blob: 1107f5ff92fcdce1aa7db0ea3779f601deb097a1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* A class to encompass global configuration information for a single Trade Federation instance
* (encompassing any number of invocations of actual configurations).
public interface IGlobalConfiguration {
* Gets the {@link IHostOptions} to use from the configuration.
* @return the {@link IDeviceManager} provided in the configuration.
public IHostOptions getHostOptions();
* Gets the {@link IHostResourceManager} from the global config.
* @return the {@link IHostResourceManager} from the global config, or default implementation
* {@link LocalHostResourceManager} if none is specified in host config.
public IHostResourceManager getHostResourceManager();
* Gets the list of {@link IDeviceMonitor} from the global config.
* @return the list of {@link IDeviceMonitor} from the global config, or <code>null</code> if
* none was specified.
public List<IDeviceMonitor> getDeviceMonitors();
* Gets the list of {@link IHostMonitor} from the global config.
* @return the list of {@link IHostMonitor} from the global config, or <code>null</code> if none
* was specified.
public List<IHostMonitor> getHostMonitors();
* Set the {@link IDeviceMonitor}.
* @param deviceMonitor The monitor
* @throws ConfigurationException if an {@link IDeviceMonitor} has already been set.
public void setDeviceMonitor(IDeviceMonitor deviceMonitor) throws ConfigurationException;
* Set the {@link IHostMonitor} list.
* @param hostMonitors The list of monitors
* @throws ConfigurationException if an {@link IHostMonitor} has already been set.
public void setHostMonitors(List<IHostMonitor> hostMonitors) throws ConfigurationException;
* Set the {@link ITerribleFailureHandler}.
* @param wtfHandler the WTF handler
* @throws ConfigurationException if an {@link ITerribleFailureHandler} has
* already been set.
public void setWtfHandler(ITerribleFailureHandler wtfHandler) throws ConfigurationException;
* Generic method to set the config object list for the given name, replacing any existing
* value.
* @param typeName the unique name of the config object type.
* @param configList the config object list
* @throws ConfigurationException if any objects in the list are not the correct type
public void setConfigurationObjectList(String typeName, List<?> configList)
throws ConfigurationException;
* Inject a option value into the set of configuration objects.
* <p/>
* Useful to provide values for options that are generated dynamically.
* @param optionName the option name
* @param optionValue the option value(s)
* @throws ConfigurationException if failed to set the option's value
public void injectOptionValue(String optionName, String optionValue)
throws ConfigurationException;
* Inject a option value into the set of configuration objects.
* <p/>
* Useful to provide values for options that are generated dynamically.
* @param optionName the map option name
* @param optionKey the map option key
* @param optionValue the map option value
* @throws ConfigurationException if failed to set the option's value
public void injectOptionValue(String optionName, String optionKey, String optionValue)
throws ConfigurationException;
* Get a list of option's values.
* @param optionName the map option name
* @return a list of the given option's values. <code>null</code> if the option name does not
* exist.
public List<String> getOptionValues(String optionName);
* Set the global config {@link Option} fields with given set of command line arguments
* <p/>
* See {@link ArgsOptionParser} for expected format
* @param listArgs the command line arguments
* @return the unconsumed arguments
public List<String> setOptionsFromCommandLineArgs(List<String> listArgs)
throws ConfigurationException;
* Set the {@link IDeviceSelection}, replacing any existing values. This sets a global device
* filter on which devices the {@link DeviceManager} can see.
* @param deviceSelection
public void setDeviceRequirements(IDeviceSelection deviceSelection);
* Gets the {@link IDeviceSelection} to use from the configuration. Represents a global filter
* on which devices the {@link DeviceManager} can see.
* @return the {@link IDeviceSelection} provided in the configuration.
public IDeviceSelection getDeviceRequirements();
* Gets the {@link IDeviceManager} to use from the configuration. Manages the set of available
* devices for testing
* @return the {@link IDeviceManager} provided in the configuration.
public IDeviceManager getDeviceManager();
* Gets the {@link ITerribleFailureHandler} to use from the configuration.
* Handles what to do in the event that a WTF (What a Terrible Failure)
* occurs.
* @return the {@link ITerribleFailureHandler} provided in the
* configuration, or null if no handler is set
public ITerribleFailureHandler getWtfHandler();
* Gets the {@link ICommandScheduler} to use from the configuration.
