blob: 0aa48910cf018848fe2ac48bf10d3a9b68f3e8e3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
public abstract class Source {
private final String name;
private final byte[] nameBytes;
public static final long NO_ALIGNMENT = 0;
private long alignment = NO_ALIGNMENT;
protected long compressedSize;
protected long uncompressedSize;
protected int crc;
protected short compressionFlag;
protected short versionMadeBy;
public static final short MADE_BY_UNIX = 3 << 8;
// For more of these magical values, see zipinfo.c in unzip source code.
// All these values are shifted left 16 bits because this is where they
// are expected in the zip external attribute field.
private static final int TYPE_FREG = 0100000; // Regular File
private static final int TYPE_FLNK = 0120000; // Symbolic link
private static final int UNX_IRUSR = 00400; /* Unix read : owner */
private static final int UNX_IWUSR = 00200; /* Unix write : owner */
private static final int UNX_IXUSR = 00100; /* Unix execute : owner */
private static final int UNX_IRGRP = 00040; /* Unix read : group */
private static final int UNX_IWGRP = 00020; /* Unix write : group */
private static final int UNX_IXGRP = 00010; /* Unix execute : group */
private static final int UNX_IROTH = 00004; /* Unix read : other */
private static final int UNX_IWOTH = 00002; /* Unix write : other */
private static final int UNX_IXOTH = 00001; /* Unix execute : other */
private static final int UNX_IRALL = UNX_IRUSR | UNX_IRGRP | UNX_IROTH;
private static final int UNX_IWALL = UNX_IWUSR | UNX_IWGRP | UNX_IWOTH;
public static final int PERMISSION_USR_RW = (UNX_IRUSR | UNX_IWUSR) << 16;
public static final int PERMISSION_RW = (UNX_IRALL | UNX_IWALL) << 16;
public static final int PERMISSION_EXEC = (UNX_IXUSR | UNX_IXGRP | UNX_IXOTH) << 16;
public static final int PERMISSION_LINK = TYPE_FLNK << 16;
public static final int PERMISSION_DEFAULT = (TYPE_FREG << 16) | PERMISSION_RW;
protected int externalAttributes;
protected Source(@NonNull String name) { = name;
nameBytes = name.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
versionMadeBy = MADE_BY_UNIX;
externalAttributes = PERMISSION_DEFAULT;
public String getName() {
return name;
byte[] getNameBytes() {
return nameBytes;
boolean isAligned() {
return alignment != NO_ALIGNMENT;
public void align(long alignment) {
this.alignment = alignment;
long getAlignment() {
return alignment;
int getCrc() {
return crc;
long getCompressedSize() {
return compressedSize;
long getUncompressedSize() {
return uncompressedSize;
short getCompressionFlag() {
return compressionFlag;
public short getVersionMadeBy() {
return versionMadeBy;
public int getExternalAttributes() {
return externalAttributes;
public void setExternalAttributes(int externalAttributes) {
this.externalAttributes = externalAttributes;
// Guaranteed to be called before writeTo. After this method has been called, every fields
// in an entry must be known (csize, size, crc32, and compressionFlag).
public abstract void prepare() throws IOException;
// Return the number of bytes written.
public abstract long writeTo(@NonNull ZipWriter writer) throws IOException;