Reland Add Netsim Http service

This reverts the revert and fixes the emulator build failure.

Emulator build failure is that `core/` uses the macro `NETSIM_ANDROID_EMULATOR` but it was not set correctly in `core-lib` target in cmake. Fix the build failure by setting `NETSIM_ANDROID_EMULATOR` in `src/core/CMakeLists.txt`

Bug: 246360358
Test: ninja -C objs netsim
This reverts commit ffac07798f7eadce5065534fbe1c35fb254d8366.

Change-Id: I9a7f9f097b9bfbfa17cfb9df833cd1f70df4fc4b
10 files changed
tree: 91e8c76163cf2e8b37f1ab3c1d88b57b70ea63bb
  1. cmake/
  2. doc/
  3. scripts/
  4. src/
  5. .clang-format
  6. .gitignore
  7. Android.bp
  8. cmake-format.json
  9. CMakeLists.txt
  11. OWNERS

netsim - a network simulation tool for multi-device use cases

Netsim is a development stage open-source tool for testing and analysis of android multi-device apps and frameworks. It offers radio level control and HCI tracing.