blob: 3477da334f51e3d0e91c6924b4d693b6c9cfb95e [file] [log] [blame]
"""This module implements Robolectric rules."""
load("//tools/base/bazel:kotlin.bzl", "kotlin_library")
load(":coverage.bzl", "coverage_android_local_test")
def robolectric_test(
srcs = [],
deps = [],
jvm_flags = [],
friends = [],
test_class = "",
custom_package = "org.robolectric.default",
"""A Robolectric test rule.
name: The sources of the library.
srcs: The sources of the library.
deps: The dependencies of this library.
jvm_flags: Flags to pass to the jvm
friends: a list of friend jars (allowing access to 'internal' members) out: the output jar file
test_class: A test class to run
custom_package: A custom package name
**kwargs: arguments to pass through to android_local_test
lib_name = "%s_lib" % name
srcs = srcs,
name = lib_name,
lint_is_test_sources = True,
coverage_baseline_enabled = False,
friends = friends,
testonly = True,
deps = depset(
deps +
name = name + ".test",
custom_package = custom_package,
jvm_flags = jvm_flags + [
"-Dtest.suite.jar=%s.jar" % lib_name,
target_compatible_with = select({
"@platforms//os:linux": [],
"//conditions:default": ["@platforms//:incompatible"],
test_class = test_class,
deps = [
":%s" % lib_name,
name = name,
tests = [name + ".test"],