blob: 860a57483ddefbef16e077b1a2afc3e689516566 [file] [log] [blame]
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.StateFlow
* Exposes services specific to the ADB Server (or "host") as `suspend` functions
* The underlying implementation is responsible for creating connections to the ADB server
* as needed, as well as ensuring resources are released when coroutines complete or
* are cancelled.
interface AdbHostServices {
* The session this [AdbHostServices] instance belongs to.
val session: AdbSession
* Returns the internal version of the ADB server ("host:version" query).
* The internal version is an integer value that is incremented when newer builds of ADB
* are incompatible with older ADB clients. This value is somewhat opaque to
* public consumers, but this API is provided for completeness.
suspend fun version(): Int
* Returns the list of features supported by the ADB server ("host:host-features" query).
* Note: Not all features supported by the ADB Server may be usable depending on the
* list of features supported by a given device (see [AdbHostServices.features]).
* Use [AdbHostServices.availableFeatures] to get the list of features supported
* by both the ADB server and a given device.
* @see [AdbFeatures]
* @see [AdbHostServices.availableFeatures]
suspend fun hostFeatures(): List<String>
* Returns the list of devices known to the ADB Server as a [DeviceList] object
* ("host:devices" query).
* Use the [format] parameter to specify how much information to collect for each
* device ([short][DeviceInfoFormat.SHORT_FORMAT] or [long][DeviceInfoFormat.LONG_FORMAT]
* format supported).
suspend fun devices(format: DeviceInfoFormat = DeviceInfoFormat.SHORT_FORMAT): DeviceList
* Returns a [Flow] that emits a new [DeviceList] everytime a device state change is
* detected by the ADB Host ("host:track-devices" query). The flow is active until
* an exception is thrown or cancellation is requested by the flow consumer.
fun trackDevices(format: DeviceInfoFormat = DeviceInfoFormat.SHORT_FORMAT): Flow<DeviceList>
enum class DeviceInfoFormat {
* [DeviceInfo.serialNumber] and [DeviceInfo.deviceState] only
* [DeviceInfo.serialNumber], [DeviceInfo.deviceState], and additional fields, such as [DeviceInfo.transportId]
* Binary protobuf output. See proto/devices.proto for details of the format
* Kills the running instance of the ADB server ("host:kill" query).
suspend fun kill()
* Checks mDNS is supported on this version of ADB ("host:mdns:check" query).
suspend fun mdnsCheck(): MdnsCheckResult
* Returns a list of mDNS services known to the ADB server ("host:mdns:services" query).
suspend fun mdnsServices(): MdnsServiceList
* Pairs this ADB server with a device given its [deviceAddress] and a [pairingCode].
suspend fun pair(deviceAddress: DeviceAddress, pairingCode: String): PairResult
* Returns the [DeviceState] of the [device] ("<device-prefix>:get-state" query).
suspend fun getState(device: DeviceSelector): DeviceState
* Returns the serial number of the [device] ("<device-prefix>:get-serialno" query).
* Note: [forceRoundTrip] prevents the implementation from looking at the serial number
* value that may already be present in the [DeviceSelector] of [device]. It essentially
* ensures a `get-serialno` query is sent to the ADB Server even if the serial number
* is known.
suspend fun getSerialNo(device: DeviceSelector, forceRoundTrip: Boolean = false): String
* Returns the `dev-path` of the [device] ("<device-prefix>:get-devpath" query).
suspend fun getDevPath(device: DeviceSelector): String
* Returns the list of features of the [device] ("<device-prefix>:features" query).
* See [AdbFeatures] for a (subset of the) list of possible features.
* Note: Not all features supported by a device may be usable depending on the list
* of features supported by ADB server (see [AdbHostServices.hostFeatures]).
* Use [AdbHostServices.availableFeatures] to get the list of features supported
* by both the device and the ADB server.
* @see [AdbFeatures]
* @see [AdbHostServices.availableFeatures]
suspend fun features(device: DeviceSelector): List<String>
* Returns the list of all forward socket connections ("`host:list-forward`" query)
* as a [list][ForwardSocketList] of [ForwardSocketInfo].
suspend fun listForward(): ForwardSocketList
* Creates a forward socket connection from [local] to [remote]
* ("`<device-prefix>:forward(:norebind)`" query).
