blob: 6cb2509b2a45b56a365c4f96fbd6cc29bf455c70 [file] [log] [blame]
import com.intellij.codeInsight.AnnotationUtil
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Ref
import com.intellij.psi.PsiAnnotation
import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement
import com.intellij.psi.PsiField
import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile
import com.intellij.psi.PsiMethod
import com.intellij.psi.PsiMethodCallExpression
import com.intellij.psi.PsiModifier
import com.intellij.psi.PsiModifierListOwner
import com.intellij.psi.PsiParameter
import com.intellij.psi.PsiParameterList
import com.intellij.psi.PsiReferenceExpression
import com.intellij.psi.PsiVariable
import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil
import org.jetbrains.uast.UAnonymousClass
import org.jetbrains.uast.UBinaryExpression
import org.jetbrains.uast.UBlockExpression
import org.jetbrains.uast.UCallExpression
import org.jetbrains.uast.UClass
import org.jetbrains.uast.UElement
import org.jetbrains.uast.UExpression
import org.jetbrains.uast.UIfExpression
import org.jetbrains.uast.ULambdaExpression
import org.jetbrains.uast.ULiteralExpression
import org.jetbrains.uast.ULocalVariable
import org.jetbrains.uast.UMethod
import org.jetbrains.uast.UPolyadicExpression
import org.jetbrains.uast.UQualifiedReferenceExpression
import org.jetbrains.uast.UReferenceExpression
import org.jetbrains.uast.UReturnExpression
import org.jetbrains.uast.USwitchClauseExpressionWithBody
import org.jetbrains.uast.UThrowExpression
import org.jetbrains.uast.UUnaryExpression
import org.jetbrains.uast.UastBinaryOperator
import org.jetbrains.uast.UastFacade
import org.jetbrains.uast.UastPrefixOperator
import org.jetbrains.uast.getParentOfType
import org.jetbrains.uast.isUastChildOf
import org.jetbrains.uast.visitor.AbstractUastVisitor
private typealias ApiLevelLookup = (UElement) -> Int
* Helper for checking whether a given element is surrounded (or preceded!) by an API check
* using SDK_INT (or other version checking utilities such as BuildCompat#isAtLeastN)
class VersionChecks(private val evaluator: JavaEvaluator) {
companion object {
const val SDK_INT = "SDK_INT"
const val CHECKS_SDK_INT_AT_LEAST_ANNOTATION = "androidx.annotation.ChecksSdkIntAtLeast"
/** SDK int method used by the data binding compiler */
private const val GET_BUILD_SDK_INT = "getBuildSdkInt"
fun codeNameToApi(text: String): Int {
val dotIndex = text.lastIndexOf('.')
val buildCode =
if (dotIndex != -1) {
text.substring(dotIndex + 1)
} else {
return SdkVersionInfo.getApiByBuildCode(buildCode, true)
fun isWithinVersionCheckConditional(
evaluator: JavaEvaluator,
element: UElement,
api: Int,
isLowerBound: Boolean
): Boolean {
return VersionChecks(evaluator).isWithinVersionCheckConditional(
evaluator = evaluator,
element = element,
api = api,
isLowerBound = isLowerBound,
apiLookup = null
fun isPrecededByVersionCheckExit(
evaluator: JavaEvaluator,
element: UElement,
api: Int,
isLowerBound: Boolean
): Boolean {
val check = VersionChecks(evaluator)
var prev = element
var current: UExpression? = prev.getParentOfType(,
while (current != null) {
val visitor = check.VersionCheckWithExitFinder(prev, api, isLowerBound)
if (visitor.found()) {
return true
prev = current
current = current.getParentOfType(,
// TODO: what about lambdas?
