blob: 5397abe6251ecff6b8f3cb365985a4443da986e1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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// The protobuf messages for lab host to export metadata and reosurce metrics.
syntax = "proto3";
package dual_home_lab.monitoring_agent.resource_monitoring;
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
option java_package = "";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_generic_services = true;
// A tag-value pair message represents the metric value.
// For example:
// To represent device disk used percentage.
// metric {
// tag: "/data"
// value: 20.5
// }
message Metric {
// A string tag associates to the value.
string tag = 1;
// A float value represents the resource value.
float value = 2;
// A message that describes the resource and its metrics.
// For example:
// To represent disk space usage values at certain moment.
// resource {
// resource_name: "disk_space"
// resource_instance: "/data"
// timestamp {
// seconds: 1589342214
// }
// metric: {
// tag: "avail"
// value: 20.5
// }
// metric: {
// tag: "used"
// value: 18.7
// }
// metric: {
// tag: "reserved for root"
// value: 16.2
// }
// }
message Resource {
// A string resource name. ex. "cpu", "memory", "disk_space".
string resource_name = 1;
// A string reperesent the sub resource name.
string resource_instance = 2;
// The Metric describe the host or device resource usages.
repeated Metric metric = 3;
// The collecting timestamp.
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 4;
// A name-value message to represent the metadata attribute.
// For example:
// To represent the run target.
// attribute {
// name: "run_target"
// value: "atom-userdebug"
// }
// To reperent the pools.
// attribute {
// name: "pool"
// value: "asit"
// }
// attribute {
// name: "pool"
// value: "apct"
// }
message Attribute {
string name = 1;
string value = 2;
// A message that describes the device state and resource usages.
// For example:
// To represent a monitored host
// host {
// identifier: {
// key: "lab_name"
// value: "us-mtv43"
// }
// identifier: {
// key: "host_name"
// value: ""
// }
// identifier: {
// key: "test_harness"
// value: "tradefed"
// }
// attribute: {... check the attribute example above ...}
// resource: {... check the resource example abobe ...}
// }
// To represent a monitored device
// device {
// identifier: {
// key: "device_serial"
// value: "VVEG-GIDSAN"
// }
// attribute: {... check the attribute example above ...}
// resource: {... check the resource example abobe ...}
// }
message MonitoredEntity {
// The string map that helps identify the monitored entity
map<string, string> identifier = 1;
// The attribute messages that describe the device metadata.
repeated Attribute attribute = 2;
// The resource messages that describe the device state and resource metrics.
repeated Resource resource = 3;
// A message that describe the state and resource usages for a lab host and its
// connected devices.
message LabResource {
MonitoredEntity host = 1;
repeated MonitoredEntity device = 2;
// The request message to query the LabResource.
message LabResourceRequest {}
// The service which is intend to export device metrics and metadata to the host
// monitoring agent. The host monitoring agent is responsible for
// collecting host/device metrics and exporting the metrics to user defined
// cloud PubSub topics.
service LabResourceService {
// Queries lab resource message.
rpc GetLabResource(LabResourceRequest) returns (LabResource) {
// The http equivalent is curl http://ADDRESS/v1/lab_resource_message
// (Assuming your service is hosted at the given 'ADDRESS')