Update the TelliveStressCallTest.py with the copy in master. am: 92d1b43477
am: 41e4b47fe9

Change-Id: I86d72f922f296a2930b0820e66930d78b0286ed8
diff --git a/acts/tests/google/tel/live/TelLiveStressCallTest.py b/acts/tests/google/tel/live/TelLiveStressCallTest.py
index 3bfd3de..247d76b 100644
--- a/acts/tests/google/tel/live/TelLiveStressCallTest.py
+++ b/acts/tests/google/tel/live/TelLiveStressCallTest.py
@@ -14,62 +14,192 @@
 #   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 #   limitations under the License.
-    Test Script for Telephony integration with TF
+    Test Script for Telephony Stress Call Test
+import collections
 import time
-from acts.base_test import BaseTestClass
-from queue import Empty
-from acts.test_utils.tel import tel_defines
-from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import initiate_call
-from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import hangup_call
+from acts.test_utils.tel.TelephonyBaseTest import TelephonyBaseTest
+from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_defines import WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED
+from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import call_setup_teardown
 from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import ensure_phone_default_state
-from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import ensure_phone_idle
-from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import verify_active_call_number
-from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import phone_setup_voice_3g
-from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import phone_idle_3g
+from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import ensure_phones_idle
+from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import ensure_wifi_connected
+from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import hangup_call
+from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import set_wfc_mode
+from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import sms_send_receive_verify
+from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_test_utils import verify_incall_state
 from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import is_phone_in_call_3g
+from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import is_phone_in_call_2g
+from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import is_phone_in_call_csfb
+from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import is_phone_in_call_iwlan
+from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import is_phone_in_call_volte
+from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import phone_setup_csfb
+from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import phone_setup_iwlan
+from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import phone_setup_voice_3g
+from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import phone_setup_voice_2g
+from acts.test_utils.tel.tel_voice_utils import phone_setup_volte
+from acts.utils import rand_ascii_str
-INCORRECT_STATE_MSG = "Caller not in correct state!"
-class TelLiveStressCallTest(BaseTestClass):
+class TelLiveStressCallTest(TelephonyBaseTest):
     def __init__(self, controllers):
-        BaseTestClass.__init__(self, controllers)
-        self.tests = ("test_call_3g_stress", )
+        TelephonyBaseTest.__init__(self, controllers)
     def setup_class(self):
-        self.ad_caller = self.android_devices[0]
-        self.stress_test_callee_number = self.user_params["call_server_number"]
-        self.phone_call_iteration = self.user_params["phone_call_iteration"]
+        super().setup_class()
+        self.caller = self.android_devices[0]
+        self.callee = self.android_devices[1]
+        self.wifi_network_ssid = self.user_params.get(
+            "wifi_network_ssid") or self.user_params.get(
+                "wifi_network_ssid_2g")
+        self.wifi_network_pass = self.user_params.get(
+            "wifi_network_pass") or self.user_params.get(
+                "wifi_network_pass_2g")
+        self.phone_call_iteration = int(self.user_params.get(
+            "phone_call_iteration", 500))
+        self.phone_call_duration = int(self.user_params.get(
+            "phone_call_duration", 60))
+        self.sleep_time_between_test_iterations = int(self.user_params.get(
+            "sleep_time_between_test_iterations", 0))
         return True
-    def setup_test(self):
-        # try removing lock
-        self.android_devices[0].droid.wakeLockAcquireBright()
-        self.android_devices[0].droid.wakeUpNow()
-        self.assert_true(
-            ensure_phone_default_state(self.log, self.ad_caller),
-            "Make sure phone is in default state")
+    def _setup_wfc(self):
+        for ad in self.android_devices:
+            if not ensure_wifi_connected(
+                    ad.log,
+                    ad,
+                    self.wifi_network_ssid,
+                    self.wifi_network_pass,
+                    retry=3):
+                ad.log.error("Phone Wifi connection fails.")
+                return False
+            ad.log.info("Phone WIFI is connected successfully.")
+            if not set_wfc_mode(self.log, ad, WFC_MODE_WIFI_PREFERRED):
+                ad.log.error("Phone failed to enable Wifi-Calling.")
+                return False
+            ad.log.info("Phone is set in Wifi-Calling successfully.")
+            if not phone_idle_iwlan(self.log, self.ad):
+                ad.log.error("Phone is not in WFC enabled state.")
