blob: 1816100838315cb043adda106416d753fa07720f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "IdeModelsProto";
// Representation of a path.
message File {
optional string absolute_path = 1;
// Information for test Artifacts.
// This includes both Android test components in app/lib modules, and the main component
// in test modules.
message TestInfo {
optional bool animations_disabled = 1;
optional Execution execution = 2;
// Returns a list of additional APKs that need to installed on the device for this artifact to
// work correctly.
// For test artifacts, these will be "buddy APKs" from the `androidTestUtil`
// configuration.
repeated File additional_runtime_apks = 3;
// Returns the name of the task used to run instrumented tests or null if the variant is not a
// test variant.
optional string instrumented_test_task_name = 4;
enum Execution {
// On device orchestration is not used in this case.
HOST = 0;
// On device orchestration is used.
// On device orchestration is used, with androidx class names.
// Represents various AGP project-wide flags.
// This class is only for use in the Gradle tooling model. On the IDE side use
// `IdeAndroidGradlePluginProjectFlags` which provides an interpreted view of the flags.
message AndroidGradlePluginProjectFlags {
repeated BooleanFlagValue boolean_flag_values = 1;
* Boolean flags for behavior changes in AGP that Android Studio needs to know about.
* Studio uses the legacy default for AGPs that do not specify that flag.
* Flags **must** never be removed from here. This is to avoid issues when the
* current version of studio fetches models from a project that has a legacy flag set. They can
* be marked as `@Deprecated` and the getter removed from `IdeAndroidGradlePluginProjectFlags`
enum BooleanFlag {
// Whether the R class in applications and dynamic features has constant IDs.
// If they are constant they can be inlined by the java compiler and used in places that
// require constants such as annotations and cases of switch statements.
// Whether the R class in instrumentation tests has constant IDs.
// If they are constant they can be inlined by the java compiler and used in places that
// require constants such as annotations and cases of switch statements.
// Whether the R class generated for this project is transitive.
// If it is transitive it will contain all of the resources defined in its transitive
// dependencies alongside those defined in this project. If non-transitive it will only
// contain the resources defined in this project.
// Whether the jetpack Compose feature is enabled for this project.
// Whether the ML model binding feature is enabled for this project.
// Whether the Android Test Platform is enabled for this project.
// Whether AndroidX libraries should be used instead of legacy support libraries.
// Whether VCS metadata file is generated in APK/Bundle for this project.
// Whether Android resources are enabled in this project
message BooleanFlagValue {
BooleanFlag flag = 1;
bool value = 2;
message AndroidVersion {
int32 api_level = 1;
string codename = 2;
message SigningConfig {
// Returns the name of the Signing config
optional string name = 1;
// The keystore file.
optional File store_file = 2;
// The keystore password.
optional string store_password = 3;
// The key alias name.
optional string key_alias = 4;
// The key password.
optional string key_password = 5;
// Signing using JAR Signature Scheme (aka v1 scheme) is enabled.
optional bool enable_v1_signing = 6;
// Signing using APK Signature Scheme v2 (aka v2 scheme) is enabled.
optional bool enable_v2_signing = 7;
// Signing using JAR Signature Scheme v3 (aka v3 scheme) is enabled.
optional bool enable_v3_signing = 8;
// Signing using JAR Signature Scheme v4 (aka v4 scheme) is enabled.
optional bool enable_v4_signing = 9;
// Whether the config is fully configured for signing.
// i.e. all the required information are present.
bool is_signing_ready = 10;
// Basic information about dependency components
message ComponentInfo {
// The build type attribute of this component.
// Null if the component does not have Android variants
optional string build_type = 1;
// The product flavor attributes of this component, keyed by flavor dimension name.
// May be empty if the component does not have Android product flavors.
map<string, string> product_flavors = 2;
// The list of attributes associated with the component.
// Build types and product flavor attributes are handled explicitly in [buildType] and
// [productFlavors], so they are not included here
map<string, string> attributes = 3;
// The list of capabilities associated with the component
repeated string capabilities = 4;
// Indicates whether this component (library or module) is a test fixtures component (i.e. has
// a test fixtures capability).
bool is_test_fixtures = 5;
message ProjectInfo {
optional ComponentInfo component_info = 1;
// The build id.
optional string build_id = 2;
// The project path.
optional string project_path = 3;
// Information to identify an external library dependencies
message LibraryInfo {
optional ComponentInfo component_info = 1;
optional string group = 2;
optional string name = 3;
optional string version = 4;
// The type of Library dependency.
enum LibraryType {
// The dependency is an external dependency with no artifact, but it may depend on other
// libraries.
// The dependency is a sub-project of the build.
// The dependency is an external Android Library (AAR)
// The dependency is an external Java Library (JAR)
// The dependency is an external dependency with no artifact, pointing to a different artifact
// (via Gradle's available-at feature, and possibly via POM's relocation feature.)
// Data for Android external Libraries
message AndroidLibraryData {
// The location of the manifest file.
optional File manifest = 1;
// The list of jar files for compilation.
repeated File compile_jar_files = 2;
// The list of jar files for runtime/packaging.
repeated File runtime_jar_files = 3;
// The android resource folder.
// The folder may not exist.
optional File res_folder = 4;
// The namespaced resources static library (res.apk).
optional File res_static_library = 5;
// The assets folder.
// The folder may not exist.
optional File assets_folder = 6;
// The jni libraries folder.
// The folder may not exist.
optional File jni_folder = 7;
// The AIDL import folder
// The folder may not exist.
optional File aidl_folder = 8;
// The RenderScript import folder
// The folder may not exist.
optional File renderscript_folder = 9;
// The proguard file rule.
// The file may not exist.
optional File proguard_rules = 10;
// the zip file with external annotations
// The file may not exist.
optional File external_annotations = 11;
// The file listing the public resources
// The file may not exist.
optional File public_resources = 12;
// The symbol list file
// The file may not exist.
optional File symbol_file = 13;
// Represent a variant/module/artifact dependency.
message Library {
// A Unique key representing the library, and allowing to match it with [GraphItem] instances
optional string key = 1;
// The type of the dependency.
optional LibraryType type = 2;
// Returns the project info to uniquely identify it (and its variant)
// Only valid for instances where [type] is [LibraryType.PROJECT]. It is null in other cases.
optional ProjectInfo project_info = 3;
// Returns the external library info to uniquely identify it (and its variant)
// Only valid for instances where [type] is [LibraryType.ANDROID_LIBRARY], or
// [LibraryType.JAVA_LIBRARY]. It is null in other cases.
optional LibraryInfo library_info = 4;
// The artifact location.
// Only valid for instances where [type] is [LibraryType.JAVA_LIBRARY] or
// [LibraryType.ANDROID_LIBRARY]
optional File artifact = 5;
// The jar containing custom lint checks for consumers to use. This is filled by the
// lintPublish configuration.
// The file may not exist.
// Only valid for instances where [type] is [LibraryType.ANDROID_LIBRARY]
optional File lint_jar = 6;
// The jar containing the sources for the [artifact]
// Only valid for instances where [type] is [LibraryType.JAVA_LIBRARY] or
// [LibraryType.ANDROID_LIBRARY]
optional File src_jar = 7;
// The jar containing the documentation for the [artifact]
// Only valid for instances where [type] is [LibraryType.JAVA_LIBRARY] or
// [LibraryType.ANDROID_LIBRARY]
optional File doc_jar = 8;
// The jar containing samples for the [artifact]
// Only valid for instance where [type] is [LibraryType.JAVA_LIBRARY] or
// [LibraryType.ANDROID_LIBRARY]
optional File samples_jar = 9;
// Data for libraries of type [LibraryType.ANDROID_LIBRARY]. It is null in other cases.
optional AndroidLibraryData android_library_data = 10;