blob: 7becb953f041f7d210846df23623ac2149e0a5e7 [file] [log] [blame]
@rem This script performs a 'bazel build' to act as a canary check
@rem for Android Build Launchcontrol releases. AB Builders running newer
@rem releases run this script to verify our CI integration has no regressions.
@rem We 'build' instead of 'test' to reduce our load on RBE. If building works,
@rem we can be highly confident testing works since all tests are executed
@rem remotely.
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set PATH=c:\tools\msys64\usr\bin;%PATH%
@rem The current directory the executing script is in.
set SCRIPTDIR=%~dp0
call :normalize_path "%SCRIPTDIR%..\..\..\.." BASEDIR
@rem Expected arguments:
set OUTDIR=%1
set DISTDIR=%2
@rem Generate a UUID for use as the Bazel invocation ID
for /f "tokens=*" %%f in ('uuidgen') do (
if exist %DISTDIR%\ (
echo "<head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=''" /></head>" > %DISTDIR%\upsalite_build_results.html
call %BASEDIR%\tools\base\bazel\bazel.cmd ^
--max_idle_secs=10 ^
build ^
--config=ci ^
--build_tag_filters=-no_windows ^
--invocation_id=%INVOCATIONID% ^
--build_event_binary_file=%DISTDIR%\bazel-%BUILDNUMBER%.bes ^
--define=meta_android_build_number=%BUILD_NUMBER% ^
--tool_tag=studio-win-canary ^
-- ^
//tools/... ^
-//tools/vendor/google3/aswb/... ^
exit /b %EXITCODE%
@rem Normalizes a path from Arg 1 and store the result into Arg 2.
set %2=%~dpfn1
exit /b