+                return False
+            ad.log.info("Phone is in WFC enabled state.")
         return True
-    def teardown_test(self):
-        self.android_devices[0].droid.wakeLockRelease()
-        self.android_devices[0].droid.goToSleepNow()
-        self.assert_true(
-            ensure_phone_default_state(self.log, self.ad_caller),
-            "Make sure phone returns to default state")
+    def _setup_lte_volte_enabled(self):
+        for ad in self.android_devices:
+            if not phone_setup_volte(self.log, ad):
+                ad.log.error("Phone failed to enable VoLTE.")
+                return False
+            ad.log.info("Phone VOLTE is enabled successfully.")
+        return True
+    def _setup_lte_volte_disabled(self):
+        for ad in self.android_devices:
+            if not phone_setup_csfb(self.log, ad):
+                ad.log.error("Phone failed to setup CSFB.")
+                return False
+            ad.log.info("Phone VOLTE is disabled successfully.")
+        return True
+    def _setup_3g(self):
+        for ad in self.android_devices:
+            if not phone_setup_voice_3g(self.log, ad):
+                ad.log.error("Phone failed to setup 3g.")
+                return False
+            ad.log.info("Phone RAT 3G is enabled successfully.")
+        return True
+    def _setup_2g(self):
+        for ad in self.android_devices:
+            if not phone_setup_voice_2g(self.log, ad):
+                ad.log.error("Phone failed to setup 2g.")
+                return False
+            ad.log.info("RAT 2G is enabled successfully.")
+        return True
+    def _setup_phone_call(self):
+        if not call_setup_teardown(
+                self.log, self.caller, self.callee, ad_hangup=None):
+            self.log.error("Setup Call failed.")
+            return False
+        self.log.info("Setup call successfully.")
+        return True
+    def _hangup_call(self):
+        for ad in self.android_devices:
+            hangup_call(self.log, ad)
+    def stress_test(self, setup_func=None, network_check_func=None, test_sms=False):
+        if setup_func and not setup_func():
+            self.log.error("Test setup %s failed", setup_func.__name__)
+            return False
+        fail_count = collections.defaultdict(int)
+        for i in range(1, self.phone_call_iteration + 1):
+            msg = "Stress Call Test %s Iteration: <%s> / <%s>" % (
+                self.test_name, i, self.phone_call_iteration)
+            self.log.info(msg)
+            iteration_result = True
+            ensure_phones_idle(self.log, self.android_devices)
+            if not self._setup_phone_call():
+                fail_count["dialing"] += 1
+                iteration_result = False
+                self.log.error("%s call dialing failure.", msg)
+            if network_check_func and not network_check_func(self.log,
+                                                             self.caller):
+                fail_count["caller_network_check"] += 1
+                iteration_result = False
+                self.log.error("%s network check %s failure.", msg,
+                               network_check_func.__name__)
+            if network_check_func and not network_check_func(self.log,
+                                                             self.callee):
+                fail_count["callee_network_check"] += 1
+                iteration_result = False
+                self.log.error("%s network check failure.", msg)
+            time.sleep(self.phone_call_duration)
+            if not verify_incall_state(self.log, [self.caller, self.callee],
+                                       True):
+                self.log.error("%s call dropped.", msg)
+                iteration_result = False
+                fail_count["drop"] += 1
+            self._hangup_call()
+            if test_sms and not sms_send_receive_verify(
+                    self.log, self.caller, self.callee, [rand_ascii_str(180)]):
+                fail_count["sms"] += 1
+            self.log.info("%s %s" % (msg, str(iteration_result)))
+            if not iteration_result:
+                self._take_bug_report("%s_%s" % (self.test_name, i), self.begin_time)
+            if self.sleep_time_between_test_iterations:
+                self.caller.droid.goToSleepNow()
+                self.callee.droid.goToSleepNow()
+                time.sleep(self.sleep_time_between_test_iterations)
+        test_result = True
+        for failure, count in fail_count.items():
+            if count:
+                self.log.error("%s: %s %s failures in %s iterations".format(
+                    self.test_name, count, failure, self.phone_call_iteration))
+                test_result = False
+        return test_result
     """ Tests Begin """
-    def test_call_3g_stress(self):
-        """ 3G to 800 call test
+    @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap
+    def test_call_default_stress(self):
+        """ Default state call stress test
-        1. Make Sure PhoneA is in 3G mode.
-        2. Call from PhoneA to a 800 number, hang up on PhoneA.
