Option} arguments can be namespaced to uniquely refer to an
* {@link Option} field within a single object using that object's full class name or its
* {@link OptionClass} alias value separated by ':'. ie
* <pre>
* --classname:optionname optionvalue or
* --optionclassalias:optionname optionvalue.
* </pre>
* <p/>
* A simple short option is a "-" followed by a short option character. If the option requires an
* argument (which is true of any non-boolean option), it may be written as a separate parameter,
* but need not be. That is, "-f out.txt" and "-fout.txt" are both acceptable.
* <p/>
* It is possible to specify multiple short options after a single "-" as long as all (except
* possibly the last) do not require arguments.
* <p/>
* A long option begins with "--" followed by several characters. If the option requires an
* argument, it may be written directly after the option name, separated by "=", or as the next
* argument. (That is, "--file=out.txt" or "--file out.txt".)
* <p/>
* A boolean long option '--name' automatically gets a '--no-name' companion. Given an option
* "--flag", then, "--flag", "--no-flag", "--flag=true" and "--flag=false" are all valid, though
* neither "--flag true" nor "--flag false" are allowed (since "--flag" by itself is sufficient, the
* following "true" or "false" is interpreted separately). You can use "yes" and "no" as synonyms
* for "true" and "false".
* <p/>
* Each String not starting with a "-" and not a required argument of a previous option is a
* non-option positional argument, as are all successive Strings. Each String after a "--" is a
* non-option positional argument.
* <p/>
* The fields corresponding to options are updated as their options are processed. Any remaining
* positional arguments are returned as a List&lt;String&gt;.
* <p/>
* Here's a simple example:
* <p/>
* <pre>
* // Non-&#64;Option fields will be ignored.
* class Options {
* &#64;Option(name = "quiet", shortName = 'q')
* boolean quiet = false;
* // Here the user can use --no-color.
* &#64;Option(name = "color")
* boolean color = true;
* &#64;Option(name = "mode", shortName = 'm')
* String mode = "standard; // Supply a default just by setting the field.
* &#64;Option(name = "port", shortName = 'p')
* int portNumber = 8888;
* // There's no need to offer a short name for rarely-used options.
* &#64;Option(name = "timeout" )
* double timeout = 1.0;
* &#64;Option(name = "output-file", shortName = 'o' })
* File output;
* // Multiple options are added to the collection.
* // The collection field itself must be non-null.
* &#64;Option(name = "input-file", shortName = 'i')
* List&lt;File&gt; inputs = new ArrayList&lt;File&gt;();
* }
* Options options = new Options();
* List&lt;String&gt; posArgs = new OptionParser(options).parse("--input-file", "/tmp/file1.txt");
* for (File inputFile : options.inputs) {
* if (!options.quiet) {
* ...
* }
* ...
* }
* </pre>
* See also:
* <ul>
* <li>the getopt(1) man page
* <li>Python's "optparse" module (
* <li>the POSIX "Utility Syntax Guidelines"
* (
* <li>the GNU "Standards for Command Line Interfaces"
* (
* </ul>
* @see OptionSetter
public class ArgsOptionParser extends OptionSetter {
private static final String LOG_TAG = "ArgsOptionParser";
static final String SHORT_NAME_PREFIX = "-";
static final String OPTION_NAME_PREFIX = "--";
// For a boolean pattern match: {device name}namespace:(no-)option-name
static final Pattern BOOL_FALSE_DEVICE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(\\{.*\\})(.*:)?(no-)(.+)");
/** the amount to indent an option field's description when displaying help */
private static final int OPTION_DESCRIPTION_INDENT = 25;
* Creates a {@link ArgsOptionParser} for a collection of objects.
* @param optionSources the config objects.
* @throws ConfigurationException if config objects is improperly configured.
public ArgsOptionParser(Collection<Object> optionSources) throws ConfigurationException {
* Creates a {@link ArgsOptionParser} for one or more objects.
* @param optionSources the config objects.
