blob: eaa36611130b26af95adfdece863390da7105677 [file] [log] [blame]
subprojects {
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url = '../../../../prebuilts/tools/common/m2/repository/'
buildDir = "$rootDir/../../../out/studio/$"
repositories {
maven { url = "$rootDir/../../../prebuilts/tools/common/m2/repository" }
class CMakeClosureDelegate {
String[] abis = [];
String[] buildTypes = [];
String name;
String projectDir;
String[] flags = []
def abis(String[] value) { abis = value; }
def buildTypes(String[] value) { buildTypes = value; }
def name(String value) { name = value; }
def projectDir(String value) { projectDir = value; }
def flags(String[] value) { flags = value}
def cmake(cl) {
CMakeClosureDelegate data = new CMakeClosureDelegate();
cl.delegate = data;;
def os = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase();
def host = os.startsWith("linux") ? "linux" : (os.startsWith("win") ? "windows" : "darwin")
data.buildTypes.each { buildType ->
if (data.abis.size() == 0) {
// Building for the host
createTasks(data, "Host", "host", buildType, cl.owner, host);
} else {
// Building multiple abis for android
def configure = cl.owner.tasks.create(name: "configure" + + buildType, group: "Native build", type: DefaultTask) {}
def precompile = cl.owner.tasks.create(name: "precompile" + + buildType, group: "Native build", type: DefaultTask) {}
def compile = cl.owner.tasks.create(name: "compile" + + buildType, group: "Native build", type: DefaultTask) {}
def check = cl.owner.tasks.create(name: "check" + + buildType, group: "Native build", type: DefaultTask) {}
data.abis.each { abi ->
// ABI names contain "-" which do not work well as task names.
// Remove them and capitalize instead.
def normAbi = abi.split("-").collect { it.capitalize() }.join()
def name = + normAbi;
createTasks(data, name, abi, buildType, cl.owner, host);
configure.dependsOn cl.owner.tasks.("configure" + name + buildType)
compile.dependsOn cl.owner.tasks.("compile" + name + buildType)
check.dependsOn cl.owner.tasks.("check" + name + buildType)
cl.owner.tasks.("compile" + name + buildType).dependsOn precompile
def createTasks(data, name, abi, buildType, project, host) {
def buildTypeDir = buildType.toLowerCase()
def cmakeBuildDir = "$rootDir/../../../out/studio/${}"
def gen = "$cmakeBuildDir/gen/$buildTypeDir/$abi";
def out = "$cmakeBuildDir/out/$buildTypeDir/$abi";
def configureAbi = createTask(project, host, "configure" + name + buildType) {
doFirst {
workingDir gen
executable "$rootDir/../../../prebuilts/cmake/$host-x86/bin/cmake"
args = ["-G", "Ninja", data.projectDir,
"-DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON"] + Arrays.asList(data.flags)
environment GOROOT: "$rootDir/../../../prebuilts/go/$host-x86"
inputs.dir "$rootDir/native/cmake/toolchains"
outputs.file "$gen/CMakeCache.txt"
createBuildTask(configureAbi, gen, project, host, "compile" + name + buildType, ["install/strip"])
createBuildTask(configureAbi, gen, project, host, "compileTools" + name + buildType, ["protoc", "grpc_cpp_plugin"])
createBuildTask(configureAbi, gen, project, host, "check" + name + buildType, ["check"])
createBuildTask(configureAbi, gen, project, host, "lint" + name + buildType, ["lint"])
def createBuildTask(configAbi, gen, project, host, name, targets) {
def task = createTask(project, host, name) {
workingDir gen
args = ["--build", "$gen", "--"] + targets
executable "$rootDir/../../../prebuilts/cmake/$host-x86/bin/cmake"
environment GOROOT: "$rootDir/../../../prebuilts/go/$host-x86"
// Always run this task as ninja's super fast dependency check takes care of it
outputs.upToDateWhen { return false; }
task.dependsOn configAbi
def createTask(project, host, name, cl) {
if (host == "windows") {
// Do not build anything on windows yet, but create the tasks to keep the correct dependencies.
return project.tasks.create(name: name, group: "Native build", type: DefaultTask) {};
} else {
return project.tasks.create(name: name, group: "Native build", type: Exec, cl);
def requiredVersion = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
def jvmVersion = JavaVersion.current()
if (requiredVersion != jvmVersion) {
throw new RuntimeException("Profiler tools need to be compiled with Java $requiredVersion you are using Java $jvmVersion.")