blob: 8b11c0324c5f4e06a06b88e211063b1005faeda6 [file] [log] [blame]
import json
from acts.libs.test_binding.binding import Binding
def _metric_binding_base(metric, binding_name, bind_to_arg=True,
arg_modifier=None, before=None,
"""The base decorator for creating a binding between a test and a metric.
metric: The metric to use.
binding_name: The name of the metric binding. This will be the metric
group displayed in the summary.
bind_to_arg: If True, the metric will be bound to an argument of
binding_name on the target.
arg_modifier: The function to use as a argument modifier. Must be of
format (inner, *arg, **kwarg) => (*newArg, **newKwargs).
before: The function to call before the test. Must be of format
(inner, instance, *arg, **kwarg) => void
after: The function to call after the test. Must be of format
(inner, result, *args, **kwargs) => void
The method that will create the binding.
def _arg_modifier(inner, *args, **kwargs):
if binding_name in kwargs:
raise ValueError(
'Cannot have two bindings with name %s.' % binding_name)
new_kwargs = dict(kwargs)
if bind_to_arg:
new_kwargs[binding_name] = metric
if arg_modifier:
return arg_modifier(*args, **new_kwargs)
return args, new_kwargs
def _inner(func):
return Binding(inner=func, arg_modifier=_arg_modifier, before=_before,
def _before(inner, instance, *args, **kwargs):
metric.setup(instance, inner, binding_name)
if before:
before(inner, instance, *args, **kwargs)
def _after(inner, result, *args, **kwargs):
if after:
after(inner, result, *args, **kwargs)
return _inner
def metric_binding(metric, binding_name, bind_to_arg=True):
"""Decorator that will bind a metric to a kwarg.
metric: The metric to bind.
binding_name: The name the metric should be recorded under.
bind_to_arg: If true, the metric object will be passed in as a named
argument with the same name as binding_name.
The method that will create the binding.
return _metric_binding_base(metric, binding_name, bind_to_arg=bind_to_arg)
def auto_passive_metric(metric, binding_name, bind_to_arg=True):
"""Decorator that will bind a metric to auto run with a test.
metric: The metric to bind.
binding_name: The name the metric should be recorded under.
bind_to_arg: If true, the metric object will be passed in as a named
argument with the same name as binding_name.
The method that will create the binding.
def _before(inner, *args, **kwargs):
def _after(inner, result, *args, **kwargs):
return _metric_binding_base(metric, binding_name, bind_to_arg=bind_to_arg,