* @throws ConfigurationException if config objects is improperly configured.
public ArgsOptionParser(Object... optionSources) throws ConfigurationException {
* Parses the command-line arguments 'args', setting the @Option fields of the 'optionSource'
* provided to the constructor.
* @return a {@link List} of the positional arguments left over after processing all options.
* @throws ConfigurationException if error occurred parsing the arguments.
public List<String> parse(String... args) throws ConfigurationException {
return parse(Arrays.asList(args));
* Alternate {@link #parse(String... args)} method that takes a {@link List} of arguments
* @return a {@link List} of the positional arguments left over after processing all options.
* @throws ConfigurationException if error occurred parsing the arguments.
public List<String> parse(List<String> args) throws ConfigurationException {
final List<String> leftovers = new ArrayList<String>();
final ListIterator<String> argsIter = args.listIterator();
// Scan 'args'.
while (argsIter.hasNext() && parseArg(, argsIter, leftovers)) {
// This loop has no body. All of the work happens by side-effect in parseArg(...)
// Package up the leftovers.
while (argsIter.hasNext()) {
return leftovers;
* A best-effort version of {@link #parse(String... args)}. If a ConfigurationException is
* thrown, that exception is captured internally, and the remaining arguments (including the
* argument which caused the exception to be thrown) are returned. This method does not throw.
* @return a {@link List} of the left over arguments
public List<String> parseBestEffort(String... args) {
return parseBestEffort(Arrays.asList(args));
* Alternate {@link #parseBestEffort(String... args)} method that takes a {@link List} of
* arguments
* @return a {@link List} of the left over arguments
public List<String> parseBestEffort(List<String> args) {
return parseBestEffort(args, false);
* Alternate {@link #parseBestEffort(String... args)} method that takes a {@link List} of
* arguments, and can be forced to continue parsing until the end, even if some args do not
* parse.
* @param args list that will contain the left over args.
* @param forceContinue True if it should continue to parse even if some args do not parse.
* @return a {@link List} of the left over arguments
public List<String> parseBestEffort(List<String> args, boolean forceContinue) {
final List<String> leftovers = new ArrayList<String>(args.size());
final ListIterator<String> argsIter = args.listIterator();
int lastProcessedIdx = -1;
/* (not javadoc)
* Scan 'args'. Note that each call to parseArg(...) will advance argsIter a number
* of places that depends on the arity of the particular Option being processed. For a
* boolean Option, it will not advance. For a standard unary Option, it will advance
* 1 place. For a Map Option, it will advance two places (1 for key, 1 for value).
* For this reason, we grab the index from the iterator itself, rather than trying to
* increment it ourselves.
boolean lastCheckThrew = false;
while (argsIter.hasNext()) {
lastProcessedIdx = argsIter.nextIndex();
final String arg =;
try {
// All of the work happens within parseArg(...) by side-effect
if (!parseArg(arg, argsIter, leftovers)) {
if (!lastCheckThrew) {
lastCheckThrew = false;
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
lastCheckThrew = true;
// Something failed. Add all of the not-fully-processed and not-yet-processed args
// to leftovers and return
if (!forceContinue) {
leftovers.addAll(args.subList(lastProcessedIdx, args.size()));
return leftovers;
} else {
// Package up the leftovers.
while (argsIter.hasNext()) {
return leftovers;
* Validates that all fields marked as mandatory have been set.
* @throws ConfigurationException
public void validateMandatoryOptions() throws ConfigurationException {
// Make sure that all mandatory options have been specified
List<String> missingOptions = new ArrayList<String>(getUnsetMandatoryOptions());
if (!missingOptions.isEmpty()) {
throw new ConfigurationException(String.format("Found missing mandatory options: %s",
ArrayUtil.join(", ", missingOptions)));
* Attempts to parse the specified argument.