-        3, Repeat 2 around 100 times based on the config setup
+        1. Make Sure PhoneA and PhoneB in default mode.
+        2. Call from PhoneA to PhoneB, hang up on PhoneA.
+        3, Repeat 2 around N times based on the config setup
         Expected Results:
         1, Verify phone is at IDLE state
@@ -79,109 +209,129 @@
             True if pass; False if fail.
-        ad_caller = self.ad_caller
-        callee_number = self.stress_test_callee_number
-        self.assert_true(
-            phone_setup_voice_3g(self.log,
-                                 ad_caller), "Phone Failed to Set Up Properly.")
+        return self.stress_test()
-        # Make sure phone is idle.
-        ensure_phone_idle(self.log, ad_caller)
-        self.assert_true(
-            phone_idle_3g(self.log, ad_caller), "DUT Failed to Reselect")
+    @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap
+    def test_call_and_sms_longevity(self):
+        """ Default state call stress test
-        self.log.info("Call test:{} to {}".format(ad_caller.serial,
-                                                  callee_number))
-        subid_caller = ad_caller.droid.subscriptionGetDefaultVoiceSubId()
+        Steps:
+        1. Make Sure PhoneA and PhoneB in default mode.
+        2. Call from PhoneA to PhoneB, hang up on PhoneA.
+        3. Send a text message from PhoneA to PhoneB.
+        4. Bring phone to sleep for x seconds based on the config setup.
+        5, Repeat 2 around N times based on the config setup
-        total_iteration = self.phone_call_iteration
-        current_iteration = 0
-        redial_time = 0
-        while current_iteration < total_iteration:
-            self.log.info("---> Call test: iteration {} redial {}<---"
-                          .format(current_iteration, redial_time))
-            self.log.info("Checking Telephony Manager Call State")
-            self.assert_true(
-                self._check_phone_call_status(
-                    ad_caller, tel_defines.TELEPHONY_STATE_IDLE),
-                INCORRECT_STATE_MSG)
+        Expected Results:
+        1. Phone calls and text messages are successfully made
-            self.log.info("Making a phone call")
-            self.assert_true(
-                initiate_call(self.log, ad_caller, callee_number),
-                "Initiate call failed.")
+        Returns:
+            True if pass; False if fail.
+        """
+        return self.stress_test(test_sms=True)
-            self.log.info("Ensure that all internal states are updated")
-            time.sleep(tel_defines.WAIT_TIME_ANDROID_STATE_SETTLING)
-            self.assert_true(
-                is_phone_in_call_3g(self.log, ad_caller), INCORRECT_STATE_MSG)
-            self.assert_true(
-                self._check_phone_call_status(
-                    ad_caller, tel_defines.TELEPHONY_STATE_OFFHOOK,
-                    tel_defines.CALL_STATE_DIALING), INCORRECT_STATE_MSG)
+    @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap
+    def test_call_volte_stress(self):
+        """ VoLTE call stress test
-            time.sleep(tel_defines.WAIT_TIME_IN_CALL)
-            self.log.info(
-                "Checking Telephony Manager Call State after waiting for a while")
-            if (self._check_phone_call_status(
-                    ad_caller, tel_defines.TELEPHONY_STATE_OFFHOOK,
-                    tel_defines.CALL_STATE_ACTIVE)):
-                current_iteration += 1
-                redial_time = 0
-            elif (self._check_phone_call_status(
-                    ad_caller, tel_defines.TELEPHONY_STATE_OFFHOOK,
-                    tel_defines.CALL_STATE_DIALING)):
-                self.log.info("The line is busy, try again")
-                redial_time += 1
-                if redial_time > MAX_NUMBER_REDIALS:
-                    self.assert_true(
-                        False, "Re-dial {} times and still having busy signal"
-                        .format(redial_time))
-            else:
-                self.assert_true(False, INCORRECT_STATE_MSG)
-                current_iteration += 1
+        Steps:
+        1. Make Sure PhoneA and PhoneB in VoLTE mode.
+        2. Call from PhoneA to PhoneB, hang up on PhoneA.
