blob: f987e7cd16d588a80fe5767e269a00fe1782ab2d [file] [log] [blame]
jacoco_cli = "@//prebuilts/tools/common/jacoco:cli"
# Define a coverage report
# Arguments:
# name : prefix of generated targets
# tests : list of test targets run for the report
# srcpath_include : (optional) list of path prefixes used to restrict data from matching sourcefiles
# srcpath_exclude : (optional) list of path prefixes used to exclude data from matching sourcefiles
# Generated Targets:
# name.suite : test_suite of tests
# name.lcov.unfiltered : merger of LCOV tracefiles from individual tests
# name.lcov : filtered version of merged LCOV tracefile
# Sourcepath Filtering:
# - A path matching any prefix in srcpath_include is included
# - A path matching any prefix in srcpath_exclude is excluded
# - A path that is both included and excluded is treated as excluded
# - If srcpath_included is omitted or empty then all paths are treated as included
# - The filtered tracefile contains all paths that are included and not excluded
def coverage_report(name, tests, srcpath_include = [], srcpath_exclude = []):
name = name + ".suite",
tests = ["@{}".format(t) for t in tests],
execs = ["@results//:{}.JacocoExec".format(t[2:].replace(":", "/")) for t in tests]
name = "{}.JacocoExec".format(name),
srcs = execs,
outs = ["{}/jacoco.exec".format(name)],
tools = [jacoco_cli],
cmd = "$(location {cli}) merge --quiet $(SRCS) --destfile $@".format(cli = jacoco_cli),
name = "{}.JacocoXML".format(name),
srcs = [
outs = ["{}/jacoco.xml".format(name)],
tools = [jacoco_cli],
cmd = "$(location {cli}) report --quiet $(location {exc}) --classfiles $(location {jar}) --xml $@".format(
cli = jacoco_cli,
exc = "{}.JacocoExec".format(name),
jar = "@baseline//:merged-baseline-jars",
name = "{}.lcov.unfiltered".format(name),
srcs = [
outs = ["{}/lcov.unfiltered".format(name)],
tools = ["@cov//:jacoco_xml_to_lcov"],
cmd = "python $(location {xml2lcov}) {test} $(location {base}) <$(location {xml}) >$@".format(
xml2lcov = "@cov//:jacoco_xml_to_lcov",
test = name,
base = "@baseline//:merged-baseline-srcs",
xml = "{}.JacocoXML".format(name),
spi = " ".join(srcpath_include)
spe = " ".join(["-" + x for x in srcpath_exclude])
name = "{}.lcov".format(name),
srcs = ["{}.lcov.unfiltered".format(name)],
outs = ["{}/lcov".format(name)],
tools = [":filter_lcov"],
cmd = "python $(location :filter_lcov) <$< >$@ {} {}".format(spi, spe),
name = "{}.lcov.notests".format(name),
srcs = ["{}.lcov".format(name)],
outs = ["{}/lcov.notests".format(name)],
tools = [":merge_tests"],
cmd = "python $(location :merge_tests) <$< >$@",
name = "{}.list".format(name),
srcs = ["{}.lcov".format(name)],
outs = ["{}/list".format(name)],
tools = [":generate_list"],
cmd = "python $(location :generate_list) <$< >$@ {}".format(name),
# Combine custom coverage report definition into a format suitable for upload
# Arguments:
# prefix : prefix for generated target
# reports : list of custom coverage reports that needs to be merged
def combine_report_definitions(prefix, reports):
name = "{}.list_all".format(prefix),
srcs = ["{}.list".format(c) for c in reports],
outs = ["{}/list".format(prefix)],
cmd = "cat $(SRCS) >$@",
name = "{}.lcov_all".format(prefix),
srcs = ["{}.lcov".format(c) for c in reports],
outs = ["{}/lcov".format(prefix)],
tools = [":merge_lcov"],
cmd = "python $(location :merge_lcov) $(SRCS) >$@",