* This method tells the ADB server to open a [server socket][SocketSpec] on the local machine,
* forwarding all client connections made to that server socket to a
* [remote socket][SocketSpec] on the specified [device].
* When invoking this method, the ADB Server does not validate the format of the [remote]
* socket specification, nor does it connect to the [device]. A connection to the device
* (ADB Daemon) is made only when a client connects to the local server socket. At that point,
* if [remote] is invalid, the new client connection is immediately closed.
* This method fails if there is already a forward connection from [local], unless
* [rebind] is `true`.
* Returns the ADB Server reply to the request, typically a TCP port number if using
* `tcp:0` for [local]
suspend fun forward(
device: DeviceSelector,
local: SocketSpec,
remote: SocketSpec,
rebind: Boolean = false
): String?
* Closes a previously created forward socket connection for the given [device]
* ("`<device-prefix>:kill-forward`" query).
suspend fun killForward(device: DeviceSelector, local: SocketSpec)
* Closes all previously created forward socket connections for the given [device].
suspend fun killForwardAll(device: DeviceSelector)
* Connects to the specified device ("host:connect:$deviceAddress").
suspend fun connect(deviceAddress: DeviceAddress)
* Disconnects the specified device ("host:disconnect:$deviceAddress").
suspend fun disconnect(deviceAddress: DeviceAddress)
* Waits for [device] to be in a given [deviceState] using the given [transport] option
* ("`<device-prefix>:wait-for-<transport>-<state>`" query).
* From the output of [`adb help`](;l=209):
* wait-for-TRANSPORT-STATE: wait for device to be in a given state
* TRANSPORT: "local" | "usb" | "any"
* STATE: "device" | "recovery" | "rescue" | "sideload" | "bootloader" | "any" | "disconnect"
* **Note**
* The intent of this service is for CLI applications that want to expose a way
* to wait for a device to be in a given state before processing to the next command
* in a script.
* For other types of applications, it is usually easier to use [AdbHostServices.trackDevices]
* and wait on the [StateFlow].
suspend fun waitFor(
device: DeviceSelector,
deviceState: WaitForState,
transport: WaitForTransport = WaitForTransport.ANY
* A device state value to use when calling [AdbHostServices.waitFor]
* @see ONLINE
* @see RESCUE
* @see ANY
class WaitForState(private val queryValue: String) {
* Returns the string to use in the underlying ADB protocol command/query
internal fun toQueryString(): String {
return queryValue
override fun toString(): String {
return "wait-for-state: " + toQueryString()
companion object {
val ONLINE = WaitForState("device")
val RECOVERY = WaitForState("recovery")
val RESCUE = WaitForState("rescue")
val SIDELOAD = WaitForState("sideload")
val BOOTLOADER = WaitForState("bootloader")
val ANY = WaitForState("any")
val DISCONNECT = WaitForState("disconnect")
* A device transport value to use when calling [AdbHostServices.waitFor]
* @see USB
* @see LOCAL
* @see ANY
class WaitForTransport(private val queryValue: String) {
* Returns the string to use in the underlying ADB protocol command/query
internal fun toQueryString(): String {
return queryValue
override fun toString(): String {
return "wait-for-transport: " + toQueryString()
companion object {
val USB = WaitForTransport("usb")
val LOCAL = WaitForTransport("local")
val ANY = WaitForTransport("any")
* Returns the list of features supported by both the [device] and the ADB server.
* See [AdbFeatures] for a (subset of the) list of possible features.
suspend fun AdbHostServices.availableFeatures(device: DeviceSelector): Set<String> {
return session.deviceCacheProvider.withDeviceCacheIfAvailable(device, availableFeaturesKey) {
// We must return only the set of features common to both the host and the device.
val deviceFeaturesSet = features(device).toSet()
val hostFeaturesSet = hostFeatures().toSet()
* Whether an [AdbFeatures] is supported by both the [device] and the ADB server.
* See [AdbFeatures] for a (subset of the) list of possible features.
suspend fun AdbHostServices.hasAvailableFeature(device: DeviceSelector, feature: String): Boolean {
return availableFeatures(device).contains(feature)
* Returns true if the device with a specified serial number is known to the ADB Server.
suspend fun AdbHostServices.isKnownDevice(serialNumber: String) =
devices().any { it.serialNumber == serialNumber }
private val availableFeaturesKey = CoroutineScopeCache.Key<Set<String>>("availableFeaturesKey")