Merge "ACTS: Support SL4A tests for Connection-oriented Channels"
diff --git a/acts/framework/acts/test_utils/bt/ b/acts/framework/acts/test_utils/bt/
index 8e165ae..793d052 100644
--- a/acts/framework/acts/test_utils/bt/
+++ b/acts/framework/acts/test_utils/bt/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 bt_default_timeout = 15
 default_rfcomm_timeout_ms = 10000
+default_bluetooth_socket_timeout_ms = 10000
 pan_connect_timeout = 5
 bt_discovery_timeout = 3
 small_timeout = 0.0001
@@ -72,6 +73,9 @@
 rfcomm_secure_uuid = "fa87c0d0-afac-11de-8a39-0800200c9a66"
 rfcomm_insecure_uuid = "8ce255c0-200a-11e0-ac64-0800200c9a66"
+# bluetooth socket connection test uuid
+bluetooth_socket_conn_test_uuid = "12345678-1234-5678-9abc-123456789abc"
 # Bluetooth Adapter Scan Mode Types
 bt_scan_mode_types = {
     "state_off": -1,
diff --git a/acts/framework/acts/test_utils/bt/ b/acts/framework/acts/test_utils/bt/
index faf9b3d..dfe3850 100644
--- a/acts/framework/acts/test_utils/bt/
+++ b/acts/framework/acts/test_utils/bt/
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
 from import btsnoop_last_log_path_on_device
 from import btsnoop_log_path_on_device
 from import default_rfcomm_timeout_ms
+from import default_bluetooth_socket_timeout_ms
 from import mtu_changed
 from import pairing_variant_passkey_confirmation
 from import pan_connect_timeout
@@ -1027,32 +1028,50 @@
         True if connection was successful, false if unsuccessful.
+    result = orchestrate_bluetooth_socket_connection(
+        client_ad, server_ad, accept_timeout_ms,
+        (bt_rfcomm_uuids['default_uuid'] if uuid is None else uuid))
+    return result
+def orchestrate_bluetooth_socket_connection(
+        client_ad,
+        server_ad,
+        accept_timeout_ms=default_bluetooth_socket_timeout_ms,
+        uuid=None):
+    """Sets up the Bluetooth Socket connection between two Android devices.
+    Args:
+        client_ad: the Android device performing the connection.
+        server_ad: the Android device accepting the connection.
+    Returns:
+        True if connection was successful, false if unsuccessful.
+    """
-    if not uuid:
-        server_ad.droid.bluetoothRfcommBeginAcceptThread(
-            bt_rfcomm_uuids['default_uuid'], accept_timeout_ms)
-        client_ad.droid.bluetoothRfcommBeginConnectThread(
-            server_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress(),
-            bt_rfcomm_uuids['default_uuid'])
-    else:
-        server_ad.droid.bluetoothRfcommBeginAcceptThread(
-            uuid, accept_timeout_ms)
-        client_ad.droid.bluetoothRfcommBeginConnectThread(
-            server_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress(), uuid)
+    server_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnBeginAcceptThreadUuid(
+        (bluetooth_socket_conn_test_uuid
+         if uuid is None else uuid), accept_timeout_ms)
+    client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnBeginConnectThreadUuid(
+        server_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress(),
+        (bluetooth_socket_conn_test_uuid if uuid is None else uuid))
     end_time = time.time() + bt_default_timeout
     result = False
     test_result = True
     while time.time() < end_time:
-        if len(client_ad.droid.bluetoothRfcommActiveConnections()) > 0:
+        if len(client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnActiveConnections()) > 0:
             test_result = True
-  "RFCOMM Client Connection Active")
+  "Bluetooth socket Client Connection Active")
             test_result = False
     if not test_result:
-        client_ad.log.error("Failed to establish an RFCOMM connection")
+        client_ad.log.error(
+            "Failed to establish a Bluetooth socket connection")
         return False
     return True
@@ -1072,19 +1091,19 @@"Write message.")