* @return {@code true} if iteration should continue, or {@code false} if iteration should stop
private boolean parseArg(String arg, ListIterator<String> args, List<String> leftovers)
throws ConfigurationException {
if (arg.equals(OPTION_NAME_PREFIX)) {
// "--" marks the end of options and the beginning of positional arguments.
return false;
} else if (arg.startsWith(OPTION_NAME_PREFIX)) {
// A long option.
parseLongOption(arg, args);
return true;
} else if (arg.startsWith(SHORT_NAME_PREFIX)) {
// A short option.
parseGroupedShortOptions(arg, args);
return true;
} else {
// The first non-option marks the end of options.
return false;
private void parseLongOption(String arg, ListIterator<String> args)
throws ConfigurationException {
// remove prefix to just get name
String name = arg.replaceFirst("^" + OPTION_NAME_PREFIX, "");
String key = null;
String value = null;
// Support "--name=value" as well as "--name value".
final int equalsIndex = name.indexOf('=');
if (equalsIndex != -1) {
value = name.substring(equalsIndex + 1);
name = name.substring(0, equalsIndex);
if (value == null) {
if (isBooleanOption(name)) {
int idx = name.indexOf(NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR);
// Detect a device tag in front of the boolean option.
Matcher m = BOOL_FALSE_DEVICE_PATTERN.matcher(name);
if (m.find()) {
value = "false";
} else {
value = name.startsWith(BOOL_FALSE_PREFIX, idx + 1) ? "false" : "true";
} else if (isMapOption(name)) {
// Support --option key=value and --option key value format
String tmp = grabNextValue(args, name, "for its key");
// only match = to escape use "\="
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?<!\\\\)=");
String[] parts = p.split(tmp, /* allow empty-string values */ -1);
// Note that we replace escaped = (\=) to =.
if (parts.length == 2) {
key = parts[0].replaceAll("\\\\=", "=");
value = parts[1].replaceAll("\\\\=", "=");
} else if (parts.length > 2) {
throw new ConfigurationException(String.format(
"option '%s' has an invalid format for value %s:w",
name, tmp));
} else {
key = tmp.replaceAll("\\\\=", "=");
value = grabNextValue(args, name, "for its value").replaceAll("\\\\=", "=");
} else {
value = grabNextValue(args, name);
value = getKeyStoreValueIfNeeded(value, getTypeForOption(name));
setOptionValue(name, key, value);
// Given boolean options a and b, and non-boolean option f, we want to allow:
// -ab
// -abf out.txt
// -abfout.txt
// (But not -abf=out.txt --- POSIX doesn't mention that either way, but GNU expressly forbids
// it.)
private void parseGroupedShortOptions(String arg, ListIterator<String> args)
throws ConfigurationException {
for (int i = 1; i < arg.length(); ++i) {
final String name = String.valueOf(arg.charAt(i));
String value;
if (isBooleanOption(name)) {
value = "true";
} else {
// We need a value. If there's anything left, we take the rest of this
// "short option".
if (i + 1 < arg.length()) {
value = arg.substring(i + 1);
i = arg.length() - 1;
} else {
value = grabNextValue(args, name);
value = getKeyStoreValueIfNeeded(value, getTypeForOption(name));
setOptionValue(name, value);
* Returns the next element of 'args' if there is one. Uses 'name' to construct a helpful error
* message.
* @param args the arg iterator
* @param name the name of current argument
* @throws ConfigurationException if no argument is present
* @returns the next element
private String grabNextValue(ListIterator<String> args, String name)
throws ConfigurationException {
return grabNextValue(args, name, "");
* Returns the next element of 'args' if there is one. Uses 'name' to construct a helpful error
* message.
* @param args the arg iterator
* @param name the name of current argument
* @param detail a string to append to the ConfigurationException message, if one is thrown
* @throws ConfigurationException if no argument is present
* @returns the next element
private String grabNextValue(ListIterator<String> args, String name, String detail)
throws ConfigurationException {
if (!args.hasNext()) {
String type = getTypeForOption(name);
throw new ConfigurationException(String.format("option '%s' requires a '%s' argument%s",
name, type, detail));
* Output help text for all {@link Option} fields in <param>optionObject</param>.
