Snap for 6077288 from 4857a1a24ab6fd537bc4186fc88548c2b9c29e82 to qt-aml-media-release

Change-Id: Id941a30fa7e7cfdcd0a112ea2207a73920d793fe
diff --git a/acts/tests/google/wifi/ b/acts/tests/google/wifi/
index 04fb850..bbbb9e1 100755
--- a/acts/tests/google/wifi/
+++ b/acts/tests/google/wifi/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
+#   !/usr/bin/env python3.4
 #   Copyright 2017 - The Android Open Source Project
@@ -14,22 +14,21 @@
 #   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 #   limitations under the License.
-import itertools
-import pprint
-import queue
-import time
-import acts.base_test
-import acts.signals as signals
-import acts.test_utils.wifi.wifi_test_utils as wutils
-import acts.utils
+import re
 from acts import asserts
+from acts.controllers.android_device import SL4A_APK_NAME
 from acts.libs.ota import ota_updater
+import acts.signals as signals
 from acts.test_decorators import test_tracker_info
+from import WIFI_CONFIG_APBAND_5G
+import acts.test_utils.wifi.wifi_test_utils as wutils
 from acts.test_utils.wifi.WifiBaseTest import WifiBaseTest
+import acts.utils as utils
 WifiEnums = wutils.WifiEnums
+SSID = WifiEnums.SSID_KEY
+PWD = WifiEnums.PWD_KEY
 # Default timeout used for reboot, toggle WiFi and Airplane mode,
 # for the system to settle down after the operation.
@@ -51,50 +50,52 @@
         self.tests = (
+            "test_configstore_after_au",
+            "test_mac_randomization_after_au",
+            "test_wifi_hotspot_5g_psk_after_au",
-            "test_connection_to_new_networks",
+            "test_connect_to_network_suggestion_after_au",
+            "test_connection_to_new_networks",
     def setup_class(self):
         super(WifiAutoUpdateTest, self).setup_class()
         ota_updater.initialize(self.user_params, self.android_devices)
         self.dut = self.android_devices[0]
+        self.dut_client = self.android_devices[1]
-        req_params = []
-        opt_param = [
-            "open_network", "reference_networks", "iperf_server_address"
-        ]
-        self.unpack_userparams(
-            req_param_names=req_params, opt_param_names=opt_param)
-        if "AccessPoint" in self.user_params:
-            self.legacy_configure_ap_and_start()
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            len(self.reference_networks) > 0,
-            "Need at least two reference network with psk.")
-        asserts.assert_true(
-            len(self.open_network) > 0,
-            "Need at least two open network with psk.")
         wutils.wifi_toggle_state(self.dut, True)
+        # configure APs
+        self.legacy_configure_ap_and_start(wpa_network=True)
+        self.wpapsk_2g = self.reference_networks[0]["2g"]
+        self.wpapsk_5g = self.reference_networks[0]["5g"]
+        self.open_2g = self.open_network[0]["2g"]
+        self.open_5g = self.open_network[0]["5g"]
+        # saved & connected networks, network suggestions
+        # and new networks
+        self.saved_networks = [self.open_2g]
+        self.network_suggestions = [self.wpapsk_5g]
+        self.connected_networks = [self.wpapsk_2g, self.open_5g]
+        self.new_networks = [self.reference_networks[1]["2g"],
+                             self.open_network[1]["5g"]]
+        # add pre ota upgrade configuration
         self.wifi_config_list = []
-        # Disabling WiFi setup before OTA for debugging.
-        # Setup WiFi and add few open and wpa networks before OTA.
-        # self.add_network_and_enable(self.open_network[0]['2g'])
-        # self.add_network_and_enable(self.reference_networks[0]['5g'])
-        # Add few dummy networks to the list.
