blob: d517b10c1526f633da01710f52f4c6d470cb3f00 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3.4
# Copyright 2016 - Google, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import collections
import ipaddress
import logging
from acts.controllers.ap_lib import dhcp_config
from acts.controllers.ap_lib import dhcp_server
from acts.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd
from acts.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_config
from acts.controllers.utils_lib.commands import ip
from acts.controllers.utils_lib.commands import route
from acts.controllers.utils_lib.commands import shell
from acts.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import connection
from acts.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import settings
def create(configs):
"""Creates ap controllers from a json config.
Creates an ap controller from either a list, or a single
element. The element can either be just the hostname or a dictionary
containing the hostname and username of the ap to connect to over ssh.
The json configs that represent this controller.
A new AccessPoint.
return [
AccessPoint(settings.from_config(c['ssh_config'])) for c in configs
def destroy(aps):
"""Destroys a list of access points.
aps: The list of access points to destroy.
for ap in aps:
def get_info(aps):
"""Get information on a list of access points.
aps: A list of AccessPoints.
A list of all aps hostname.
return [ap.ssh_settings.hostname for ap in aps]
class Error(Exception):
"""Error raised when there is a problem with the access point."""
_ApInstance = collections.namedtuple('_ApInstance', ['hostapd', 'subnet'])
# We use these today as part of a hardcoded mapping of interface name to
# capabilities. However, medium term we need to start inspecting
# interfaces to determine their capabilities.
_AP_2GHZ_INTERFACE = 'wlan0'
_AP_5GHZ_INTERFACE = 'wlan1'
# These ranges were split this way since each physical radio can have up
# to 8 SSIDs so for the 2GHz radio the DHCP range will be
# 192.168.1 - 8 and the 5Ghz radio will be 192.168.9 - 16
_AP_2GHZ_SUBNET = dhcp_config.Subnet(ipaddress.ip_network(_AP_2GHZ_SUBNET_STR))
_AP_5GHZ_SUBNET = dhcp_config.Subnet(ipaddress.ip_network(_AP_5GHZ_SUBNET_STR))
class AccessPoint(object):
"""An access point controller.
ssh: The ssh connection to this ap.
ssh_settings: The ssh settings being used by the ssh conneciton.
dhcp_settings: The dhcp server settings being used.
def __init__(self, ssh_settings):
ssh_settings: acts.controllers.utils_lib.ssh.SshSettings instance.
self.ssh_settings = ssh_settings
self.ssh = connection.SshConnection(self.ssh_settings)
# Singleton utilities for running various commands.
self._ip_cmd = ip.LinuxIpCommand(self.ssh)
self._route_cmd = route.LinuxRouteCommand(self.ssh)
# A map from network interface name to _ApInstance objects representing
# the hostapd instance running against the interface.
self._aps = dict()
def __del__(self):
def start_ap(self, hostapd_config, additional_parameters=None):
"""Starts as an ap using a set of configurations.
This will start an ap on this host. To start an ap the controller
selects a network interface to use based on the configs given. It then
will start up hostapd on that interface. Next a subnet is created for
the network interface and dhcp server is refreshed to give out ips
for that subnet for any device that connects through that interface.
hostapd_config: hostapd_config.HostapdConfig, The configurations
to use when starting up the ap.
additional_parameters: A dicitonary of parameters that can sent
directly into the hostapd config file. This
can be used for debugging and or adding one
off parameters into the config.
An identifier for the ap being run. This identifier can be used
later by this controller to control the ap.
Error: When the ap can't be brought up.