* <p/>
* The help text for each option will be in the following format
* <pre>
* [-option_shortname, --option_name] [option_description] Default:
* [current option field's value in optionObject]
* </pre>
* The 'Default..." text will be omitted if the option field is null or empty.
* @param importantOnly if <code>true</code> only print help for the important options
* @param optionObject the object to print help text for
* @return a String containing user-friendly help text for all Option fields
public static String getOptionHelp(boolean importantOnly, Object optionObject) {
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
Collection<Field> optionFields = OptionSetter.getOptionFieldsForClass(
String eol = System.getProperty("line.separator");
for (Field field : optionFields) {
final Option option = field.getAnnotation(Option.class);
String defaultValue = OptionSetter.getFieldValueAsString(field, optionObject);
String optionNameHelp = buildOptionNameHelp(field, option);
if (shouldOutputHelpForOption(importantOnly, option, defaultValue)) {
// insert appropriate whitespace between the name help and the description, to
// ensure consistent alignment
int wsChars = 0;
if (optionNameHelp.length() >= OPTION_DESCRIPTION_INDENT) {
// name help is too long, break description onto next line
} else {
// insert enough whitespace so option.description starts at
wsChars = OPTION_DESCRIPTION_INDENT - optionNameHelp.length();
for (int i = 0; i < wsChars; ++i) {
out.append(' ');
return out.toString();
* Determine if help for given option should be displayed.
* @param importantOnly
* @param option
* @param defaultValue
* @return <code>true</code> if help for option should be displayed
private static boolean shouldOutputHelpForOption(boolean importantOnly, Option option,
String defaultValue) {
if (!importantOnly) {
return true;
switch (option.importance()) {
case NEVER:
return false;
case IF_UNSET:
return defaultValue == null;
case ALWAYS:
return true;
Log.e(LOG_TAG, String.format("Unrecognized importance setting '%s'",
return false;
* Builds the 'name' portion of the help text for the given option field
* @param field
* @param option
* @return the help text that describes the option flags
private static String buildOptionNameHelp(Field field, final Option option) {
StringBuilder optionNameBuilder = new StringBuilder();
optionNameBuilder.append(" ");
if (option.shortName() != Option.NO_SHORT_NAME) {
optionNameBuilder.append(", ");
try {
if (OptionSetter.isBooleanField(field)) {
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
// ignore
return optionNameBuilder.toString();
* Returns the help text describing the given default value
* @param defaultValue the default value
* @return the help text, or an empty {@link String} if <param>field</param> has no value
private static String getDefaultValueHelp(String defaultValue) {
if (defaultValue == null) {
return "";
} else {
return String.format(" Default: %s.", defaultValue);
* Replaces value with key store value if needed
* @param valueText the value
* @param optionType the type of the value expected in the option.
* @return the value or the translated key store value.
* @throws ConfigurationException
private String getKeyStoreValueIfNeeded(String valueText, String optionType)
throws ConfigurationException {
Matcher m = USE_KEYSTORE_REGEX.matcher(valueText);
if (m.matches() && m.groupCount() > 0) {
IKeyStoreClient c = getKeyStore();
if (c == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Key store is null, but we tried to fetch a key");
if (!c.isAvailable()) {
throw new ConfigurationException(String.format("Key store '%s' is unavailable, but "
+ "we tried to fetch a key", c.getClass()));
String key =;
String v = null;
// if it's the special dry-run keystore, we use a special handling and don't throw.
if (c instanceof DryRunKeyStore) {
v = ((DryRunKeyStore) c).fetchKey(key, optionType);
} else {
v = c.fetchKey(key);
if (v == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException(String.format(
"Failed to fetch key %s in keystore", key));
return v;
// Did not match the key store pattern, do nothing.
return valueText;