blob: cc21bee8338df514144e568b879903e29f0d225c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* The PSD format encodes all the text styling information in a structured
* text format. This format can describe:
* <ul>
* <li>Arrays</li>
* <li>Maps</li>
* <li>Named properties</li>
* <li>Integers</li>
* <li>Floats</li>
* <li>Booleans</li>
* <li>Strings</li>
* </ul>
* Here is an example:
* <pre>
* <<
* /ParagraphSheet
* <<
* /DefaultStyleSheet 0
* /Properties
* <<
* /WordSpacing [ .8 1.0 1.33 ]
* /EveryLineComposer false
* /PostHyphen 2
* >>
* >>
* </pre>
* The << and >> markers define the beginning and the end of a map.
* A line starting with a / describes a named property (which can be of
* any type). Arrays are marked with [ and ] and can be multi-lines.
* To make things a bit tricky, strings are stored in UTF-16BE (big endian)
* while the rest of the structured document is in simple ASCII. To avoid
* encoding issues with the standard APIs, the structured text is parsed
* by hand.
* This format is both fairly easy to read and quirky. Please refer to the
* comments in the implementation below for more information.
final class TextEngine {
* A property has a type and a value.
public interface Property<T> {
enum Type {
Property.Type getType();
T getValue();
* A list of properties.
public static final class ListProperty implements Property<List<Property<?>>> {
final List<Property<?>> list = new ArrayList<>();
public Type getType() {
return Type.LIST;
public List<Property<?>> getValue() {
return list;
public float[] toFloatArray() {
float[] a = new float[list.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
a[i] = ((FloatProperty) list.get(i)).getValue();
return a;
public int[] toIntArray() {
int[] a = new int[list.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
a[i] = ((IntProperty) list.get(i)).getValue();
return a;
* A properties map. Each property stored in the map is named by the
* associated key.
public static final class MapProperty implements Property<Map<String, Property<?>>> {
private static final Pattern PATH_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\\[([0-9]+)\\]");
final Map<String, Property<?>> map = new HashMap<>();
public Type getType() {
return Type.MAP;
public Map<String, Property<?>> getValue() {
return map;
* Finds a property in this map using a simple path expression language.
* Paths have the following form:
* PropertyName1.ArrayName[2].PropertyName2
* This path will find the value of the property called PropertyName2 stored
* in the map as the third element of the array named ArrayName in the map
* called PropertyName1.
* @param path A path expression
* @return A property or null if no match is found
public Property<?> get(String path) {
Property<?> property = null;
Map<String, Property<?>> currentMap = map;
// Simple regex to match indexing within arrays: name[INDEX]
Pattern pattern = PATH_PATTERN;
String[] elements = path.split("\\.");
for (String element : elements) {
int index = -1;
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(element);
if (matcher.matches()) {
element =;
index = Integer.parseInt(;
property = currentMap.get(element);
if (property == null) break;
switch (property.getType()) {
case LIST:
if (index >= 0) {
Property<?> item = ((ListProperty) property).list.get(index);
if (item instanceof MapProperty) {
currentMap = ((MapProperty) item).map;
} else {
property = item;
break out;
} else {
break out;
case MAP:
currentMap = ((MapProperty) property).map;
case STRING:
case FLOAT:
break out;
return property;
public static final class StringProperty implements Property<String> {
final String text;
StringProperty(String text) {
this.text = text;
public Type getType() {
return Type.STRING;
public String getValue() {
return text;
public String toString() {
return text;
public static final class BooleanProperty implements Property<Boolean> {
final Boolean value;
BooleanProperty(Boolean value) {
this.value = value;
public Type getType() {
return Type.BOOLEAN;
public Boolean getValue() {
return value;
public String toString() {
return String.valueOf(value);
public static final class IntProperty implements Property<Integer> {
final Integer value;
IntProperty(Integer value) {
this.value = value;
public Type getType() {
return Type.INTEGER;
public Integer getValue() {
return value;
public String toString() {
return String.valueOf(value);
public static final class FloatProperty implements Property<Float> {
final Float value;
FloatProperty(Float value) {
this.value = value;
public Type getType() {
return Type.FLOAT;
public Float getValue() {
return value;
public String toString() {
return String.valueOf(value);
// Various tokens used to parse the structured data
private static final byte TOKEN_STRING_START = 0x28; // '('
private static final byte TOKEN_STRING_END = 0x29; // ')'
private static final byte TOKEN_PROPERTY_START = 0x2F; // '/'
private static final byte TOKEN_ARRAY_START = 0x5B; // '['
private static final byte TOKEN_ARRAY_END = 0x5D; // ']'
private static final byte TOKEN_SPACE = 0x20; // ' '
private static final byte TOKEN_TAB = 0x09; // '\t'
private static final byte TOKEN_LINE_END = 0x0A; // '\n'
private static final byte TOKEN_FLOAT = 0x2E; // '.'
