| { |
| "testbed": [ |
| { |
| "name": "test_station_name", |
| "AndroidDevice": [ |
| "<serial number 1>", |
| "<serial number 2 if necessary and 3 etc>" |
| ], |
| "AccessPoint": [ |
| { "ssh_config" : |
| { |
| "user" : "root", |
| "host" : "<ip 1, e.g.>" |
| } |
| }, |
| { "ssh_config" : |
| { |
| "user" : "root", |
| "host" : "<ip 2 (if necessary) and ip 3 ...>" |
| } |
| } |
| ], |
| "Attenuator": [ |
| { |
| "Address": "<attenuator ip address>", |
| "InstrumentCount": 4, |
| "Model": "<model, e.g. minicircuits>", |
| "Paths": [ |
| "AP1-2G", |
| "AP1-5G", |
| "AP2-2G", |
| "AP2-5G" |
| ], |
| "Port": 22 |
| } |
| ], |
| "IPerfServer": [ |
| 5004 |
| ], |
| "bssid_2g": { |
| "BSSID": "<bssid, e.g. 00:01:02:03:04:05>", |
| "high": "-10", |
| "low": "-85" |
| }, |
| "bssid_5g": { |
| "BSSID": "<bssid>", |
| "high": "-10", |
| "low": "-85" |
| }, |
| "bssid_dfs": { |
| "BSSID": "<bssid>", |
| "high": "-10", |
| "low": "-85" |
| }, |
| "iperf_server_address": "" |
| } |
| ], |
| "atten_val": { |
| "Ap1_2g": [ |
| 10, |
| 95, |
| 95, |
| 95 |
| ], |
| "Ap1_2gto5g": [ |
| 45, |
| 10, |
| 95, |
| 95 |
| ], |
| "Ap1_5gto2g": [ |
| 10, |
| 80, |
| 95, |
| 95 |
| ], |
| "Ap2_2g": [ |
| 75, |
| 75, |
| 10, |
| 75 |
| ], |
| "Ap2_2gto5g": [ |
| 75, |
| 75, |
| 75, |
| 10 |
| ], |
| "Ap2_5gto2g": [ |
| 75, |
| 75, |
| 10, |
| 75 |
| ], |
| "Back_from_blacklist": [ |
| 40, |
| 95, |
| 95 |
| ], |
| "In_AP1_5gto2g": [ |
| 10, |
| 75, |
| 95, |
| 95 |
| ], |
| "In_Ap2_5gto2g": [ |
| 75, |
| 75, |
| 10, |
| 75 |
| ], |
| "In_blacklist": [ |
| 95, |
| 95, |
| 0 |
| ], |
| "Swtich_AP1toAp2": [ |
| 70, |
| 70, |
| 2, |
| 70 |
| ], |
| "Swtich_AP2toAp1": [ |
| 10, |
| 70, |
| 75, |
| 75 |
| ], |
| "Swtich_to_blacklist": [ |
| 60, |
| 90, |
| 40 |
| ] |
| }, |
| "attenuator_id": 0, |
| "roaming_attn": { |
| "AP1_on_AP2_off": [ |
| 0, |
| 0, |
| 95, |
| 95 |
| ], |
| "AP1_off_AP2_on": [ |
| 95, |
| 95, |
| 0, |
| 0 |
| ], |
| "default": [ |
| 0, |
| 0, |
| 0, |
| 0 |
| ] |
| }, |
| "attn_vals": { |
| "a_b_on": [ |
| 0, |
| 0 |
| ], |
| "a_on_b_off": [ |
| 0, |
| 95 |
| ], |
| "b_on_a_off": [ |
| 95, |
| 0 |
| ], |
| "default": [ |
| 0, |
| 0 |
| ] |
| }, |
| "device_password": "hahahaha", |
| "eap_password": "password", |
| "fqdn": "red.com", |
| "max_bugreports": 5, |
| "other_network": { |
| "SSID": "wh_ap3_2g", |
| "password": "hahahaha" |
| }, |
| "ping_addr": "https://www.google.com/robots.txt", |
| "pno_interval": 120, |
| "provider_friendly_name": "red", |
| "realm": "red.com", |
| "roam_interval": 60, |
| "run_extended_test": false, |
| "two_ap_testbed": true, |
| "aware_default_power_mode": "INTERACTIVE", |
| "stress_count": 100, |
| "stress_hours": 5, |
| "dbs_supported_models": ["<product name 1>", "<product name 2>"], |
| "lci_reference": [], |
| "lcr_reference": [], |
| "rtt_reference_distance_mm": 4600, |
| "stress_test_min_iteration_count": 100, |
| "stress_test_target_run_time_sec" : 30, |
| "energy_info_models": [ |
| "<product name 1 (adb shell getprop ro.build.product)>", |
| "<product name 2>" |
| ], |
| "tdls_models": [ |
| "<product name 1>", |
| "<product name 2>" |
| ] |
| } |
| |