blob: 7f85f0b1d4cf174fe22290dd4b00154d65842404 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package profiler.proto;
option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "Common";
enum AppId {
// Enum with default value required by proto
// Indicates that a feature is not tied to any single app
ANY = -1;
// TODO: Add more essential fields.
message CommonData {
int32 process_id = 1;
Session session = 2;
int64 end_timestamp = 3;
// Note that |Device| instance refers to a device (physical/emulator) associated
// with a particular boot. e.g. if the same device is started twice, they are
// considered two separate |Device| instances.
message Device {
enum State {
OFFLINE = 2; // e.g. emulator that is turned off
DISCONNECTED = 3; // e.g. unplugged
// Numeric representation of the device's |serial| and |boot_id| properties.
// Used for quickly indexing the device instead of having to perform string comparisons.
int64 device_id = 1;
string manufacturer = 2; // e.g. 'Google', 'Motorola'
string model = 3; // e.g. 'Nexus 5', 'Pixel XL'
string serial = 4; // unique ID for this device
string version = 5; // e.g. '5.1.1', '8.0.0'
int32 api_level = 6; // e.g. 19, 25
// |feature_level| will either be the same as |api_level| or |api_level + 1| if the current
// device is a preview version. Code should check against |feature_level|, not |api_level|, to
// see if a feature is available in the framework or not. If |feature_level != api_level|, then
// |codename| will also be set.
int32 feature_level = 7;
string codename = 8; // Identifies preview versions by API letter (e.g. 'O'), or '' for release
string boot_id = 9; // unique ID regenerated each boot time
bool is_emulator = 10;
State state = 11;
message Process {
enum State {
ALIVE = 1;
DEAD = 2;
// Full name of the Android application/service
string name = 1;
// App's PID. Note that this is actually an int16, but gRPC only provides int32.
int32 pid = 2;
// References Device's |device_id| property.
int64 device_id = 3;
State state = 4;
// The device time when this Process was first detected by the profiler.
int64 start_timestamp_ns = 5;
// e.g. 'arm', 'arm86', 'x86', 'x86_64'
// Also see SdkConstans.CPU_ARCH_*
string abi_cpu_arch = 6;
// A Session represents a range of profiling data for an app running on a
// device. While of course different apps or different devices will imply
// separate sessions, the same app on the same device can also be broken up
// into several sessions.
message Session {
// ID uniquely identifying this session. This will be unique across devices.
int64 session_id = 1;
// A device's unique identifier, references Device's |device_id| property.
int64 device_id = 2;
// The PID of the app. Note that this is actually an int16, but gRPC only
// provides int32.
int32 pid = 3;
int64 start_timestamp = 4;
// If LLONG_MAX, the session is ongoing and hasn't ended yet.
int64 end_timestamp = 5;