blob: 9057d6554af4977d9a23eff1426ba05562680e95 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.*;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Represents a type chunk, which contains the resource values for a specific resource type and
* configuration in a {@link PackageChunk}. The resource values in this chunk correspond to
* the array of type strings in the enclosing {@link PackageChunk}.
* <p>A {@link PackageChunk} can have multiple of these chunks for different
* (configuration, resource type) combinations.
public final class TypeChunk extends Chunk {
/** The type identifier of the resource type this chunk is holding. */
private final int id;
/** The number of resources of this type at creation time. */
private final int entryCount;
/** The offset (from {@code offset}) in the original buffer where {@code entries} start. */
private final int entriesStart;
/** The resource configuration that these resource entries correspond to. */
private BinaryResourceConfiguration configuration;
/** A sparse list of resource entries defined by this chunk. */
private final Map<Integer, Entry> entries = new TreeMap<>();
protected TypeChunk(ByteBuffer buffer, @Nullable Chunk parent) {
super(buffer, parent);
id = UnsignedBytes.toInt(buffer.get());
buffer.position(buffer.position() + 3); // Skip 3 bytes for packing
entryCount = buffer.getInt();
entriesStart = buffer.getInt();
configuration = BinaryResourceConfiguration.create(buffer);
protected void init(ByteBuffer buffer) {
int offset = this.offset + entriesStart;
for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; ++i) {
Entry entry = Entry.create(buffer, offset, this);
if (entry != null) {
entries.put(i, entry);
/** Returns the (1-based) type id of the resource types that this {@link TypeChunk} is holding. */
public int getId() {
return id;
/** Returns the name of the type this chunk represents (e.g. string, attr, id). */
public String getTypeName() {
PackageChunk packageChunk = getPackageChunk();
Preconditions.checkNotNull(packageChunk, "%s has no parent package.", getClass());
StringPoolChunk typePool = packageChunk.getTypeStringPool();
Preconditions.checkNotNull(typePool, "%s's parent package has no type pool.", getClass());
return typePool.getString(getId() - 1); // - 1 here to convert to 0-based index
/** Returns the resource configuration that these resource entries correspond to. */
public BinaryResourceConfiguration getConfiguration() {
return configuration;
* Sets the resource configuration that this chunk's entries correspond to.
* @param configuration The new configuration.
public void setConfiguration(BinaryResourceConfiguration configuration) {
this.configuration = configuration;
/** Returns the total number of entries for this type + configuration, including null entries. */
public int getTotalEntryCount() {
return entryCount;
/** Returns a sparse list of 0-based indices to resource entries defined by this chunk. */
public Map<Integer, Entry> getEntries() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(entries);
/** Returns true if this chunk contains an entry for {@code resourceId}. */
public boolean containsResource(BinaryResourceIdentifier resourceId) {
PackageChunk packageChunk = Preconditions.checkNotNull(getPackageChunk());
int packageId = packageChunk.getId();
int typeId = getId();
return resourceId.packageId() == packageId
&& resourceId.typeId() == typeId
&& entries.containsKey(resourceId.entryId());
* Overrides the entries in this chunk at the given index:entry pairs in {@code entries}.
* For example, if the current list of entries is {0: foo, 1: bar, 2: baz}, and {@code entries}
* is {1: qux, 3: quux}, then the entries will be changed to {0: foo, 1: qux, 2: baz}. If an entry
* has an index that does not exist in the dense entry list, then it is considered a no-op for
* that single entry.
* @param entries A sparse list containing index:entry pairs to override.
public void overrideEntries(Map<Integer, Entry> entries) {
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Entry> entry : entries.entrySet()) {
int index = entry.getKey() != null ? entry.getKey() : -1;
overrideEntry(index, entry.getValue());
* Overrides an entry at the given index. Passing null for the {@code entry} will remove that
* entry from {@code entries}. Indices < 0 or >= {@link #getTotalEntryCount()} are a no-op.