         if binary:
-            client_ad.droid.bluetoothRfcommWriteBinary(msg)
+            client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnWriteBinary(msg)
-            client_ad.droid.bluetoothRfcommWrite(msg)
+            client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnWrite(msg)
     except Exception as err:
         client_ad.log.error("Failed to write data: {}".format(err))
         return False"Read message.")
         if binary:
-            read_msg = server_ad.droid.bluetoothRfcommReadBinary().rstrip(
+            read_msg = server_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnReadBinary().rstrip(
-            read_msg = server_ad.droid.bluetoothRfcommRead()
+            read_msg = server_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnRead()
     except Exception as err:
         server_ad.log.error("Failed to read data: {}".format(err))
         return False
@@ -1128,13 +1147,13 @@
         false if unsuccessful.
     test_result = True
-    if len(server_ad.droid.bluetoothRfcommActiveConnections()) == 0:
+    if len(server_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnActiveConnections()) == 0:
         if log:
-            server_ad.log.error("No rfcomm connections found on server.")
+            server_ad.log.error("No socket connections found on server.")
         test_result = False
-    if len(client_ad.droid.bluetoothRfcommActiveConnections()) == 0:
+    if len(client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnActiveConnections()) == 0:
         if log:
-            client_ad.log.error("No rfcomm connections found on client.")
+            client_ad.log.error("No socket connections found on client.")
         test_result = False
     return test_result
@@ -1286,3 +1305,165 @@
     device_ad.droid.bluetoothHidDeviceSendReport(host_id, hid_id_keyboard,
+def do_multi_connection_throughput(client_ad, list_server_ad,
+                                   list_client_conn_id, num_iterations,
+                                   number_buffers, buffer_size):
+    """Throughput measurements from one client to one-or-many servers.
+    Args:
+        client_ad: the Android device to perform the write.
+        list_server_ad: the list of Android server devices connected to this client.
+        num_iterations: the number of test repetitions.
+        number_buffers: the total number of data buffers to transmit per test.
+        buffer_size: the number of bytes per L2CAP data buffer.
+        list_client_conn_id: list of client connection IDs
+    Returns:
+        Throughput in terms of bytes per second, 0 if test failed.
+    """
+    total_num_bytes = 0
+    start_write_time = time.perf_counter()
+        "do_multi_connection_throughput: Before write. Start Time={:f}, "
+        "num_iterations={}, number_buffers={}, buffer_size={}, "
+        "number_buffers*buffer_size={}, num_servers={}".format(
+            start_write_time, num_iterations, number_buffers, buffer_size,
+            number_buffers * buffer_size, len(list_server_ad)))
+    if (len(list_server_ad) != len(list_client_conn_id)):
+        client_ad.log.error("do_multi_connection_throughput: invalid "
+                            "parameters. Num of list_server_ad({}) != "
+                            "list_client_conn({})".format(
+                                len(list_server_ad), len(list_client_conn_id)))
+        return 0
+    try:
+        for index, client_conn_id in enumerate(list_client_conn_id):
+  "do_multi_connection_throughput: "
+                               "client_conn_id={}".format(client_conn_id))
+            # Plumb the tx data queue with the first set of data buffers.
+            client_ad.droid.bluetoothConnectionThroughputSend(
+                number_buffers, buffer_size, client_conn_id)
+    except Exception as err:
+        client_ad.log.error("Failed to write data: {}".format(err))
+        return 0
+    # Each Loop iteration will write and read one set of buffers.