private static final byte TOKEN_BOOLEAN_TRUE = 0x74; // 't'
private static final byte TOKEN_BOOLEAN_FALSE = 0x66; // 'f'
private static final byte[] TOKEN_MAP_START = new byte[] { 0x3C, 0x3C }; // "<<"
private static final byte[] TOKEN_MAP_END = new byte[] { 0x3E, 0x3E }; // ">>"
private static final byte[] TOKEN_BIG_ENDIAN = new byte[] { (byte) 0xFE, (byte) 0xFF };
// Stores property names
private Deque<String> nameStack = new LinkedList<>();
// Stores maps and arrays
private Deque<Property> stack = new LinkedList<>();
* Checks whether all the bytes in the second array are present in the first
* array, starting at the "start" offset.
private static boolean matches(byte[] l, byte[] r, int start) {
for (int i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
if (l[start + i] != r[i]) return false;
return true;
* Decodes the specified structured text data as a MapProperty.
* Photoshop always uses a map as the root element of the structured text.
* @param data The structured text as raw bytes
* @return A MapProperty instance, never null
public MapProperty parse(byte[] data) {
MapProperty root = null;
try {
int pos = 0;
while (pos < data.length) {
// The data is stored indented in the PSD file
// Photoshop always uses tabs as indents
while (pos < data.length && data[pos] == TOKEN_TAB) pos++;
int start = pos;
// An '\n' marks the end of a line in the structured text
// except when inside a String property
while (pos < data.length && data[pos] != TOKEN_LINE_END) pos++;
// Skip empty lines
int length = pos - start;
if (length == 0) {
pos++; // don't forget to advance over the line end marker
// Either << or >>, always marks a map
if (length == 2) {
// If we start a map, push a new MapProperty on the stack
if (matches(data, TOKEN_MAP_START, start)) {
stack.offerFirst(new MapProperty());
} else if (matches(data, TOKEN_MAP_END, start)) {
// Found the end of a map, pop it off the stack and
// add it to wherever it belongs
root = (MapProperty) stack.pollFirst();
} else if (length == 1 && data[start] == TOKEN_ARRAY_END) {
// Found the end of an array, pop it off the stack
} else if (data[start] == TOKEN_PROPERTY_START) {
// We found a named property, first read its name
// then figure out its type. The name is always followed by
// a space
int nameStart = start + 1;
while (start < pos && data[start] != TOKEN_SPACE) start++;
int nameEnd = start++;
// Push the name on the stack in case this property is
// a map or an array
String name = new String(data, nameStart, nameEnd - nameStart);
// If the last byte on this line is \n, then we have a map
// otherwise the property is a float, integer, boolean,
// array or string
if (data[nameEnd] != TOKEN_LINE_END) {
String value;
int valueLength = pos - start;
switch (data[start]) {
// The property is an array (single or multi line)
stack.offerFirst(new ListProperty());
// Single-line array
if (data[pos - 1] == TOKEN_ARRAY_END) {
// All the elements have the same type and as far
// as I can tell they are always numbers
value = new String(data, start + 1, valueLength - 2);
// Elements are space delimited
for (String element : value.trim().split("\\s+")) {
if (!element.isEmpty()) parseNumber(element);
// The property is a string
// A String starts with FEFF, which wrecks havoc
// with Java's encodings, let's be careful
if (matches(data, TOKEN_BIG_ENDIAN, start + 1)) {
// Some strings can be multiline...
while (data[pos - 1] != TOKEN_STRING_END) {
pos++; // Advance over the last line end token
while (pos < data.length && data[pos] != TOKEN_LINE_END) pos++;
// Decode the String as a big endian UTF-16 string
value = new String(data, start + 3, pos - start - 4, "UTF-16BE");
value = value.replace('\r', '\n');
addProperty(new StringProperty(value));
// The property is a float (starts with a '.')
value = new String(data, start, valueLength);
addProperty(new FloatProperty(Float.parseFloat(value)));
// The property is a boolean
value = new String(data, start, valueLength);
addProperty(new BooleanProperty(Boolean.parseBoolean(value)));
// The property is a number (floats start with either 0. or .)
value = new String(data, start, valueLength);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not decode text engine data", e);
return root != null ? root : new MapProperty();
* Parse the specified String as a number and adds the resulting property
* to the parent map or array. The number is either a float or an integer.
private void parseNumber(String value) {
int decimalSeparator = value.indexOf('.');
if (decimalSeparator == -1) {
addProperty(new IntProperty(Integer.parseInt(value)));
} else {
addProperty(new FloatProperty(Float.parseFloat(value)));
* Adds the specified property to the current parent map or array.
private void addProperty(Property property) {
Property previous = stack.peekFirst();
if (previous == null) return;
switch (previous.getType()) {
case LIST:
((ListProperty) previous).list.add(property);
case MAP:
String name = nameStack.pollFirst();
((MapProperty) previous).map.put(name, property);
case STRING:
case FLOAT: