blob: dc4ea6f0cf9d0f256b503cbed5a1c930f6e153eb [file] [log] [blame]
# Creates the directory if it does not exist and returns its absolute path
function make_target_dir() {
mkdir -p "$1" && cd "$1" && pwd
declare -r top=$(pwd)
declare -r out_dir=$(make_target_dir "$1")
declare -r dist_dir=$(make_target_dir "$2")
declare -r build_number="$3"
# Converts version string to comparable number `12.3` -> 012003000000. Works for at most 4 fields
function ver { printf "%03d%03d%03d%03d" $(echo "$1" | tr '.' ' '); }
# Check that file exists and is compiled for both: x86_64 and arm64
declare -r MAX_GLIBC_VERSION="2.31"
function verify_glibc() {
glibc_version="$(objdump -x "$1" | grep -o "GLIBC_.*" | sort | uniq | cut -d _ -f 2 | sort -V | tail -n 1)"
if [ $(ver ${glibc_version:-0}) -gt $(ver $MAX_GLIBC_VERSION) ]; then
echo "ERROR: $1 uses glibc version $glibc_version which is newer than $MAX_GLIBC_VERSION"
exit 2
function verify_statically_linked() {
if [[ $(ldd $1) != *"not a dynamic executable"* ]]; then
echo "ERROR: $1 have dynamically linked libraries. Abort."
exit 3
# Build fsNotifier
mkdir $out_dir/fsNotifier && cd $out_dir/fsNotifier
cp -r $top/tools/idea/native/fsNotifier/linux/. ./
verify_glibc fsnotifier
cp fsnotifier $dist_dir/.
chmod +x $dist_dir/fsnotifier
# Build WslTools
mkdir $out_dir/WslTools && cd $out_dir/WslTools
cp -r $top/tools/idea/native/WslTools/. ./
# Prepare musl
cp /home/builder/musl-1.2.2.tar.gz ./
tar xfvz musl-1.2.2.tar.gz && mv musl-1.2.2 musl
verify_statically_linked wslhash
verify_statically_linked wslproxy
verify_statically_linked ttyfix
cp wslhash $dist_dir/.
chmod +x $dist_dir/wslhash
cp wslproxy $dist_dir/.
chmod +x $dist_dir/wslproxy
cp ttyfix $dist_dir/.
chmod +x $dist_dir/ttyfix
echo "Done Building IntelliJ Linux Tools!"