blob: 381edfafaea78f923c67019524034894e61bfe3f [file] [log] [blame]
// Note: this is must be kept in sync with /system/extra/simpleperf/report_sample.proto
// The file format generated by report_sample.proto is as below:
// LittleEndian32(record_size_0)
// message Record(record_0) (having record_size_0 bytes)
// LittleEndian32(record_size_1)
// message Record(record_1) (having record_size_1 bytes)
// ...
// LittleEndian32(record_size_N)
// message Record(record_N) (having record_size_N bytes)
// LittleEndian32(0)
syntax = "proto3";
package simpleperf_report_proto;
option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "SimpleperfReport";
message Sample {
uint64 time = 1; // Exceptionnaly allow unsigned since this proto is from simpleperf.
message CallChainEntry {
uint64 ip = 1; // Exceptionnaly allow unsigned since this proto is from simpleperf.
string symbol = 2;
string file = 3;
repeated CallChainEntry callchain = 2;
int32 thread_id = 3;
message Record {
enum Type {
// Identifies which field is filled in.
Type type = 1;
// One of the following will be filled in.
Sample sample = 2;