* @param index The 0-based index for the entry to override.
* @param entry The entry to override, or null if the entry should be removed at this location.
public void overrideEntry(int index, @Nullable Entry entry) {
if (index >= 0 && index < entryCount) {
if (entry != null) {
entries.put(index, entry);
} else {
protected String getString(int index) {
ResourceTableChunk resourceTable = getResourceTableChunk();
Preconditions.checkNotNull(resourceTable, "%s has no resource table.", getClass());
return resourceTable.getStringPool().getString(index);
protected String getKeyName(int index) {
PackageChunk packageChunk = getPackageChunk();
Preconditions.checkNotNull(packageChunk, "%s has no parent package.", getClass());
StringPoolChunk keyPool = packageChunk.getKeyStringPool();
Preconditions.checkNotNull(keyPool, "%s's parent package has no key pool.", getClass());
return keyPool.getString(index);
private ResourceTableChunk getResourceTableChunk() {
Chunk chunk = getParent();
while (chunk != null && !(chunk instanceof ResourceTableChunk)) {
chunk = chunk.getParent();
return chunk != null ? (ResourceTableChunk) chunk : null;
/** Returns the package enclosing this chunk, if any. Else, returns null. */
public PackageChunk getPackageChunk() {
Chunk chunk = getParent();
while (chunk != null && !(chunk instanceof PackageChunk)) {
chunk = chunk.getParent();
return chunk != null ? (PackageChunk) chunk : null;
protected Type getType() {
return Chunk.Type.TABLE_TYPE;
/** Returns the number of bytes needed for offsets based on {@code entries}. */
private int getOffsetSize() {
return entryCount * 4;
private int writeEntries(DataOutput payload, ByteBuffer offsets, boolean shrink)
throws IOException {
int entryOffset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; ++i) {
Entry entry = entries.get(i);
if (entry == null) {
} else {
byte[] encodedEntry = entry.toByteArray(shrink);
entryOffset += encodedEntry.length;
entryOffset = writePad(payload, entryOffset);
return entryOffset;
protected void writeHeader(ByteBuffer output) {
int entriesStart = getHeaderSize() + getOffsetSize();
output.putInt(id); // Write an unsigned byte with 3 bytes padding
protected void writePayload(DataOutput output, ByteBuffer header, boolean shrink)
throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ByteBuffer offsets = ByteBuffer.allocate(getOffsetSize()).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
try (LittleEndianDataOutputStream payload = new LittleEndianDataOutputStream(baos)) {
writeEntries(payload, offsets, shrink);
/** An {@link Entry} in a {@link TypeChunk}. Contains one or more {@link BinaryResourceValue}. */
public static class Entry implements SerializableResource {
/** An entry offset that indicates that a given resource is not present. */
public static final int NO_ENTRY = 0xFFFFFFFF;
/** Set if this is a complex resource. Otherwise, it's a simple resource. */
private static final int FLAG_COMPLEX = 0x0001;
/** Size of a single resource id + value mapping entry. */
private static final int MAPPING_SIZE = 4 + BinaryResourceValue.SIZE;
private final int headerSize;
private final int flags;
private final int keyIndex;
private final BinaryResourceValue value;
private final Map<Integer, BinaryResourceValue> values;
private final int parentEntry;
private final TypeChunk parent;
private Entry(int headerSize,
int flags,
int keyIndex,
BinaryResourceValue value,
Map<Integer, BinaryResourceValue> values,
int parentEntry,
TypeChunk parent) {
this.headerSize = headerSize;
this.flags = flags;
this.keyIndex = keyIndex;
this.value = value;
this.values = values;
this.parentEntry = parentEntry;
this.parent = parent;
/** Number of bytes in the header of the {@link Entry}. */
public int headerSize() { return headerSize; }
/** Resource entry flags. */
public int flags() { return flags; }
/** Index into {@link PackageChunk#getKeyStringPool} identifying this entry. */
public int keyIndex() { return keyIndex; }
/** The value of this resource entry, if this is not a complex entry. Else, null. */
public BinaryResourceValue value() { return value; }
/** The extra values in this resource entry if this {@link #isComplex}. */
public Map<Integer, BinaryResourceValue> values() { return values; }
* Entry into {@link PackageChunk} that is the parent {@link Entry} to this entry.
