blob: 4885ce8124c96ffc2adfe8963157b6f16759e750 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
import "ide_models.proto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "KotlinMultiplatformAndroidModelsProto";
message AndroidTarget {
// Version of the android gradle plugin.
optional string agp_version = 1;
// The gradle path of the module.
optional string project_path = 2;
// The gradle build folder of the project.
optional File build_dir = 3;
// The boot classpath matching the compile target. This is typically android.jar plus
// other optional libraries.
repeated File boot_classpath = 4;
// The instrumented test info if enabled.
optional TestInfo test_info = 5;
// The android gradle plugin flags for this project.
optional AndroidGradlePluginProjectFlags flags = 6;
// The lint jars that this module uses to run extra lint checks on this project.
// This is the resolution of the `lintCheck` configuration.
repeated File lint_checks_jars = 7;
// Whether core library desugaring is enabled, false otherwise.
optional bool is_core_library_desugaring_enabled = 8;
// Returns desugar.json configuration files for library desugaring, or empty when library
// desugaring is not enabled. Currently, there would only be one desugar.json file for the
// entire project, but could be more in the future if r8 team decides to publish more.
repeated File desugar_lib_config = 9;
// Returns the optional group-id of the artifact represented by this project.
optional string group_id = 10;
// The build tools version used by this module.
optional string build_tools_version = 11;
// Files listing any D8 backported desugared methods or core library desugared methods for this
// artifact.
repeated File desugared_methods_files = 12;
// The build ID (directory containing the settings file) of the root build of this project.
optional File root_build_id = 13;
// The build ID (directory containing the settings file) of the (included) build containing this
// project.
optional File build_id = 14;
// Whether java compilation is enabled.
optional bool with_java = 15;
// Sources included in a kotlin multiplatform sourceSet.
message SourceProvider {
optional File manifest_file = 1;
// Generated sources included in a kotlin multiplatform compilation.
message GeneratedSources {
repeated File source_folders = 1;
// The info of the main variant of the android kotlin multiplatform target.
message MainVariantInfo {
optional string namespace = 1;
// The compilation target as a string. This is the full extended target hash string.
optional string compile_sdk_target = 2;
// The min SDK version of this artifact.
optional AndroidVersion min_sdk_version = 3;
// The max SDK version of this artifact.
optional int32 max_sdk_version = 4;
// Specifies the ProGuard configuration files that the plugin should use.
// There are two ProGuard rules files that ship with the Android plugin and are used by
// default:
// * proguard-android.txt
// * proguard-android-optimize.txt
// `proguard-android-optimize.txt` is identical to `proguard-android.txt`,
// except with optimizations enabled.
repeated File proguard_files = 5;
// The collection of proguard rule files for consumers of the library to use.
repeated File consumer_proguard_files = 6;
// Whether code shrinking is enabled.
optional bool minification_enabled = 7;
// The info of the unit test component of the android kotlin multiplatform target.
message UnitTestInfo {
optional string namespace = 1;
// Path to the mockable platform generated jar if present.
optional File mockable_platform_jar = 2;
// name of the gradle task that runs the unit tests.
optional string unit_test_task_name = 3;
// The info of the instrumented test component of the android kotlin multiplatform target.
message InstrumentedTestInfo {
optional string namespace = 1;
optional string test_instrumentation_runner = 2;
map<string, string> test_instrumentation_runner_arguments = 3;
// The signing config used to sign the test apk.
optional SigningConfig signing_config = 4;
// Returns the absolute path for the listing file that will get updated after each build. The
// model file will contain deployment related information like applicationId, list of APKs.
optional File assemble_task_output_listing_file = 5;
message AndroidCompilation {
// The type of the compilation.
optional CompilationType type = 1;
// The info of the main variant, will be available iff compilation type is MAIN.
optional MainVariantInfo main_info = 2;
// The info of the unit test component, will be available iff compilation type is UNIT_TEST.
optional UnitTestInfo unit_test_info = 3;
// The info of the instrumented test component, will be available iff compilation type is INSTRUMENTED_TEST.
optional InstrumentedTestInfo instrumented_test_info = 4;
// The name of the default sourceSet of the compilation.
optional string default_source_set_name = 5;
// The gradle assemble task name.
optional string assemble_task_name = 6;
// The kotlin gradle compilation task name.
optional string kotlin_compile_task_name = 7;
enum CompilationType {
MAIN = 0;
message AndroidSourceSet {
optional SourceProvider source_provider = 1;
// Extra information to identify a dependency that is outgoing from an android kotlin sourceSet.
message DependencyInfo {
optional Library library = 1;