return false
// TODO: Merge with the other isVersionCheckConditional
fun isVersionCheckConditional(api: Int, binary: UBinaryExpression): Boolean? {
val tokenType = binary.operator
if (tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.GREATER ||
tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.GREATER_OR_EQUALS ||
tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.LESS_OR_EQUALS ||
tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.LESS ||
tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.EQUALS ||
tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.IDENTITY_EQUALS
) {
val left = binary.leftOperand
if (left is UReferenceExpression) {
if (SDK_INT == left.resolvedName) {
val right = binary.rightOperand
var level = -1
if (right is UReferenceExpression) {
val codeName = right.resolvedName ?: return false
level = SdkVersionInfo.getApiByBuildCode(codeName, true)
} else if (right is ULiteralExpression) {
val value = right.value
if (value is Int) {
level = value
if (level != -1) {
if (tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.GREATER_OR_EQUALS && level < api) {
return true
} else if (tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.GREATER && level <= api - 1) {
return true
} else if (tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.LESS_OR_EQUALS && level < api) {
return false
} else if (tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.LESS && level <= api) {
return false
} else if ((tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.EQUALS ||
tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.IDENTITY_EQUALS) &&
level < api
) {
return false
return null
"isAtLeast", "isRunning", "is", "runningOn", "running", "has"
"OrLater", "OrAbove", "OrHigher", "OrNewer", "Sdk"
fun getMinSdkVersionFromMethodName(name: String): Int {
val prefix =
VERSION_METHOD_NAME_PREFIXES.firstOrNull { name.startsWith(it) } ?: return -1
val suffix =
VERSION_METHOD_NAME_SUFFIXES.firstOrNull { SdkUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(name, it) }
?: if (prefix != "is") "" else null ?: return -1
val codeName = name.substring(prefix.length, name.length - suffix.length)
var version = SdkVersionInfo.getApiByPreviewName(codeName, false)
if (version == -1) {
version = SdkVersionInfo.getApiByBuildCode(codeName, false)
if (version == -1 && codeName.length == 1 && Character.isUpperCase(codeName[0])
) {
// Some future API level
version = SdkVersionInfo.HIGHEST_KNOWN_API + 1
} else if (SdkUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(codeName, "api")) {
val length = codeName.length
var begin = 3 // "api".length
if (begin < length && codeName[begin] == '_') {
var end = begin
while (end < length) {
if (!Character.isDigit(codeName[end])) {
if (begin < end) {
version = Integer.decode(codeName.substring(begin, end))
return version
private fun isUnconditionalReturn(statement: UExpression): Boolean {
if (statement is UBlockExpression) {
val expressions = statement.expressions
val statements = expressions.size
if (statements > 0) {
val last = expressions[statements - 1]
if (last is UReturnExpression || last is UThrowExpression) {
return true
} else if (last is UCallExpression) {
val methodName = getMethodName(last)
// Look for Kotlin runtime library methods that unconditionally exit
if ("error" == methodName || "TODO" == methodName) {
return true
return statement is UReturnExpression
private fun isWithinVersionCheckConditional(
evaluator: JavaEvaluator,
element: UElement,
api: Int,
isLowerBound: Boolean,
apiLookup: ApiLevelLookup?
): Boolean {
var current = skipParentheses(element.uastParent)
var prev = element
while (current != null) {
if (current is UIfExpression) {
val ifStatement = current
val condition = ifStatement.condition
if (prev !== condition) {
val fromThen = prev == ifStatement.thenExpression
val ok = isVersionCheckConditional(
api = api,
isLowerBound = isLowerBound,
element = condition,
and = fromThen,
prev = prev,
apiLookup = apiLookup
if (ok != null && ok) {
return true
} else if (current is UPolyadicExpression &&
(isAndedWithConditional(current, api, isLowerBound, prev) ||
isOredWithConditional(current, api, isLowerBound, prev))
) {
return true
} else if (current is USwitchClauseExpressionWithBody) {
for (condition in current.caseValues) {
val ok = isVersionCheckConditional(
api = api,
isLowerBound = isLowerBound,
element = condition,
and = true,
prev = prev,
apiLookup = apiLookup
if (ok != null && ok) {
return true
} else if (current is UCallExpression && prev is ULambdaExpression) {
// If the API violation is in a lambda that is passed to a method,
// see if the lambda parameter is invoked inside that method, wrapped within
// a suitable version conditional.
// Optionally also see if we're passing in the API level as a parameter
// to the function.
// Algorithm:
// (1) Figure out which parameter we're mapping the lambda argument to.
