blob: 4df7c01934aefb956595a1f0d30f5ae2abb39f97 [file] [log] [blame]
load("//tools/base/fakeandroid:fakeandroid.bzl", "fake_android_test")
def deployer_test(name, srcs):
name = name,
size = "medium",
srcs = srcs + native.glob(
include = ["java/com/android/tools/deployer/*.java"],
exclude = ["java/com/android/tools/deployer/*"],
data = [
jvm_flags = [
# Location of the inital test app.
"-Dapp.dex.location=$(location :original_dex)",
# Location of the inital test app.
"$(location //tools/base/deploy/agent/runtime:live_edit_dex)",
# Location of the dex files to be swapped in.
"-Dapp.swap.dex.location=$(location :swapped_dex)",
# Location of the original Java classes.
"-Djava.original.class.location=$(location :original_java)",
# Location of the original Kotlin classes.
"-Dkotlin.original.class.location=$(location :original_kotlin)",
# Location of the swapped Java classes.
"-Djava.swapped.class.location=$(location :swapped_java)",
# Location of the swapped Kotlin classes.
"-Dkotlin.swapped.class.location=$(location :swapped_kotlin)",
# JVMTI Agent for the host.
"-Dswap.agent.location=$(location //tools/base/deploy/agent/",
# Install server for communcation with the agent.
"-Dinstall.server.location=$(location //tools/base/deploy/installer:install-server)",
# APKs for testing the DexArchiveComparator
"-Dapk1.location=$(location //tools/base/deploy/test/data/apk1:apk)",
"-Dapk2.location=$(location //tools/base/deploy/test/data/apk2:apk)",
# Live Edit uses JNI which does not compile on Windows because of log target (sys/time.h)
tags = ["no_windows"],
deps = [