-        # self.add_and_enable_dummy_networks()
+        self.pre_default_mac = {}
+        self.pre_random_mac = {}
+        self.pst_default_mac = {}
+        self.pst_random_mac = {}
+        self.add_pre_update_configuration()
         # Run OTA below, if ota fails then abort all tests.
-        except Exception as err:
-            raise signals.TestSkipClass(
-                "Failed up apply OTA update. Aborting tests")
+        except Exception as e:
+            raise signals.TestAbortClass(
+                "Failed up apply OTA update. Aborting tests: %s" % e)
     def setup_test(self):
@@ -113,45 +114,115 @@
             del self.user_params["reference_networks"]
             del self.user_params["open_network"]
-    """Helper Functions"""
+    ### Helper Methods
+    def add_pre_update_configuration(self):
+        self.add_network_suggestions(self.network_suggestions)
+        self.add_network_and_enable(self.saved_networks[0])
+        self.add_wifi_hotspot()
+        self.connect_to_multiple_networks(self.connected_networks)
+    def add_wifi_hotspot(self):
+        self.wifi_hotspot = {"SSID": "hotspot_%s" % utils.rand_ascii_str(6),
+                             "password": "pass_%s" % utils.rand_ascii_str(6)}
+        wutils.save_wifi_soft_ap_config(self.dut,
+                                        self.wifi_hotspot,
+                                        WIFI_CONFIG_APBAND_5G)
+    def verify_wifi_hotspot(self):
+        """Verify wifi tethering."""
+        wutils.start_wifi_tethering_saved_config(self.dut)
+        wutils.connect_to_wifi_network(self.dut_client,
+                                       self.wifi_hotspot,
+                                       check_connectivity=False)
+        wutils.stop_wifi_tethering(self.dut)
+    def connect_to_multiple_networks(self, networks):
+        """Connect to a list of wifi networks.
+        Args:
+            networks : list of wifi networks.
+        """
+"Connect to multiple wifi networks")
+        for network in networks:
+            ssid = network[SSID]
+            wutils.start_wifi_connection_scan_and_ensure_network_found(
+                self.dut, ssid)
+            wutils.wifi_connect(self.dut, network, num_of_tries=6)
+            self.wifi_config_list.append(network)
+            self.pre_default_mac[network[SSID]] = self.get_sta_mac_address()
+            self.pre_random_mac[network[SSID]] = \
+                self.dut.droid.wifigetRandomizedMacAddress(network)
+    def get_sta_mac_address(self):
+        """Gets the current MAC address being used for client mode."""
+        out ="ifconfig wlan0")
+        res = re.match(".* HWaddr (\S+).*", out, re.S)
+        return
+    def add_network_suggestions(self, network_suggestions):
+        """Add wifi network suggestions to DUT.
+        Args:
+            network_suggestions : suggestions to add.
+        """
+"Adding network suggestions")
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.droid.wifiAddNetworkSuggestions(network_suggestions),
+            "Failed to add suggestions")
+        # Enable suggestions by the app.
+        self.dut.log.debug("Enabling suggestions from test")
+            "cmd wifi network-suggestions-set-user-approved %s yes" % \
+                SL4A_APK_NAME)
+    def remove_suggestions_and_ensure_no_connection(self,
+                                                    network_suggestions,
+                                                    expected_ssid):
+        """Remove network suggestions.
+        Args:
+            network_suggestions : suggestions to remove.
+            expected_ssid : SSID to verify that DUT is not connected.
+        """
+"Removing network suggestions")
+        asserts.assert_true(
+            self.dut.droid.wifiRemoveNetworkSuggestions(network_suggestions),
+            "Failed to remove suggestions")
+        # Ensure we did not disconnect
+        wutils.ensure_no_disconnect(self.dut)
+        # Trigger a disconnect and wait for the disconnect.
+        self.dut.droid.wifiDisconnect()
+        wutils.wait_for_disconnect(self.dut)
+        self.dut.ed.clear_all_events()
+        # Now ensure that we didn't connect back.
+        asserts.assert_false(
+            wutils.wait_for_connect(self.dut,
+                                    expected_ssid,
+                                    assert_on_fail=False),
+            "Device should not connect back")
     def add_network_and_enable(self, network):
         """Add a network and enable it.
             network : Network details for the network to be added.
