blob: bbaf845c2995b8586373ea960a2930d956a13b1e [file] [log] [blame]
#!/bin/bash -x
# Invoked by Android Build Launchcontrol for continuous builds.
readonly dist_dir="$1"
readonly build_number="$2"
if [[ $build_number =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
readonly postsubmit=true
readonly script_dir="$(dirname "$0")"
# Clean up existing results so obsolete data cannot cause issues
"${script_dir}/bazel" clean --async || exit $?
# Generate a UUID for use as the bazel invocation id
readonly invocation_id="$(uuidgen)"
if [[ -d "${dist_dir}" ]]; then
# Link to test results
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; URL='${invocation_id}'\" />" > "${dist_dir}"/upsalite_test_results.html
# Generate baseline coverage file lists
"${script_dir}/bazel" \
build \
--config=remote \
--build_tag_filters="coverage-sources" \
-- \
//tools/... \
|| exit $?
# Run Bazel with coverage instrumentation
"${script_dir}/bazel" \
--max_idle_secs=60 \
test \
--keep_going \
--config=remote \
--invocation_id=${invocation_id} \
${auth_options} \
--test_tag_filters=-no_linux,-no_test_linux,-perfgate \
--define agent_coverage=true \
-- \
@cov//:all.suite \
|| exit $?
# Generate another UUID for the report invocation
readonly report_invocation_id="$(uuidgen)"
if [[ -d "${dist_dir}" ]]; then
# Link to test results
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; URL='${report_invocation_id}'\" />" > "${dist_dir}"/upsalite_build_report_results.html
# Build the lcov file
"${script_dir}/bazel" \
build \
--config=remote \
--remote_download_outputs=toplevel \
--invocation_id=${report_invocation_id} \
${auth_options} \
-- \
@cov//:all.lcov \
@cov//:comps.list_all \
|| exit $?
readonly lcov_path="./bazel-bin/external/cov/all/lcov"
readonly comp_list_path="./bazel-bin/external/cov/comps/list"
# Generate the HTML report
#genhtml -o "./out/html" ${lcov_path} -p $(pwd) --no-function-coverage || exit $?
if [[ -d "${dist_dir}" ]]; then
# Copy the report to ab/ outputs
mkdir "${dist_dir}/coverage" || exit $?
cp -pv ${lcov_path} "${dist_dir}/coverage" || exit $?
cp -pv ${comp_list_path} "${dist_dir}/coverage" || exit $?
# HTML report needs to be zipped for fast uploads
#pushd "./out" || exit $?
#zip -r "" "./html" || exit $?
#popd || exit $?
#mv -v "./out/" "${dist_dir}/coverage" || exit $?
# Upload the LCOV data to GCS if running on BYOB but only for postsubmit builds
if [[ "$build_number" && "$postsubmit" ]]; then
gsutil cp ${lcov_path} "gs://android-devtools-archives/ab-studio-coverage/${build_number}/" || exit $?
gsutil cp ${comp_list_path} "gs://android-devtools-archives/ab-studio-coverage/${build_number}/" || exit $?
exit 0