// (2) Find that parameter invoked within the function
// (3) From the invocation see if it's a suitable version conditional
val call = current
val method = call.resolve()
if (method != null) {
val validFromAnnotation = isValidFromAnnotation(api, method, call)
if (validFromAnnotation != null) {
return validFromAnnotation
val mapping =
evaluator.computeArgumentMapping(call, method)
val parameter = mapping[prev]
if (parameter != null) {
val uMethod = UastFacade.convertElementWithParent(
) as UMethod? ?: return false
val match = Ref<UCallExpression>()
val parameterName =
object : AbstractUastVisitor() {
override fun visitCallExpression(
node: UCallExpression
): Boolean {
val callName = getMethodName(node)
if (callName == parameterName) {
// Potentially not correct due to scopes, but these lambda
// utility methods tend to be short and for lambda function
// calls, resolve on call returns null
return super.visitCallExpression(node)
val lambdaInvocation = match.get()
val newApiLookup: (UElement) -> Int = { reference ->
var apiLevel = -1
if (reference is UReferenceExpression) {
val resolved = reference.resolve()
if (resolved is PsiParameter) {
val parameterList =
if (parameterList != null) {
val index = parameterList.getParameterIndex(resolved)
val arguments = call.valueArguments
if (index != -1 && index < arguments.size) {
apiLevel = getApiLevel(arguments[index], null)
if (lambdaInvocation != null && isWithinVersionCheckConditional(
evaluator = evaluator,
element = lambdaInvocation,
api = api,
isLowerBound = isLowerBound,
apiLookup = newApiLookup
) {
return true
} else if (current is UMethod) {
if (current.uastParent !is UAnonymousClass) return false
} else if (current is PsiFile) {
return false
prev = current
current = skipParentheses(current.uastParent)
return false
private fun isVersionCheckConditional(
api: Int,
isLowerBound: Boolean,
element: UElement,
and: Boolean,
prev: UElement? = null,
apiLookup: ApiLevelLookup? = null
): Boolean? {
if (element is UPolyadicExpression) {
if (element is UBinaryExpression) {
val ok = isVersionCheckConditional(
api = api,
isLowerBound = isLowerBound,
fromThen = and,
binary = element,
apiLevelLookup = apiLookup
if (ok != null) {
return ok
val tokenType = element.operator
if (and && tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.LOGICAL_AND) {
if (isAndedWithConditional(element, api, isLowerBound, prev)) {
return true
} else if (!and && tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.LOGICAL_OR) {
if (isOredWithConditional(element, api, isLowerBound, prev)) {
return true
} else if (element is UCallExpression) {
return isValidVersionCall(api, isLowerBound, and, element)
} else if (element is UReferenceExpression) {
// Constant expression for an SDK version check?
val resolved = element.resolve()
if (resolved is PsiField) {
val field = resolved
val validFromAnnotation = isValidFromAnnotation(api, field)
if (validFromAnnotation != null) {
return validFromAnnotation
val modifierList = field.modifierList
if (modifierList != null && modifierList.hasExplicitModifier(PsiModifier.STATIC)) {
val initializer = UastFacade.getInitializerBody(field)
if (initializer != null) {
val ok = isVersionCheckConditional(
api = api,
isLowerBound = isLowerBound,
element = initializer,
and = and
if (ok != null) {
return ok
} else if (resolved is PsiMethod &&
element is UQualifiedReferenceExpression &&
element.selector is UCallExpression
) {
val call = element.selector as UCallExpression
return isValidVersionCall(api, isLowerBound, and, call)
} else if (resolved is PsiMethod) {
// Method call via Kotlin property syntax
return isValidVersionCall(
api = api,
isLowerBound = isLowerBound,
and = and,
call = element,
method = resolved
} else if (resolved == null && element is UQualifiedReferenceExpression) {
val selector = element.selector
if (selector is UCallExpression) {
return isValidVersionCall(
api = api,
isLowerBound = isLowerBound,
and = and,
call = selector
} else if (element is UUnaryExpression) {
if (element.operator === UastPrefixOperator.LOGICAL_NOT) {
val operand = element.operand
val ok = isVersionCheckConditional(
api = api,
isLowerBound = isLowerBound,
element = operand,
and = !and
if (ok != null) {
return ok
return null
private fun isValidFromAnnotation(
api: Int,
owner: PsiModifierListOwner,
call: UCallExpression? = null
): Boolean? {
val annotation = AnnotationUtil.findAnnotation(
) ?: return null
val value = getApiLevel(annotation, owner, call)
return if (value != -1) api <= value else null
private fun getApiLevel(
annotation: PsiAnnotation,
owner: PsiModifierListOwner,
call: UCallExpression?
