blob: 156f2f552abfc9ba590d52cc61172dc0d69c774d [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "";
package game_tools;
service GameTools {
rpc CreateProject(CreateProjectRequest) returns (Project) {}
rpc CreateWindow(CreateWindowRequest) returns (Window) {}
rpc StartProfiling(StartProfilingRequest) returns (StartProfilingResponse) {}
message CreateProjectRequest {
// The project to be created. The client must set `name` and `path` field.
Project project = 1;
message Project {
// Readonly. Set by server.
string project_id = 1;
// A human readable name of the project. This is only for display purpose.
string name = 2;
// The absolute path of the project in the file system.
string path = 3;
message CreateWindowRequest {
// The project that the created window should belong to.
string project_id = 1;
// The window to be created. The given window should set `type` field.
Window window = 2;
message Window {
// Readonly. Set by server.
string window_id = 1;
// The type of window to create.
WindowType type = 2;
enum WindowType {
message StartProfilingRequest {
// Which profiler window to use to start this profiling session.
// though.
string window_id = 1;
// The unique ID identifying this connected device. For example "emulator-5554".
string serial_number = 2;
// The application ID of the Android app to profile.
string application_id = 3;
// The timestamp in millisecond to filter processes based on start timestamp
int64 start_later_than_ms = 4;
message StartProfilingResponse {}