+    for i in range(0, (num_iterations - 1)):
+        try:
+            for index, client_conn_id in enumerate(list_client_conn_id):
+                client_ad.droid.bluetoothConnectionThroughputSend(
+                    number_buffers, buffer_size, client_conn_id)
+        except Exception as err:
+            client_ad.log.error("Failed to write data: {}".format(err))
+            return 0
+        for index, server_ad in enumerate(list_server_ad):
+            try:
+                server_ad.droid.bluetoothConnectionThroughputRead(
+                    number_buffers, buffer_size)
+                total_num_bytes += number_buffers * buffer_size
+            except Exception as err:
+                server_ad.log.error("Failed to read data: {}".format(err))
+                return 0
+    for index, server_ad in enumerate(list_server_ad):
+        try:
+            server_ad.droid.bluetoothConnectionThroughputRead(
+                number_buffers, buffer_size)
+            total_num_bytes += number_buffers * buffer_size
+        except Exception as err:
+            server_ad.log.error("Failed to read data: {}".format(err))
+            return 0
+    end_read_time = time.perf_counter()
+    test_time = (end_read_time - start_write_time)
+    data_rate = (1.000 * total_num_bytes) / test_time
+        "Calculated using total write and read times: total_num_bytes={}, "
+        "test_time={}, data rate={:08.0f} bytes/sec, {:08.0f} bits/sec".format(
+            total_num_bytes, test_time, data_rate, (data_rate * 8)))
+    return data_rate
+def orchestrate_coc_connection(
+        client_ad,
+        server_ad,
+        is_ble,
+        psm_value,
+        accept_timeout_ms=default_bluetooth_socket_timeout_ms):
+    """Sets up the CoC connection between two Android devices.
+    Args:
+        client_ad: the Android device performing the connection.
+        server_ad: the Android device accepting the connection.
+        is_ble: using LE transport.
+        psm_value: assigned PSM value of this CoC.
+        accept_timeout_ms: timeout while waiting for incoming connection.
+    Returns:
+        True if connection was successful or false if unsuccessful,
+        client connection ID,
+        and server connection ID
+    """
+    server_ad.droid.bluetoothStartPairingHelper()
+    client_ad.droid.bluetoothStartPairingHelper()
+    adv_callback = None
+    mac_address = None
+    if is_ble == 1:
+        try:
+            # This will start advertising and scanning. Will fail if it could
+            # not find the advertisements from server_ad
+                "orchestrate_coc_connection: Start BLE Advertisement and"
+                "Scanning")
+            mac_address, adv_callback = (
+                get_mac_address_of_generic_advertisement(client_ad, server_ad))
+        except BtTestUtilsError as err:
+            raise GattTestUtilsError(
+                "orchestrate_coc_connection: Error in getting mac address: {}".
+                format(err))
+    else:
+        mac_address = server_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLocalAddress()
+        adv_callback = None
+    server_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnBeginAcceptThreadPsm(
+        psm_value, accept_timeout_ms, is_ble)
+    client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnBeginConnectThreadPsm(
+        mac_address, is_ble, psm_value)
+    end_time = time.time() + bt_default_timeout
+    test_result = False
+    while time.time() < end_time:
+        if len(server_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnActiveConnections()) > 0:
+  "CoC Server Connection Active")
+            if len(client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnActiveConnections()) > 0:
+      "CoC Client Connection Active")
+                test_result = True
+                break
+        time.sleep(1)
+    if not test_result:
+        client_ad.log.error("Failed to establish an CoC connection")
+        return False, None
+    if len(client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnActiveConnections()) > 0:
+            "CoC client_ad Connection Active, num=%d",
+            len(client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnActiveConnections()))
+    else:
+"Error CoC client_ad Connection Inactive")
+"Error CoC client_ad Connection Inactive")
+    # Get the conn_id
+    client_conn_id = client_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLastConnId()
+    server_conn_id = server_ad.droid.bluetoothGetLastConnId()
+        "orchestrate_coc_connection: client conn id={}, server conn id={}".
+        format(client_conn_id, server_conn_id))
+    return True, client_conn_id, server_conn_id
diff --git a/acts/tests/google/ble/conn_oriented_chan/ b/acts/tests/google/ble/conn_oriented_chan/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62743ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acts/tests/google/ble/conn_oriented_chan/
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+#/usr/bin/env python3.4
+# Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Test script to execute Bluetooth Connection-orient Channel (CoC) functionality
+test cases. This test was designed to be run in a shield box.