+"Add a wifi network and enable it")
         ret = self.dut.droid.wifiAddNetwork(network)
         asserts.assert_true(ret != -1, "Add network %r failed" % network)
-        self.wifi_config_list.append({
-                WifiEnums.SSID_KEY: network[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY],
-                WifiEnums.NETID_KEY: ret})
+        self.wifi_config_list.append({SSID: network[SSID], NETID: ret})
         self.dut.droid.wifiEnableNetwork(ret, 0)
-    def add_and_enable_dummy_networks(self, num_networks=5):
-        """Add some dummy networks to the device and enable them.
-        Args:
-            num_networks: Number of networks to add.
-        """
-        ssid_name_base = "dummy_network_"
-        for i in range(0, num_networks):
-            network = {}
-            network[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY] = ssid_name_base + str(i)
-            network[WifiEnums.PWD_KEY] = "dummynet_password"
-            self.add_network_and_enable(network)
     def check_networks_after_autoupdate(self, networks):
-        """Verify that all previously configured networks are presistent after
-           reboot.
+        """Verify that all previously configured networks are persistent.
             networks: List of network dicts.
-        Return:
-            None. Raises TestFailure.
         network_info = self.dut.droid.wifiGetConfiguredNetworks()
         if len(network_info) != len(networks):
@@ -160,21 +231,35 @@
                 "don't match. \nBefore reboot = %s \n After reboot = %s" %
                 (networks, network_info))
             raise signals.TestFailure(msg)
-        current_count = 0
         # For each network, check if it exists in configured list after Auto-
         # update.
         for network in networks:
-            exists = wutils.match_networks({
-                WifiEnums.SSID_KEY: network[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY]
-            }, network_info)
-            if not len(exists):
+            exists = wutils.match_networks({SSID: network[SSID]}, network_info)
+            if not exists:
                 raise signals.TestFailure("%s network is not present in the"
                                           " configured list after Auto-update" %
-                                          network[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY])
+                                          network[SSID])
             # Get the new network id for each network after reboot.
-            network[WifiEnums.NETID_KEY] = exists[0]['networkId']
+            network[NETID] = exists[0]["networkId"]
-    """Tests"""
+    def get_enabled_network(self, network1, network2):
+        """Check network status and return currently unconnected network.
+        Args:
+            network1: dict representing a network.
+            network2: dict representing a network.
+        Returns:
+            Network dict of the unconnected network.
+        """
+        wifi_info = self.dut.droid.wifiGetConnectionInfo()
+        enabled = network1
+        if wifi_info[SSID] == network1[SSID]:
+            enabled = network2
+        return enabled
+    ### Tests
     def test_check_wifi_state_after_au(self):
@@ -192,6 +277,78 @@
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid="799e83c2-305d-4510-921e-dac3c0dbb6c5")
+    def test_configstore_after_au(self):
+        """Verify DUT automatically connects to wifi networks after ota.
+           Steps:
+               1. Connect to two wifi networks pre ota.
+               2. Verify DUT automatically connects to 1 after ota.
+               3. Re-connect to the other wifi network.
+        """
+        wifi_info = self.dut.droid.wifiGetConnectionInfo()
+        self.pst_default_mac[wifi_info[SSID]] = self.get_sta_mac_address()
+        self.pst_random_mac[wifi_info[SSID]] = \
+            self.dut.droid.wifigetRandomizedMacAddress(wifi_info)
+        reconnect_to = self.get_enabled_network(self.wifi_config_list[1],
+                                                self.wifi_config_list[2])
+        wutils.start_wifi_connection_scan_and_ensure_network_found(
+            self.dut, reconnect_to[SSID])
+        wutils.wifi_connect_by_id(self.dut, reconnect_to[NETID])
+        connect_data = self.dut.droid.wifiGetConnectionInfo()
+        connect_ssid = connect_data[SSID]
+"Expected SSID = %s" % reconnect_to[SSID])
+"Connected SSID = %s" % connect_ssid)
+        if connect_ssid != reconnect_to[SSID]:
+            raise signals.TestFailure(
+                "Device failed to reconnect to the correct"
+                " network after reboot.")
