Remove 4 duplicate test cases in

There are 4 duplicate test cases as below:

Bug: None
Test: Yes, locally
Change-Id: I987f533c10fc1d0f8e173436c87ebe9b449d648e
diff --git a/acts_tests/tests/google/nr/nsa5g/ b/acts_tests/tests/google/nr/nsa5g/
index 9318de1..5980d31 100755
--- a/acts_tests/tests/google/nr/nsa5g/
+++ b/acts_tests/tests/google/nr/nsa5g/
@@ -445,172 +445,4 @@
-    @test_tracker_info(uuid="2d375f20-a785-42e0-b5a1-968d19bc693d")
-    @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap
-    def test_5g_nsa_sms_mo_iwlan(self):
-        """ Test MO SMS for 1 phone in APM,
-        WiFi connected, WFC Cell Preferred mode.
-        Disable APM on PhoneA
-        Provision PhoneA in 5g NSA
-        Provision PhoneA for WFC Cell Pref with APM ON
-        Send and Verify SMS from PhoneA to PhoneB
-        Returns:
-            True if pass; False if fail.
-        """
-        ads = self.android_devices
-        if not toggle_airplane_mode(self.log, ads[0], False):
-            return False
-        tasks = [(provision_device_for_5g, (self.log, ads[0])),
-                 (ensure_phone_default_state, (self.log, ads[1]))]
-        if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks):
-            return False
-        if not phone_setup_iwlan(self.log,
-                                ads[0],
-                                True,
-                                WFC_MODE_CELLULAR_PREFERRED,
-                                self.wifi_network_ssid,
-                                self.wifi_network_pass):
-            return False
-        if not _sms_test_mo(self.log, ads):
-            return False
-"PASS - iwlan mo sms test over 5g nsa validated")
-        return True
-    @test_tracker_info(uuid="db8b2b5b-bf9e-4a99-9fdb-dbd028567705")
-    @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap
-    def test_5g_nsa_sms_mt_iwlan(self):
-        """ Test MT SMS for 1 phone in APM,
-        WiFi connected, WFC Cell Preferred mode.
-        Disable APM on PhoneA
-        Provision PhoneA in 5g NSA
-        Provision PhoneA for WFC Cell Pref with APM ON
-        Send and Verify SMS from PhoneB to PhoneA
-        Returns:
-            True if pass; False if fail.
-        """
-        ads = self.android_devices
-        if not toggle_airplane_mode(self.log, ads[0], False):
-            return False
-        tasks = [(provision_device_for_5g, (self.log, ads[0])),
-                 (ensure_phone_default_state, (self.log, ads[1]))]
-        if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks):
-            return False
-        if not phone_setup_iwlan(self.log,
-                                ads[0],
-                                True,
-                                WFC_MODE_CELLULAR_PREFERRED,
-                                self.wifi_network_ssid,
-                                self.wifi_network_pass):
-            return False
-        if not _sms_test_mo(self.log, [ads[1], ads[0]]):
-            return False
-"PASS - iwlan mt sms test over 5g nsa validated")
-        return True
-    @test_tracker_info(uuid="5997a618-efee-478f-8fa9-6cf8ba9cfc58")
-    @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap
-    def test_5g_nsa_sms_mo_iwlan_apm_off(self):
-        """ Test MO SMS for 1 Phone in APM off, WiFi connected,
-        WFC WiFi Preferred mode.
-        Disable APM on PhoneA
-        Provision PhoneA in 5g NSA
-        Provision PhoneA for WFC Wifi Pref with APM OFF
-        Send and Verify SMS from PhoneA to PhoneB
-        Verify 5g NSA attach for PhoneA
-        Returns:
-            True if pass; False if fail.
-        """
-        ads = self.android_devices
-        if not toggle_airplane_mode(self.log, ads[0], False):
-            return False
-        tasks = [(provision_device_for_5g, (self.log, ads[0])),
-                 (ensure_phone_default_state, (self.log, ads[1]))]
-        if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks):
-            return False
-        if not phone_setup_iwlan(self.log,
-                                ads[0],
-                                False,
-                                WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED,
-                                self.wifi_network_ssid,
-                                self.wifi_network_pass):
-            return False
-        if not _sms_test_mo(self.log, ads):
-            self.log.error("failed to send receive sms over 5g nsa")
-            return False
-"PASS - iwlan MO sms test over 5g nsa validated")
-        if not is_current_network_5g_nsa(ads[0]):
-            return False
-        return True
-    @test_tracker_info(uuid="352ca023-2cd1-4b08-877c-20c5d50cc265")
-    @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap
-    def test_5g_nsa_sms_mt_iwlan_apm_off(self):
-        """ Test MT SMS for 1 Phone in APM off, WiFi connected,
-        WFC WiFi Preferred mode.
-        Disable APM on PhoneA
-        Provision PhoneA in 5g NSA
-        Provision PhoneA for WFC Wifi Pref with APM OFF
-        Send and Verify SMS from PhoneB to PhoneA
-        Verify 5g NSA attach for PhoneA
-        Returns:
-            True if pass; False if fail.
-        """
-        ads = self.android_devices
-        if not toggle_airplane_mode(self.log, ads[0], False):
-            return False
-        tasks = [(provision_device_for_5g, (self.log, ads[0])),
-                 (ensure_phone_default_state, (self.log, ads[1]))]
-        if not multithread_func(self.log, tasks):
-            return False
-        if not phone_setup_iwlan(self.log,
-                                ads[0],
-                                False,
-                                WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED,
-                                self.wifi_network_ssid,
-                                self.wifi_network_pass):
-            return False
-        if not _sms_test_mt(self.log, ads):
-            self.log.error("failed to send receive sms over 5g nsa")
-            return False
-"PASS - iwlan MT sms test over 5g nsa validated")
-        if not is_current_network_5g_nsa(ads[0]):
-            return False
-        return True
-    """ Tests End """
+    """ Tests End """
\ No newline at end of file