blob: 20cdb2e334bbbf71234db92373be8305a6d2c5d8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import org.gradle.api.Project;
import org.gradle.api.file.FileCollection;
* A secondary input file(s) for a {@link Transform}.
* A secondary input is part of the transform inputs and can be decorated to indicate if a change
* to the input would trigger a non incremental {@link Transform#transform(TransformInvocation)}.
* call.
* The collection should only contain one file.
* @deprecated
public class SecondaryFile {
* Creates a {@link SecondaryFile} instance that, when modified, will not trigger a full,
* non-incremental build.
* @deprecated Use {@link #incremental(FileCollection)}
public static SecondaryFile incremental(@NonNull File file) {
return new SecondaryFile(file, true);
* Creates a {@link SecondaryFile} instance that, when modified, will not trigger a full,
* non-incremental build.
public static SecondaryFile incremental(@NonNull FileCollection file) {
return new SecondaryFile(file, true);
* Creates a {@link SecondaryFile} instance that, when modified, will not trigger a full
* non-incremental build.
* @param file a supplier of file collection.
public static SecondaryFile incremental(@NonNull Supplier<FileCollection> file) {
return new SecondaryFile(file, null, true);
* Creates a {@link SecondaryFile} instance that, when modified, will always trigger a full,
* non-incremental build.
* @deprecated Use {@link #nonIncremental(FileCollection)}
public static SecondaryFile nonIncremental(@NonNull File file) {
return new SecondaryFile(file, false);
* Creates a {@link SecondaryFile} instance that, when modified, will always trigger a full,
* non-incremental build.
public static SecondaryFile nonIncremental(@NonNull FileCollection file) {
return new SecondaryFile(file, false);
* Creates a {@link SecondaryFile} instance that, when modified, will always trigger a full
* non-incremental build.
* @param file a supplier of file collection.
public static SecondaryFile nonIncremental(@NonNull Supplier<FileCollection> file) {
return new SecondaryFile(file, null, false);
private final boolean supportsIncrementalBuild;
private final File secondaryInputFile;
@Nullable private final Supplier<FileCollection> secondaryInputFileCollection;
* @param secondaryInputFile the {@link File} this {@link SecondaryFile} will point to
* @param supportsIncrementalBuild if true, changes to the file can be handled incrementally
* by the transform
* @see #incremental(File)
* @see #nonIncremental(File)
public SecondaryFile(@NonNull File secondaryInputFile,
boolean supportsIncrementalBuild) {
this(null, secondaryInputFile, supportsIncrementalBuild);
* @param secondaryInputFile the {@link FileCollection} this {@link SecondaryFile} will point to
* @param supportsIncrementalBuild if true, changes to the file can be handled incrementally
* by the transform
* @see #incremental(File)
* @see #nonIncremental(File)
private SecondaryFile(
@NonNull FileCollection secondaryInputFile,
boolean supportsIncrementalBuild) {
this(() -> secondaryInputFile, null, supportsIncrementalBuild);
private SecondaryFile(
@Nullable Supplier<FileCollection> secondaryInputFileCollection,
@Nullable File secondaryInputFile,
boolean supportsIncrementalBuild) {
this.secondaryInputFileCollection = secondaryInputFileCollection;
this.supportsIncrementalBuild = supportsIncrementalBuild;
this.secondaryInputFile = secondaryInputFile;
* Returns true if this secondary input changes can be handled by the receiving {@link Transform}
* incrementally. If false, a change to the file returned by {@link #getFileCollection}
* will trigger a non incremental build.
* @return true when the input file changes can be handled incrementally, false otherwise.
public boolean supportsIncrementalBuild() {
return supportsIncrementalBuild;
* Returns the {@link FileCollection} handle for this secondary input to a {@link Transform}
* <p>If this {@link SecondaryFile} is constructed with {@link File}, the supplied {@link
* Project} will be used to create a {@link FileCollection}.
* @param project for creating a FileCollection when necessary.
* @return FileCollection of this SecondaryFile
public FileCollection getFileCollection(@NonNull Project project) {
if (secondaryInputFileCollection != null) {
return secondaryInputFileCollection.get();
return project.files(secondaryInputFile);
* Returns the {@link FileCollection} handle for this secondary input to a {@link Transform} if
* this {@link SecondaryFile} is constructed with {@link FileCollection}. Otherwise, null is
* returned.
* <p>Note this method is not part of the API of {@link SecondaryFile}.
* @return FileCollection of this SecondaryFile
public FileCollection getFileCollection() {
if (secondaryInputFileCollection == null) {
return null;
return secondaryInputFileCollection.get();
* Returns the file handle for this secondary input to a Transform.
* @return a file handle.
* @deprecated use {@link #getFileCollection}
public File getFile() {
//noinspection VariableNotUsedInsideIf
if (secondaryInputFileCollection != null) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Calling #getFile() on a FileCollection-based SecondaryFile."
+ " Use #getFileCollection() instead");
return secondaryInputFile;