+        self.pst_default_mac[wifi_info[SSID]] = self.get_sta_mac_address()
+        self.pst_random_mac[wifi_info[SSID]] = \
+            self.dut.droid.wifigetRandomizedMacAddress(wifi_info)
+        for network in self.connected_networks:
+            wutils.wifi_forget_network(self.dut, network[SSID])
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid="e26d0ed9-9457-4a95-a962-4d43b0032bac")
+    def test_mac_randomization_after_au(self):
+        """Verify randomized MAC addrs are persistent after ota.
+           Steps:
+               1. Reconnect to the wifi networks configured pre ota.
+               2. Get the randomized MAC addrs.
+        """
+        for ssid, mac in self.pst_random_mac.items():
+            asserts.assert_true(
+                self.pre_random_mac[ssid] == mac,
+                "MAC addr of %s is %s after ota. Expected %s" %
+                (ssid, mac, self.pre_random_mac[ssid]))
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid="f68a65e6-97b7-4746-bad8-4c206551d87e")
+    def test_wifi_hotspot_5g_psk_after_au(self):
+        """Verify hotspot after ota upgrade.
+           Steps:
+               1. Start wifi hotspot on the saved config.
+               2. Verify DUT client connects to it.
+        """
+        self.verify_wifi_hotspot()
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid="21f91372-88a6-44b9-a4e8-d4664823dffb")
+    def test_connect_to_network_suggestion_after_au(self):
+        """Verify connection to network suggestion after ota.
+           Steps:
+               1. DUT has network suggestion added before OTA.
+               2. Wait for the device to connect to it.
+               3. Remove the suggestions and ensure the device does not
+                  connect back.
+        """
+        wutils.start_wifi_connection_scan_and_return_status(self.dut)
+        wutils.wait_for_connect(self.dut, self.network_suggestions[0][SSID])
+        self.remove_suggestions_and_ensure_no_connection(
+            self.network_suggestions, self.network_suggestions[0][SSID])
     def test_connection_to_new_networks(self):
         """Check if we can connect to new networks after Auto-update.
@@ -201,14 +358,11 @@
                2. Connect to an open network.
                3. Forget ntworks added in 1 & 2.
                TODO: (@bmahadev) Add WEP network once it's ready.
-        wutils.connect_to_wifi_network(self.dut, self.open_network[0]['5g'])
-        wutils.connect_to_wifi_network(self.dut, self.reference_networks[0]['2g'])
-        wutils.wifi_forget_network(self.dut,
-                self.reference_networks[0]['2g'][WifiEnums.SSID_KEY])
-        wutils.wifi_forget_network(self.dut,
-                self.open_network[0]['5g'][WifiEnums.SSID_KEY])
+        for network in self.new_networks:
+            wutils.connect_to_wifi_network(self.dut, network)
+        for network in self.new_networks:
+            wutils.wifi_forget_network(self.dut, network[SSID])
     def test_all_networks_connectable_after_au(self):
@@ -218,15 +372,14 @@
                1. Connect to previously added PSK network using network id.
                2. Connect to previously added open network using network id.
                TODO: (@bmahadev) Add WEP network once it's ready.
-        for network in self.wifi_config_list:
-            if 'dummy' not in network[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY]:
-                if not wutils.connect_to_wifi_network_with_id(self.dut,
-                        network[WifiEnums.NETID_KEY],
-                        network[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY]):
-                    raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to connect to %s after \
-                            Auto-update" % network[WifiEnums.SSID_KEY])
+        network = self.wifi_config_list[0]
+        if not wutils.connect_to_wifi_network_with_id(self.dut,
+                                                      network[NETID],
+                                                      network[SSID]):
+            raise signals.TestFailure("Failed to connect to %s after OTA" %
+                                      network[SSID])
+        wutils.wifi_forget_network(self.dut, network[SSID])
     def test_check_wifi_toggling_after_au(self):