+import threading
+import time
+from queue import Empty
+from acts.test_decorators import test_tracker_info
+from import BluetoothBaseTest
+from import clear_bonded_devices
+from import kill_bluetooth_process
+from import orchestrate_coc_connection
+from import do_multi_connection_throughput
+from import reset_bluetooth
+from import setup_multiple_devices_for_bt_test
+from import take_btsnoop_logs
+from import write_read_verify_data
+from import verify_server_and_client_connected
+class BleCocTest(BluetoothBaseTest):
+    default_timeout = 10
+    coc_conn_psm1 = 0x00A1
+    coc_conn_psm2 = 0x00B1
+    message = (
+        "Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of "
+        "the starship Enterprise. Its continuing mission: to explore "
+        "strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations,"
+        " to boldly go where no man has gone before.")
+    def __init__(self, controllers):
+        BluetoothBaseTest.__init__(self, controllers)
+        self.client_ad = self.android_devices[0]
+        self.server_ad = self.android_devices[1]
+        # Note that some tests required a third device.
+        if len(self.android_devices) > 2:
+            self.server2_ad = self.android_devices[2]
+    def setup_class(self):
+        return setup_multiple_devices_for_bt_test(self.android_devices)
+    def teardown_test(self):
+        if verify_server_and_client_connected(
+                self.client_ad, self.server_ad, log=False):
+            self.client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnStop()
+            self.server_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnStop()
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='6587792c-78fb-469f-9084-772c249f97de')
+    def test_coc_connection(self):
+        """Test Bluetooth LE CoC connection
+        Test LE CoC though establishing a basic connection.
+        Steps:
+        1. Get the mac address of the server device.
+        2. Establish an LE CoC connection from the client to the server AD.
+        3. Verify that the LE CoC connection is active from both the client and
+        server.
+        Expected Result:
+        LE CoC connection is established then disconnected succcessfully.
+        Returns:
+          Pass if True
+          Fail if False
+        TAGS: BLE, CoC
+        Priority: 1
+        """
+            "test_new_coc_connection: calling orchestrate_coc_connection but "
+            "isBle=1")
+        if not orchestrate_coc_connection(self.client_ad, self.server_ad, 1,
+                                          self.coc_conn_psm1):
+            return False
+        self.client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnStop()
+        self.server_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnStop()
+        return True
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='12537d27-79c9-40a0-8bdb-d023b0e36b58')
+    def test_coc_connection_write_ascii(self):
+        """Test LE CoC writing and reading ascii data
+        Test LE CoC though establishing a connection.
+        Steps:
+        1. Get the mac address of the server device.
+        2. Establish an LE CoC connection from the client to the server AD.
+        3. Verify that the LE CoC connection is active from both the client and
+        server.
+        4. Write data from the client and read received data from the server.
+        5. Verify data matches from client and server
+        6. Disconnect the LE CoC connection.
+        Expected Result:
+        LE CoC connection is established then disconnected succcessfully.
+        Returns:
+          Pass if True
+          Fail if False
+        TAGS: BLE, CoC
+        Priority: 1
+        """
+"test_cocs_connection_write_ascii: calling "
+                      "orchestrate_coc_connection")
+        if not orchestrate_coc_connection(self.client_ad, self.server_ad, 1,
+                                          self.coc_conn_psm1):
+            return False
+        if not write_read_verify_data(self.client_ad, self.server_ad,
+                                      self.message, False):
+            return False
+        if not verify_server_and_client_connected(self.client_ad,
+                                                  self.server_ad):
+            return False
+        self.client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnStop()
+        self.server_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnStop()
+        return True
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='214037f4-f0d1-47db-86a7-5230c71bdcac')
+    def test_coc_connection_throughput(self):
+        """Test LE CoC writing and measured data throughput
+        Test CoC thoughput by establishing a connection and sending data.
+        Steps:
+        1. Get the mac address of the server device.
+        2. Establish a L2CAP CoC connection from the client to the server AD.
+        3. Verify that the L2CAP CoC connection is active from both the client
+        and server.
+        4. Write data from the client to server.
+        5. Verify data matches from client and server
+        6. Disconnect the L2CAP CoC connections.
+        Expected Result:
+        CoC connection is established then disconnected succcessfully.