* This value only makes sense when this is complex ({@link #isComplex} returns true).
public int parentEntry() { return parentEntry; }
/** The {@link TypeChunk} that this resource entry belongs to. */
public TypeChunk parent() { return parent; }
/** Returns the name of the type this chunk represents (e.g. string, attr, id). */
public final String typeName() {
return parent().getTypeName();
/** The total number of bytes that this {@link Entry} takes up. */
public final int size() {
return headerSize() + (isComplex() ? values().size() * MAPPING_SIZE : BinaryResourceValue.SIZE);
/** Returns the key name identifying this resource entry. */
public final String key() {
return parent().getKeyName(keyIndex());
/** Returns true if this is a complex resource. */
public final boolean isComplex() {
return (flags() & FLAG_COMPLEX) != 0;
* Creates a new {@link Entry} whose contents start at the 0-based position in
* {@code buffer} given by a 4-byte value read from {@code buffer} and then added to
* {@code baseOffset}. If the value read from {@code buffer} is equal to {@link #NO_ENTRY}, then
* null is returned as there is no resource at that position.
* <p>Otherwise, this position is parsed and returned as an {@link Entry}.
* @param buffer A buffer positioned at an offset to an {@link Entry}.
* @param baseOffset Offset that must be added to the value at {@code buffer}'s position.
* @param parent The {@link TypeChunk} that this resource entry belongs to.
* @return New {@link Entry} or null if there is no resource at this location.
public static Entry create(ByteBuffer buffer, int baseOffset, TypeChunk parent) {
int offset = buffer.getInt();
if (offset == NO_ENTRY) {
return null;
int position = buffer.position();
buffer.position(baseOffset + offset); // Set buffer position to resource entry start
Entry result = newInstance(buffer, parent);
buffer.position(position); // Restore buffer position
return result;
private static Entry newInstance(ByteBuffer buffer, TypeChunk parent) {
int headerSize = buffer.getShort() & 0xFFFF;
int flags = buffer.getShort() & 0xFFFF;
int keyIndex = buffer.getInt();
BinaryResourceValue value = null;
Map<Integer, BinaryResourceValue> values = new LinkedHashMap<>();
int parentEntry = 0;
if ((flags & FLAG_COMPLEX) != 0) {
parentEntry = buffer.getInt();
int valueCount = buffer.getInt();
for (int i = 0; i < valueCount; ++i) {
values.put(buffer.getInt(), BinaryResourceValue.create(buffer));
} else {
value = BinaryResourceValue.create(buffer);
return new Entry(headerSize, flags, keyIndex, value, values, parentEntry, parent);
public final byte[] toByteArray() {
return toByteArray(false);
public final byte[] toByteArray(boolean shrink) {
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(size());
buffer.putShort((short) headerSize());
buffer.putShort((short) flags());
if (isComplex()) {
for (Map.Entry<Integer, BinaryResourceValue> entry : values().entrySet()) {
} else {
BinaryResourceValue value = value();
Preconditions.checkNotNull(value, "A non-complex TypeChunk entry must have a value.");
return buffer.array();
public final String toString() {
return String.format("Entry{key=%s}", key());
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
Entry entry = (Entry)o;
return headerSize == entry.headerSize &&
flags == entry.flags &&
keyIndex == entry.keyIndex &&
parentEntry == entry.parentEntry &&
Objects.equals(value, entry.value) &&
Objects.equals(values, entry.values) &&
Objects.equals(parent, entry.parent);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(headerSize, flags, keyIndex, value, values, parentEntry, parent);