blob: 4597ed738ce8036ca2e3a384f3acffdf61fe2404 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
"""This scrip tests various BLE apis for Fuchsia devices.
import pprint
import random
import time
from acts.base_test import BaseTestClass
from acts.test_utils.fuchsia.bt_test_utils import le_scan_for_device_by_name
class BleFuchsiaTest(BaseTestClass):
default_timeout = 10
active_scan_callback_list = []
active_adv_callback_list = []
droid = None
def __init__(self, controllers):
BaseTestClass.__init__(self, controllers)
if (len(self.fuchsia_devices) < 2):
self.log.error("BleFuchsiaTest Init: Not enough fuchsia devices.")"Running testbed setup with two fuchsia devices")
self.fuchsia_adv = self.fuchsia_devices[0]
self.fuchsia_scan = self.fuchsia_devices[1]
def test_fuchsia_publish_service(self):
service_id = 0
service_primary = True
# Random uuid
service_type = "0000180f-0000-1000-8000-00805fffffff"
# Generate a random key for sl4f storage of proxy key
service_proxy_key = "SProxy" + str(random.randint(0, 1000000))
res = self.fuchsia_adv.ble_lib.blePublishService(
service_id, service_primary, service_type, service_proxy_key)"Publish result: {}".format(res))
return True
def test_fuchsia_scan_fuchsia_adv(self):
# Initialize advertising on fuchsia dveice with name and interval
fuchsia_name = "testADV1234"
adv_data = {"name": fuchsia_name}
interval = 1000
res = True
# Start advertising
self.fuchsia_adv.ble_lib.bleStartBleAdvertising(adv_data, interval)"Fuchsia advertising name: {}".format(fuchsia_name))
# Start scan
scan_result = le_scan_for_device_by_name(
self.fuchsia_scan, self.log, fuchsia_name, self.default_timeout)
if not scan_result:
res = False
# Stop advertising
return res
def test_fuchsia_gatt_fuchsia_periph(self):
# Create random service with id, primary, and uuid
service_id = 3
service_primary = True
# Random uuid
service_type = "0000180f-0000-1000-8000-00805fffffff"
# Generate a random key for sl4f storage of proxy key
service_proxy_key = "SProxy" + str(random.randint(0, 1000000))
res = self.fuchsia_adv.ble_lib.blePublishService(
service_id, service_primary, service_type, service_proxy_key)"Publish result: {}".format(res))
# Initialize advertising on fuchsia dveice with name and interval
fuchsia_name = "testADV1234"
adv_data = {"name": fuchsia_name}
interval = 1000
# Start advertising
self.fuchsia_adv.ble_lib.bleStartBleAdvertising(adv_data, interval)"Fuchsia advertising name: {}".format(fuchsia_name))
# Start Scan
scan_result = le_scan_for_device_by_name(
self.fuchsia_scan, self.log, fuchsia_name, self.default_timeout)
if not scan_result:
return False
name, did, connectable = scan_result["name"], scan_result[
"id"], scan_result["connectable"]
connect = self.fuchsia_scan.gattc_lib.bleConnectToPeripheral(did)"Connecting returned status: {}".format(connect))
services = self.fuchsia_scan.gattc_lib.listServices(did)"Listing services returned: {}".format(services))
dconnect = self.fuchsia_scan.gattc_lib.bleDisconnectPeripheral(did)"Disconnect status: {}".format(dconnect))
# Stop fuchsia advertising
return True