blob: ea8283e880fa98a26d6f7fc328ede929d06c6be9 [file] [log] [blame]
load(":coverage.bzl", "coverage_baseline", "coverage_java_test")
load(":functions.bzl", "create_java_compiler_args_srcs", "explicit_target")
load(":maven.bzl", "maven_pom")
load(":merge_archives.bzl", "merge_jars")
load(":lint.bzl", "lint_test")
def kotlin_compile(ctx, name, srcs, deps, friends, out, jre = []):
"""Runs kotlinc on the given source files.
ctx: the analysis context
name: the name of the module being compiled
srcs: a list of Java and Kotlin source files
deps: a depset of compile-time jar dependencies
friends: a list of friend jars (allowing access to 'internal' members)
jre: a list of jars to put on the bootclasspath, *instead* of the
default JRE determined by kotlinc
out: the output jar file
Expects that ctx.files._kotlinc is defined.
Note: kotlinc only compiles Kotlin, not Java. So if there are Java
sources, then you will also need to run javac after this action.
deps = depset(direct = jre, transitive = [deps])
src_paths = [src.path for src in srcs]
option_flags, option_files = \
create_java_compiler_args_srcs(ctx, src_paths, out, deps.to_list())
args = ctx.actions.args()
args.add("--module_name", name)
for friend in friends:
args.add("--friend_dir", friend.path)
if jre:
# To enable persistent Bazel workers, all arguments must come in an argfile.
args.use_param_file("@%s", use_always = True)
inputs = depset(direct = srcs + option_files, transitive = [deps]),
outputs = [out],
mnemonic = "kotlinc",
arguments = [args],
executable = ctx.executable._kotlinc,
execution_requirements = {"supports-workers": "1"},
def _kotlin_jar_impl(ctx):
# TODO: We would prefer to use transitive_compile_time_jars instead of
# transitive_runtime_deps, but currently there are issues when mixing Kotlin
# and ijars. (ijar strips needed Kotlin metadata and inline method bodies.)
# Note that transitive_runtime_deps excludes neverlink dependencies,
# so we try to get those back by adding ctx.files.deps directly. Fixing
# these issues and adding ijar/hjar support could significantly improve
# build times.
compile_deps = depset(
direct = ctx.files.deps + ctx.files._kotlin_stdlib,
transitive = [
for dep in ctx.attr.deps
if JavaInfo in dep
ctx = ctx,
name = ctx.attr.module_name,
srcs = ctx.files.srcs,
deps = compile_deps,
friends = ctx.files.friends,
out = ctx.outputs.output_jar,
_kotlin_jar = rule(
attrs = {
"srcs": attr.label_list(
allow_empty = False,
allow_files = True,
"friends": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
"deps": attr.label_list(
mandatory = False,
allow_files = [".jar"],
"module_name": attr.string(),
"_kotlinc": attr.label(
executable = True,
cfg = "host",
default = Label("//tools/base/bazel:kotlinc"),
allow_files = True,
"_kotlin_stdlib": attr.label(
default = Label("//prebuilts/tools/common/kotlin-plugin-ij:Kotlin/kotlinc/lib/kotlin-stdlib"),
allow_files = True,
outputs = {
"output_jar": "lib%{name}.jar",
implementation = _kotlin_jar_impl,
def kotlin_library(
javacopts = None,
resources = [],
resource_strip_prefix = None,
deps = [],
runtime_deps = [],
bundled_deps = [],
friends = [],
pom = None,
exclusions = None,
visibility = None,
jar_name = None,
testonly = False,
lint_baseline = None,
lint_classpath = [],
lint_is_test_sources = False,
module_name = None):
"""Compiles a library jar from Java and Kotlin sources"""
kotlins = [src for src in srcs if src.endswith(".kt")]
javas = [src for src in srcs if src.endswith(".java")]
if not testonly:
name = name,
srcs = javas + kotlins,
if not kotlins and not javas:
fail("No sources found for kotlin_library " + name)
targets = []
kdeps = []
if kotlins:
kotlin_name = name + ".kotlin"
targets += [kotlin_name]
kdeps += [":lib" + kotlin_name + ".jar"]
name = kotlin_name,
srcs = srcs,
deps = deps + bundled_deps,
friends = friends,
visibility = visibility,
testonly = testonly,
module_name = module_name,
java_name = name + ".java"
resources_with_notice = native.glob(["NOTICE", "LICENSE"]) + resources if pom else resources
if javas or resources_with_notice:
targets += [java_name]
name = java_name,
srcs = javas,
javacopts = javacopts if javas else None,
resources = resources_with_notice,
resource_strip_prefix = resource_strip_prefix,
deps = (kdeps + deps + bundled_deps) if javas else None,
runtime_deps = runtime_deps,
resource_jars = bundled_deps,
visibility = visibility,
testonly = testonly,
jar_name = jar_name if jar_name else "lib" + name + ".jar"
name = name + ".singlejar",
jars = [":lib" + target + ".jar" for target in targets],
out = jar_name,
allow_duplicates = True, # TODO: Ideally we could be more strict here.
name = name,
jars = [jar_name],
runtime_deps = deps + ["//prebuilts/tools/common/kotlin-plugin-ij:Kotlin/kotlinc/lib/kotlin-stdlib"],
visibility = visibility,
testonly = testonly,
if pom:
name = name + "_maven",
deps = [explicit_target(dep) + "_maven" for dep in deps if not dep.endswith("_neverlink")],
exclusions = exclusions,
library = name,
visibility = visibility,
source = pom,
lint_srcs = javas + kotlins
if lint_baseline:
if not lint_srcs:
fail("lint_baseline set for iml_module that has no sources")
name = name + "_lint_test",
srcs = lint_srcs,
baseline = lint_baseline,
deps = deps + bundled_deps + lint_classpath,
custom_rules = ["//tools/base/lint:studio-checks.lint-rules.jar"],
tags = ["no_windows"],
is_test_sources = lint_is_test_sources,
def kotlin_test(
deps = [],
runtime_deps = [],
friends = [],
visibility = None,
lint_baseline = None,
lint_classpath = [],
name = name + ".testlib",
srcs = srcs,
deps = deps,
testonly = True,
runtime_deps = runtime_deps,
jar_name = name + ".jar",
lint_baseline = lint_baseline,
lint_classpath = lint_classpath,
lint_is_test_sources = True,
visibility = visibility,
friends = friends,
name = name + ".test",
runtime_deps = [
":" + name + ".testlib",
] + runtime_deps,
visibility = visibility,
name = name,
tests = [name + ".test"],