): Int {
val api = annotation.getAnnotationIntValue("api")
if (api != -1) {
return api
val codename = annotation.getAnnotationStringValue("codename")
if (codename.isNotEmpty()) { // empty string is the default
return SdkVersionInfo.getApiByPreviewName(codename, true)
val parameterIndex = annotation.getAnnotationIntValue("parameter")
if (owner is PsiMethod && call != null) {
val parameters = owner.parameterList.parameters
if (parameterIndex >= 0 && parameterIndex < parameters.size) {
val target = parameters[parameterIndex]
val mapping = evaluator.computeArgumentMapping(call, owner)
for ((key, value1) in mapping) {
if (value1 === target || value1.isEquivalentTo(target)) {
val v = ConstantEvaluator.evaluate(null, key)
return (v as? Number)?.toInt() ?: -1
return -1
private fun isValidVersionCall(
api: Int,
isLowerBound: Boolean,
and: Boolean,
call: UCallExpression
): Boolean? {
val method = call.resolve()
if (method == null) {
// Fallback when we can't resolve call: Try to guess just based on the method name
val identifier = call.methodIdentifier
if (identifier != null) {
val name =
val version = getMinSdkVersionFromMethodName(name)
if (version != -1 && isLowerBound) {
return api <= version
return null
return isValidVersionCall(api, isLowerBound, and, call, method)
private fun isValidVersionCall(
api: Int,
isLowerBound: Boolean,
and: Boolean,
call: UElement,
method: PsiMethod
): Boolean? {
val validFromAnnotation = isValidFromAnnotation(api, method, call as? UCallExpression)
if (validFromAnnotation != null) {
return validFromAnnotation
val name =
if (name.startsWith("isAtLeast") && isLowerBound) {
val containingClass = method.containingClass
if (containingClass != null &&
// androidx.core.os.BuildCompat
"BuildCompat" ==
) {
when {
name == "isAtLeastN" -> return api <= 24
name == "isAtLeastNMR1" -> return api <= 25
name == "isAtLeastO" -> return api <= 26
name.startsWith("isAtLeastP") -> return api <= 28
name.startsWith("isAtLeastQ") -> return api <= 29
// Try to guess future API levels before they're announced
name.startsWith("isAtLeast") &&
name.length == 10 && Character.isUpperCase(name[9])
&& name[9] > 'Q' ->
return api <= SdkVersionInfo.HIGHEST_KNOWN_API + 1
val version = getMinSdkVersionFromMethodName(name)
if (version != -1 && isLowerBound) {
return api <= version
// Unconditional version utility method? If so just attempt to call it
if (!method.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.ABSTRACT)) {
val body = UastFacade.getMethodBody(method) ?: return null
val expressions: List<UExpression>
expressions = if (body is UBlockExpression) {
} else {
if (expressions.size == 1) {
val statement = expressions[0]
val returnValue: UExpression? = if (statement is UReturnExpression) {
} else {
// Kotlin: may not have an explicit return statement
if (returnValue != null) {
val arguments =
if (call is UCallExpression) call.valueArguments else emptyList()
if (arguments.isEmpty()) {
if (returnValue is UPolyadicExpression ||
returnValue is UCallExpression ||
returnValue is UQualifiedReferenceExpression
) {
val isConditional =
api = api,
isLowerBound = isLowerBound,
element = returnValue,
and = and
if (isConditional != null) {
return isConditional
} else if (arguments.size == 1) {
// See if we're passing in a value to the version utility method
val lookup: (UElement) -> Int = { reference ->
var apiLevel = -1
if (reference is UReferenceExpression) {
val resolved = reference.resolve()
if (resolved is PsiParameter) {
val parameterList =
if (parameterList != null) {
val index = parameterList.getParameterIndex(resolved)
if (index != -1 && index < arguments.size) {
apiLevel = getApiLevel(arguments[index], null)
val ok = isVersionCheckConditional(
api = api,
isLowerBound = isLowerBound,
element = returnValue,
and = and,
apiLookup = lookup
if (ok != null) {
return ok
return null
private fun isSdkInt(element: PsiElement): Boolean {
if (element is PsiReferenceExpression) {
if (SDK_INT == element.referenceName) {
return true
val resolved = element.resolve()
if (resolved is PsiVariable) {
val initializer = resolved.initializer
if (initializer != null) {
return isSdkInt(initializer)
} else if (element is PsiMethodCallExpression) {
if (GET_BUILD_SDK_INT == element.methodExpression.referenceName) {
return true
} // else look inside the body?