+        Returns:
+          Pass if True
+          Fail if False
+        TAGS: BLE, CoC
+        Priority: 1
+        """
+        status, client_conn_id, server_conn_id = orchestrate_coc_connection(
+            self.client_ad, self.server_ad, 1, self.coc_conn_psm1)
+        if not status:
+            return False
+        # The num_iterations is that number of repetitions of each
+        # set of buffers r/w.
+        # number_buffers is the total number of data buffers to transmit per
+        # set of buffers r/w.
+        # buffer_size is the number of bytes per L2CAP data buffer.
+        number_buffers = 100
+        buffer_size = 23
+        num_iterations = 3
+        list_server_ad = [self.server_ad]
+        list_client_conn_id = [client_conn_id]
+        data_rate = do_multi_connection_throughput(
+            self.client_ad, list_server_ad, list_client_conn_id,
+            num_iterations, number_buffers, buffer_size)
+        if data_rate <= 0:
+            return False
+            "test_coc_connection_throughput: throughput=%d bytes per sec",
+            data_rate)
+        self.client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnStop()
+        self.server_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnStop()
+        return True
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='7fed507e-1ab5-43ec-abd2-3abd88b95f5b')
+    def test_coc_connection_throughput_2_conn(self):
+        """Test LE CoC data throughput on two connections
+        Test Data Throughput of 2 L2CAP CoC connections. 3 phones are required.
+        Steps:
+        1. Get the mac address of the server device.
+        2. Establish a L2CAP CoC connection from the client to the server#1 AD.
+        3. Verify that the L2CAP CoC connection is active from both the client
+        and server.
+        4. Establish a L2CAP CoC connection from the client to the server#2 AD.
+        5. Verify that the L2CAP CoC connection is active from both the client
+        and server.
+        6. Write data from the client to both server#1 and server#2.
+        7. Verify data matches from client and server
+        8. Disconnect the 2 L2CAP CoC connections.
+        Expected Result:
+        L2CAP CoC connections are established, data written to both servers,
+        then disconnected succcessfully.
+        Returns:
+          Pass if True
+          Fail if False
+        TAGS: BLE, CoC
+        Priority: 1
+        """
+        # Make sure at least 3 phones are setup
+        if len(self.android_devices) <= 2:
+  "test_coc_connection_throughput_2_conn: "
+                          "Error: 3rd phone not configured in file")
+            return False
+            "test_coc_connection_throughput_2_conn: calling "
+            "orchestrate_coc_connection server1 for hardcoded psmValue=0x%x",
+            self.coc_conn_psm1)
+        status, client_conn_id1, server_conn_id1 = orchestrate_coc_connection(
+            self.client_ad, self.server_ad, 1, self.coc_conn_psm1)
+        if not status:
+            return False
+            "test_coc_connection_throughput_2_conn: calling "
+            "orchestrate_coc_connection server2 for hardcoded psmValue=0x%x",
+            self.coc_conn_psm2)
+        status, client_conn_id2, server_conn_id2 = orchestrate_coc_connection(
+            self.client_ad, self.server2_ad, 1, self.coc_conn_psm2)
+        if not status:
+            return False
+        # The num_iterations is that number of repetitions of each
+        # set of buffers r/w.
+        # number_buffers is the total number of data buffers to transmit per
+        # set of buffers r/w.
+        # buffer_size is the number of bytes per L2CAP data buffer.
+        num_iterations = 3
+        number_buffers = 100
+        buffer_size = 23
+        list_server_ad = [self.server_ad, self.server2_ad]
+        list_client_conn_id = [client_conn_id1, client_conn_id2]
+        data_rate = do_multi_connection_throughput(
+            self.client_ad, list_server_ad, list_client_conn_id,
+            num_iterations, number_buffers, buffer_size)
+        if data_rate <= 0:
+            return False
+            "test_coc_connection_throughput_2_conn: throughput=%d bytes per "
+            "sec", data_rate)
+        self.client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnStop(client_conn_id1)
+        self.client_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnStop(client_conn_id2)
+        self.server_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnStop(server_conn_id1)
+        self.server2_ad.droid.bluetoothSocketConnStop(server_conn_id2)
+        return True