blob: cf025b00d30cacc2a3b4aaa165a44eea0f6a04b2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Represents the data type of log data.
public enum LogDataType {
TEXT("txt", "text/plain", false, true),
XML("xml", "text/xml", false, true),
HTML("html", "text/html", true, true),
PNG("png", "image/png", true, false),
MP4("mp4", "video/mp4", true, false),
EAR("ear", "application/octet-stream", true, false),
ZIP("zip", "application/zip", true, false),
JPEG("jpeg", "image/jpeg", true, false),
TAR_GZ("tar.gz", "application/gzip", true, false),
GZIP("gz", "application/gzip", true, false),
HPROF("hprof", "text/plain", true, false),
COVERAGE("ec", "text/plain", false, false), // Emma coverage file
PB("pb", "application/octet-stream", true, false), // Binary proto file
TEXTPB("textproto", "text/plain", false, true), // Text proto file
/* Specific text file types */
BUGREPORT("txt", "text/plain", false, true),
BUGREPORTZ("zip", "application/zip", true, false),
LOGCAT("txt", "text/plain", false, true),
KERNEL_LOG("txt", "text/plain", false, true),
MONKEY_LOG("txt", "text/plain", false, true),
MUGSHOT_LOG("txt", "text/plain", false, true),
PROCRANK("txt", "text/plain", false, true),
MEM_INFO("txt", "text/plain", false, true),
TOP("txt", "text/plain", false, true),
DUMPSYS("txt", "text/plain", false, true),
COMPACT_MEMINFO("txt", "text/plain", false, true), // dumpsys meminfo -c
SERVICES("txt", "text/plain", false, true), // dumpsys activity services
GFX_INFO("txt", "text/plain", false, true), // dumpsys gfxinfo
CPU_INFO("txt", "text/plain", false, true), // dumpsys cpuinfo
JACOCO_CSV("csv", "text/csv", false, true), // JaCoCo coverage report in CSV format
JACOCO_XML("xml", "text/xml", false, true), // JaCoCo coverage report in XML format
ATRACE("atr", "text/plain", true, false), // atrace -z format
KERNEL_TRACE("dat", "text/plain", false, false), // raw kernel ftrace buffer
DIR("", "text/plain", false, false),
/* Unknown file type */
UNKNOWN("dat", "text/plain", false, false);
private final String mFileExt;
private final String mContentType;
private final boolean mIsCompressed;
private final boolean mIsText;
LogDataType(String fileExt, String contentType, boolean compressed, boolean text) {
mFileExt = fileExt;
mIsCompressed = compressed;
mIsText = text;
mContentType = contentType;
public String getFileExt() {
return mFileExt;
public String getContentType() {
return mContentType;
* @return <code>true</code> if data type is a compressed format.
public boolean isCompressed() {
return mIsCompressed;
* @return <code>true</code> if data type is a textual format.
public boolean isText() {
return mIsText;