+        3, Repeat 2 around N times based on the config setup
-            self.log.info("Hang up phone for this iteration")
-            self.assert_true(
-                hangup_call(self.log, ad_caller), "Error in Hanging-Up Call")
-            time.sleep(tel_defines.WAIT_TIME_ANDROID_STATE_SETTLING)
-            self.log.info(
-                "Checking Telephony Manager Call State after hang up")
-            self.assert_true(
-                self._check_phone_call_status(
-                    ad_caller, tel_defines.TELEPHONY_STATE_IDLE),
-                INCORRECT_STATE_MSG)
+        Expected Results:
+        1, Verify phone is at IDLE state
+        2, Verify the phone is at ACTIVE, if it is in dialing, then we retry
+        3, Verify the phone is IDLE after hung up
-            ensure_phone_idle(self.log, ad_caller)
+        Returns:
+            True if pass; False if fail.
+        """
+        return self.stress_test(
+            setup_func=self._setup_lte_volte_enabled,
+            network_check_func=is_phone_in_call_volte)
+    @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap
+    def test_call_lte_volte_disabled_stress(self):
+        """ LTE non-VoLTE call stress test
+        Steps:
+        1. Make Sure PhoneA and PhoneB in LTE mode.
+        2. Call from PhoneA to PhoneB, hang up on PhoneA.
+        3, Repeat 2 around N times based on the config setup
+        Expected Results:
+        1, Verify phone is at IDLE state
+        2, Verify the phone is at ACTIVE, if it is in dialing, then we retry
+        3, Verify the phone is IDLE after hung up
+        Returns:
+            True if pass; False if fail.
+        """
+        return self.stress_test(
+            setup_func=self._setup_lte_volte_disabled,
+            network_check_func=is_phone_in_call_csfb)
+    @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap
+    def test_call_wifi_calling_stress(self):
+        """ Wifi calling call stress test
+        Steps:
+        1. Make Sure PhoneA and PhoneB in Wifi Calling mode.
+        2. Call from PhoneA to PhoneB, hang up on PhoneA.
+        3, Repeat 2 around N times based on the config setup
+        Expected Results:
+        1, Verify phone is at IDLE state
+        2, Verify the phone is at ACTIVE, if it is in dialing, then we retry
+        3, Verify the phone is IDLE after hung up
+        Returns:
+            True if pass; False if fail.
+        """
+        return self.stress_test(
+            setup_func=self._setup_wfc,
+            network_check_func=is_phone_in_call_iwlan)
+    @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap
+    def test_call_3g_stress(self):
+        """ 3G call stress test
+        Steps:
+        1. Make Sure PhoneA and PhoneB in 3G mode.
+        2. Call from PhoneA to PhoneB, hang up on PhoneA.
+        3, Repeat 2 around N times based on the config setup
+        Expected Results:
+        1, Verify phone is at IDLE state
+        2, Verify the phone is at ACTIVE, if it is in dialing, then we retry
+        3, Verify the phone is IDLE after hung up
+        Returns:
+            True if pass; False if fail.
+        """
+        return self.stress_test(
+            setup_func=self._setup_3g, network_check_func=is_phone_in_call_3g)
+    @TelephonyBaseTest.tel_test_wrap
+    def test_call_2g_stress(self):
+        """ 2G call stress test
+        Steps:
+        1. Make Sure PhoneA and PhoneB in 3G mode.
+        2. Call from PhoneA to PhoneB, hang up on PhoneA.
+        3, Repeat 2 around N times based on the config setup
+        Expected Results:
+        1, Verify phone is at IDLE state
+        2, Verify the phone is at ACTIVE, if it is in dialing, then we retry
+        3, Verify the phone is IDLE after hung up
+        Returns:
+            True if pass; False if fail.
+        """
+        return self.stress_test(
+            setup_func=self._setup_2g, network_check_func=is_phone_in_call_2g)
     """ Tests End """
-    def _check_phone_call_status(self, ad, telecom_status, call_status=None):
-        """Check existing event until we get either "ACTIVE" or "DIALING" event
-        Args:
-            ad: Android object
-            telecome_status: expected telecom call state
-            call_status: expcted telecomcall call state
-        Return:
-            True if all the status are matching, False otherwise
-         """
-        # Checking phone call status
-        if ad.droid.telecomGetCallState() != telecom_status:
-            return False
-        if call_status:
-            call_list = ad.droid.telecomCallGetCallIds()
-            if not call_list:
-                return False
-            if not verify_active_call_number(self.log, ad, 1):
-                return False
-            call_id = call_list[0]
-            self.log.info("TelecomCall Call State {}"
-                          .format(ad.droid.telecomCallGetCallState(call_id)))
-            if ad.droid.telecomCallGetCallState(call_id) != call_status:
-                return False
-        return True
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    pass