return false
private fun isSdkInt(element: UElement): Boolean {
if (element is UReferenceExpression) {
if (SDK_INT == element.resolvedName) {
return true
val resolved = element.resolve()
if (resolved is ULocalVariable) {
val initializer = resolved.uastInitializer
if (initializer != null) {
return isSdkInt(initializer)
} else if (resolved is PsiVariable) {
val initializer = resolved.initializer
if (initializer != null) {
return isSdkInt(initializer)
} else if (element is UCallExpression) {
if (GET_BUILD_SDK_INT == getMethodName(element)) {
return true
} // else look inside the body?
return false
private fun isVersionCheckConditional(
api: Int,
isLowerBound: Boolean,
fromThen: Boolean,
binary: UBinaryExpression,
apiLevelLookup: ApiLevelLookup? = null
): Boolean? {
var fromThen = fromThen
val tokenType = binary.operator
if (tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.GREATER ||
tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.GREATER_OR_EQUALS ||
tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.LESS_OR_EQUALS ||
tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.LESS ||
tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.EQUALS ||
tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.IDENTITY_EQUALS ||
tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.NOT_EQUALS ||
tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.IDENTITY_NOT_EQUALS
) {
val left = binary.leftOperand
val level: Int
val right: UExpression
if (!isSdkInt(left)) {
right = binary.rightOperand
if (isSdkInt(right)) {
fromThen = !fromThen
level = getApiLevel(left, apiLevelLookup)
} else {
return null
} else {
right = binary.rightOperand
level = getApiLevel(right, apiLevelLookup)
if (level != -1) {
if (tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.GREATER_OR_EQUALS) {
return if (isLowerBound) {
// if (SDK_INT >= ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) { <call> } else { ... }
level >= api && fromThen
} else {
// if (SDK_INT >= ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) { ... } else { <call> }
level - 1 <= api && !fromThen
} else if (tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.GREATER) {
return if (isLowerBound) {
// if (SDK_INT > ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) { <call> } else { ... }
level >= api - 1 && fromThen
} else {
// if (SDK_INT > ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) { ... } else { <call> }
level <= api && !fromThen
} else if (tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.LESS_OR_EQUALS) {
return if (isLowerBound) {
// if (SDK_INT <= ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) { ... } else { <call> }
level >= api - 1 && !fromThen
} else {
// if (SDK_INT <= ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) { <call> } else { ... }
level <= api && fromThen
} else if (tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.LESS) {
return if (isLowerBound) {
// if (SDK_INT < ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) { ... } else { <call> }
level >= api && !fromThen
} else {
// if (SDK_INT < ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) { <call> } else { ... }
level - 1 <= api && fromThen
} else if (tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.EQUALS ||
tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.IDENTITY_EQUALS
) {
// if (SDK_INT == ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) { <call> } else { ... }
return if (isLowerBound) {
level >= api && fromThen
} else {
level <= api && fromThen
} else if (tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.NOT_EQUALS ||
tokenType === UastBinaryOperator.IDENTITY_NOT_EQUALS
) {
// if (SDK_INT != ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) { ... } else { <call> }
return level == api && !fromThen
} else {
assert(false) { tokenType }
return null
private fun getApiLevel(
element: UExpression?,
apiLevelLookup: ApiLevelLookup?