* @return the {@link ICommandScheduler}. Will never return null.
public ICommandScheduler getCommandScheduler();
* Gets the list of {@link IMultiDeviceRecovery} to use from the configuration.
* @return the list of {@link IMultiDeviceRecovery}, or <code>null</code> if not set.
public List<IMultiDeviceRecovery> getMultiDeviceRecoveryHandlers();
* Gets the {@link IKeyStoreFactory} to use from the configuration.
* @return the {@link IKeyStoreFactory} or null if no key store factory is set.
public IKeyStoreFactory getKeyStoreFactory();
/** Returns the {@link IShardHelper} that defines the way to shard a configuration. */
public IShardHelper getShardingStrategy();
* Set the {@link IHostOptions}, replacing any existing values.
* @param hostOptions
public void setHostOptions(IHostOptions hostOptions);
* Set the {@link IHostResourceManager}, replacing any existing values.
* @param hostResourceManager
public void setHostResourceManager(IHostResourceManager hostResourceManager);
* Set the {@link IDeviceManager}, replacing any existing values. This sets the manager for the
* test devices
* @param deviceManager
public void setDeviceManager(IDeviceManager deviceManager);
* Set the {@link ICommandScheduler}, replacing any existing values.
* @param scheduler
public void setCommandScheduler(ICommandScheduler scheduler);
* Set the {@link ISandboxFactory}, replacing any existing values.
* @param factory
public void setSandboxFactory(ISandboxFactory factory);
* Set the {@link IKeyStoreFactory}, replacing any existing values.
* @param factory
public void setKeyStoreFactory(IKeyStoreFactory factory);
/** Sets the {@link IShardHelper} to be used when sharding a configuration. */
public void setShardingStrategy(IShardHelper sharding);
* Generic method to set the config object with the given name, replacing any existing value.
* @param name the unique name of the config object type.
* @param configObject the config object
* @throws ConfigurationException if the configObject was not the correct type
public void setConfigurationObject(String name, Object configObject)
throws ConfigurationException;
* Gets the custom configuration object with given name.
* @param typeName the unique type of the configuration object
* @return the object or null if object with that name is not found
public Object getConfigurationObject(String typeName);
* Gets global config server. Global config server is used to get host configs from a server
* instead of getting it from local files.
public IConfigurationServer getGlobalConfigServer();
/** Get a sandbox factory that can be used to run an invocation */
public ISandboxFactory getSandboxFactory();
* Validate option values.
* <p>Currently this will just validate that all mandatory options have been set
* @throws ConfigurationException if configuration is missing mandatory fields
public void validateOptions() throws ConfigurationException;
* Filter the GlobalConfiguration based on a allowed list and output to an XML file.
* <p>For example, for following configuration:
* {@code
* <xml>
* <configuration>
* <device_monitor class="" />
* <wtf_handler class="" />
* <key_store class="" />
* </configuration>
* </xml>
* }
* <p>all config except "key_store" will be filtered out, and result a config file with
* following content:
* {@code
* <xml>
* <configuration>
* <key_store class="" />
* </configuration>
* </xml>
* }
* @param allowlistConfigs a {@link String} array of configs to be included in the new XML file.
* If it's set to <code>null<code/>, a default list should be used.
* @return the File containing the new filtered global config.
* @throws IOException
public File cloneConfigWithFilter(String... allowlistConfigs) throws IOException;
* Filter the GlobalConfiguration based on a white list and output to an XML file.
* @see #cloneConfigWithFilter(String...)
* @param exclusionPatterns The pattern of class name to exclude from the dump.
* @param allowlistConfigs a {@link String} array of configs to be included in the new XML file.
* If it's set to <code>null<code/>, a default list should be used.
* @return the File containing the new filtered global config.
* @throws IOException
public File cloneConfigWithFilter(Set<String> exclusionPatterns, String... allowlistConfigs)
throws IOException;
* Proper setup at the start of tradefed.
* @throws ConfigurationException
public void setup() throws ConfigurationException;
/** Proper cleanup when tradefed shutdown. */
public void cleanup();
/** Sets the original config used to create the global configuration. */
public void setOriginalConfig(String config);
/** Set the {@link IConfigurationFactory} for this configuration. */
public void setConfigurationFactory(IConfigurationFactory configFactory);