blob: 5974ecd0475bca573250b959e7bbbfd19f288090 [file] [log] [blame]
load("//tools/base/bazel:android.bzl", "dex_library")
load("//tools/base/bazel:kotlin.bzl", "kotlin_library")
load("//tools/base/bazel:utils.bzl", "flat_archive")
# rules used to build the app's dex using a specific version of coroutine lib
def coroutines_app_dex(name, coroutines_libs, meta_inf_resources = []):
name = "app_kotlin_%s" % name,
testonly = True,
srcs = native.glob([
deps = [
name = "app_java_%s" % name,
create_executable = 0,
runtime_deps = [
":app_kotlin_%s" % name,
name = name + "_dex",
# Test dex compiles with a non-release build.
# Also make it desugar as much as possible with API 23.
flags = [
"--min-api 23",
jars = [":app_java_%s_deploy.jar" % name],
# At this point, we have a jar file containing a classes.dex.
# Since we are creating a fake apk, META-INF/kotlinx_coroutines_core.version is lost.
# We should manually add it to our final APK.
# This rule extracts classes.dex from the jar.
name = name + "_unzipped",
srcs = [name + "_dex.jar"],
outs = [name + "_dexed/classes.dex"],
tools = ["@bazel_tools//tools/zip:zipper"],
cmd = "$(location @bazel_tools//tools/zip:zipper) x $< -d $(@D)",
mapping = {}
for resource in meta_inf_resources:
mapping[resource] = "META-INF"
name = name,
ext = "apk",
deps = mapping,
files = {name + "_dexed/classes.dex": "classes.dex"},
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],