): Int {
var level = -1
if (element is UReferenceExpression) {
val codeName = element.resolvedName
if (codeName != null) {
level = SdkVersionInfo.getApiByBuildCode(codeName, false)
if (level == -1) {
val constant = ConstantEvaluator.evaluate(null, element)
if (constant is Number) {
level = constant.toInt()
} else if (element is ULiteralExpression) {
val value = element.value
if (value is Int) {
level = value
if (level == -1 && apiLevelLookup != null && element != null) {
level = apiLevelLookup(element)
return level
private fun isOredWithConditional(
element: UElement,
api: Int,
isLowerBound: Boolean,
before: UElement?
): Boolean {
if (element is UBinaryExpression) {
if (element.operator === UastBinaryOperator.LOGICAL_OR) {
val left = element.leftOperand
if (before !== left) {
var ok = isVersionCheckConditional(
api = api,
isLowerBound = isLowerBound,
element = left,
and = false
if (ok != null) {
return ok
val right = element.rightOperand
ok = isVersionCheckConditional(
api = api,
isLowerBound = isLowerBound,
element = right,
and = false
if (ok != null) {
return ok
val value =
api = api,
isLowerBound = isLowerBound,
fromThen = false,
binary = element
return value != null && value
} else if (element is UPolyadicExpression) {
if (element.operator === UastBinaryOperator.LOGICAL_OR) {
for (operand in element.operands) {
if (operand == before) {
} else if (isOredWithConditional(
element = operand,
api = api,
isLowerBound = isLowerBound,
before = before
) {
return true
return false
private fun isAndedWithConditional(
element: UElement,
api: Int,
isLowerBound: Boolean,
before: UElement?
): Boolean {
if (element is UBinaryExpression) {
if (element.operator === UastBinaryOperator.LOGICAL_AND) {
val left = element.leftOperand
if (before !== left) {
var ok = isVersionCheckConditional(
api = api,
isLowerBound = isLowerBound,
element = left,
and = true
if (ok != null) {
return ok
val right = element.rightOperand
ok = isVersionCheckConditional(
api = api,
isLowerBound = isLowerBound,
element = right,
and = true
if (ok != null) {
return ok
val value = isVersionCheckConditional(
api = api,
isLowerBound = isLowerBound,
fromThen = true,
binary = element
return value != null && value
} else if (element is UPolyadicExpression) {
if (element.operator === UastBinaryOperator.LOGICAL_AND) {
for (operand in element.operands) {
if (operand == before) {
} else if (isAndedWithConditional(
) {
return true
return false
private inner class VersionCheckWithExitFinder(
private val endElement: UElement,
private val api: Int,
private val isLowerBound: Boolean
) : AbstractUastVisitor() {
private var found = false
private var done = false
override fun visitElement(node: UElement): Boolean {
if (done) {
return true
if (node === endElement) {
done = true
return done
override fun visitIfExpression(node: UIfExpression): Boolean {
if (done) {
return true
if (endElement.isUastChildOf(node, true)) {
// Even if there is an unconditional exit, endElement will occur before it!
done = true
return true
val thenBranch = node.thenExpression
val elseBranch = node.elseExpression
if (thenBranch != null) {
val level = isVersionCheckConditional(
api = api,
isLowerBound = isLowerBound,
element = node.condition,
and = false
if (level != null && level) {
// See if the body does an immediate return
if (isUnconditionalReturn(thenBranch)) {
found = true
done = true
if (elseBranch != null) {
val level = isVersionCheckConditional(
api = api,
isLowerBound = isLowerBound,
element = node.condition,
and = true
if (level != null && level) {
if (isUnconditionalReturn(elseBranch)) {
found = true
done = true
return true
fun found(): Boolean {
return found
private fun PsiAnnotation.getAnnotationIntValue(
attribute: String,
defaultValue: Int = -1
): Int {
val psiValue = findAttributeValue(attribute) ?: return defaultValue
val value = ConstantEvaluator.evaluate(null, psiValue)
if (value is Number) {
return value.toInt()
return defaultValue
private fun PsiAnnotation.getAnnotationStringValue(
attribute: String,
defaultValue: String = ""
): String {
val psiValue = findAttributeValue(attribute) ?: return defaultValue
return ConstantEvaluator.evaluateString(null, psiValue, false)
?: defaultValue