# Right now, we hardcode that a frequency maps to a particular
# network interface. This is true of the hardware we're running
# against right now, but in general, we'll want to do some
# dynamic discovery of interface capabilities. See b/32582843
if hostapd_config.frequency < 5000:
interface = _AP_2GHZ_INTERFACE
subnet = _AP_2GHZ_SUBNET
interface = _AP_5GHZ_INTERFACE
subnet = _AP_5GHZ_SUBNET
# In order to handle dhcp servers on any interface, the initiation of
# the dhcp server must be done after the wlan interfaces are figured
# out as opposed to being in __init__
self._dhcp = dhcp_server.DhcpServer(self.ssh, interface=interface)
# For multi bssid configurations the mac address
# of the wireless interface needs to have enough space to mask out
# up to 8 different mac addresses. The easiest way to do this
# is to set the last byte to 0. While technically this could
# cause a duplicate mac address it is unlikely and will allow for
# one radio to have up to 8 APs on the interface. The check ensures
# backwards compatibility since if someone has set the bssid on purpose
# the bssid will not be changed from what the user set.
if not hostapd_config.bssid:
cmd = "ifconfig %s|grep ether|awk -F' ' '{print $2}'" % interface
interface_mac =
interface_mac = interface_mac.stdout[:-1] + '0'
hostapd_config.bssid = interface_mac
if interface in self._aps:
raise ValueError('No WiFi interface available for AP on '
'channel %d' %
apd = hostapd.Hostapd(self.ssh, interface)
new_instance = _ApInstance(hostapd=apd, subnet=subnet)
self._aps[interface] = new_instance
# Turn off the DHCP server, we're going to change its settings.
# Clear all routes to prevent old routes from interfering.
if hostapd_config.bss_lookup:
# The dhcp_bss dictionary is created to hold the key/value
# pair of the interface name and the ip scope that will be
# used for the particular interface. The a, b, c, d
# variables below are the octets for the ip address. The
# third octet is then incremented for each interface that
# is requested. This part is designed to bring up the
# hostapd interfaces and not the DHCP servers for each
# interface.
dhcp_bss = {}
counter = 1
for bss in hostapd_config.bss_lookup:
if interface is _AP_2GHZ_INTERFACE:
starting_ip_range = _AP_2GHZ_SUBNET_STR
starting_ip_range = _AP_5GHZ_SUBNET_STR
a, b, c, d = starting_ip_range.split('.')
dhcp_bss[bss] = dhcp_config.Subnet(
ipaddress.ip_network('%s.%s.%s.%s' % (a, b, str(
int(c) + counter), d)))
counter = counter + 1
apd.start(hostapd_config, additional_parameters=additional_parameters)
# The DHCP serer requires interfaces to have ips and routes before
# the server will come up.
interface_ip = ipaddress.ip_interface(
'%s/%s' % (subnet.router,
self._ip_cmd.set_ipv4_address(interface, interface_ip)
if hostapd_config.bss_lookup:
# This loop goes through each interface that was setup for
# hostapd and assigns the DHCP scopes that were defined but
# not used during the hostapd loop above. The k and v
# variables represent the interface name, k, and dhcp info, v.
for k, v in dhcp_bss.items():
bss_interface_ip = ipaddress.ip_interface(
'%s/%s' %
(dhcp_bss[k].router, dhcp_bss[k].network.netmask))
self._ip_cmd.set_ipv4_address(str(k), bss_interface_ip)
# Restart the DHCP server with our updated list of subnets.
configured_subnets = [x.subnet for x in self._aps.values()]
if hostapd_config.bss_lookup:
for k, v in dhcp_bss.items():
return interface
def stop_ap(self, identifier):
"""Stops a running ap on this controller.
identifier: The identify of the ap that should be taken down.
if identifier not in self._aps:
raise ValueError('Invalid identifer %s given' % identifier)
instance = self._aps.get(identifier)
# DHCP server needs to refresh in order to tear down the subnet no
# longer being used. In the event that all interfaces are torn down
# then an exception gets thrown. We need to catch this exception and
# check that all interfaces should actually be down.
configured_subnets = [x.subnet for x in self._aps.values()]
if configured_subnets:
def stop_all_aps(self):
"""Stops all running aps on this device."""
for ap in self._aps.keys():
except dhcp_server.NoInterfaceError as e:
def close(self):
"""Called to take down the entire access point.
When called will stop all aps running on this host, shutdown the dhcp
server, and stop the ssh conneciton.
if self._aps: