blob: fb7d5ab2a92ec638d7f73521b80aa6230cdcf92c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* An Android Artifact.
* This is the entry point for the output of a {@link Variant}. This can be more than one
* output in the case of multi-apk where more than one APKs are generated from the same set
* of sources.
public interface AndroidArtifact extends BaseArtifact {
Collection<AndroidArtifactOutput> getOutputs();
* Returns whether the output file is signed. This is always false for the main artifact
* of a library project.
* @return true if the app is signed.
boolean isSigned();
* Returns the name of the {@link SigningConfig} used for the signing. If none are setup or
* if this is the main artifact of a library project, then this is null.
* @return the name of the setup signing config.
String getSigningConfigName();
* Returns the application id of this artifact.
* @return the application id.
String getApplicationId();
* Returns the name of the task used to generate the source code. The actual value might
* depend on the build system front end.
* @return the name of the code generating task.
String getSourceGenTaskName();
* Returns all the source folders that are generated. This is typically folders for the R,
* the aidl classes, and the renderscript classes.
* Deprecated, as of 1.2, present in super interface.
* @return a list of folders.
Collection<File> getGeneratedSourceFolders();
* Returns all the resource folders that are generated. This is typically the renderscript
* output and the merged resources.
* @return a list of folder.
Collection<File> getGeneratedResourceFolders();
* Returns the ABI filters associated with the artifact, or null if there are no filters.
* If the list contains values, then the artifact only contains these ABIs and excludes
* others.
Set<String> getAbiFilters();
* Returns the native libraries associated with the artifact.
Collection<NativeLibrary> getNativeLibraries();
* Map of Build Config Fields where the key is the field name.
* @return a non-null map of class fields (possibly empty).
Map<String, ClassField> getBuildConfigFields();
* Map of generated res values where the key is the res name.
* @return a non-null map of class fields (possibly empty).
Map<String, ClassField> getResValues();
* Returns the InstantRun feature related model.
* @return the model for all InstantRun related information.
InstantRun getInstantRun();