blob: 4f363144e26e5449e55553462bae87bb9bc93096 [file] [log] [blame]
load('//tools/base/bazel:kotlin.bzl', 'kotlin_library', 'kotlin_jar')
# A gradle integration test
# Usage:
# gradle_integration_test(
# name = 'name',
# srcs = glob(['**/*.java']) - Note this doesn't compile kotlin and java together.
# deps = test classes output
# data = test data: SDK parts and test projects.
# maven_repos = Absolute targets for maven repos containing the plugin(s) under test
# shard_count = 8)
def gradle_integration_test(
name, srcs, deps, data, maven_repos, dirs=["src/test/java"], resources=[], runtime_deps=[], shard_count=1, **kwargs):
kotlin_srcs = [src for src in srcs if src.endswith('.kt')]
java_srcs = [src for src in srcs if src.endswith('.java')]
test_classes_target_names = []
if not kotlin_srcs and not java_srcs:
fail('No sources found for gradle_integration_test ' + name)
java_deps = list(deps)
if kotlin_srcs:
kotlin_name = name + '.kotlin.gradle_integration_test'
name = kotlin_name,
srcs = dirs,
inputs = kotlin_srcs + java_srcs,
deps = deps,
kotlin_java_import_name = kotlin_name + '.java_import'
name = kotlin_java_import_name,
jars = [kotlin_name],
java_deps += [":" + kotlin_java_import_name]
test_classes_target_names += [kotlin_java_import_name]
if java_srcs:
java_name = name + '.java.gradle_integration_test'
test_classes_target_names += [java_name]
name = java_name,
srcs = java_srcs,
deps = java_deps,
# Stringy conversion of repo to its target and file name
# //tools/base/build-system/integration-test/application:gradle_plugin
# to
# //tools/base/build-system/integration-test/
# tools/base/build-system/integration-test/application/,
if not all([maven_repo.startswith('//') for maven_repo in maven_repos]):
fail('All maven repos should be absolute targets.')
zip_targets = [maven_repo + '.zip' for maven_repo in maven_repos]
zip_file_names = ','.join([maven_repo[2:].replace(':','/') + '.zip' for maven_repo in maven_repos])
name = name,
timeout = 'eternal',
data = data + zip_targets,
jvm_flags = [
'-Dmaven.repo.local=/tmp/localMavenRepo', # For gradle publishing, writing to ~/.m2
'' + zip_file_names,
resources = resources,
shard_count = shard_count,
tags = [
'no_test_mac', # b/69151132 Time out frequently when run on mac.
test_class = '',
runtime_deps = [
# Need to put this on the classpath before TestRunner_deploy.jar which contains
# old JUnit classes. See
] + runtime_deps + [':' + name for name in test_classes_target_names],