blob: e615020e0a537c0fa58f3b562b914f448425d7f5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package profiler.proto;
option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "NetworkProfiler";
import "common.proto";
service NetworkService {
// Requests profiler data from the app with ID being |process_id|, in the time range
// from |start_timestamp| (exclusive) to |end_timestamp| (inclusive), or
// mathematically written as in interval (start_timestamp, end_timestamp].
rpc GetData(NetworkDataRequest) returns (NetworkDataResponse) {
// Starts collecting execution metrics of a running app, such as received and
// transmitted states. Does nothing if the app is already being monitored.
rpc StartMonitoringApp(NetworkStartRequest) returns (NetworkStartResponse) {
// Stops monitoring a running app. Does nothing if the app is not being
// monitored, or is not running.
rpc StopMonitoringApp(NetworkStopRequest) returns (NetworkStopResponse) {
// Returns a list of HTTP requests active over some given time range. See the
// HttpRangeRequest message for more details.
// Note: HTTP requests may live across time ranges, so the same instances may
// be returned across multple calls to this rpc.
rpc GetHttpRange(HttpRangeRequest) returns (HttpRangeResponse) {
// Gets misc metadata about a http request, given its |conn_id| and a
// |HttpDetailsRequest::Type|. Use |GetHttpRange| to get this ids.
rpc GetHttpDetails(HttpDetailsRequest) returns (HttpDetailsResponse) {
message NetworkProfilerData {
int64 end_timestamp = 1;
oneof data {
SpeedData speed_data = 2;
ConnectionData connection_data = 3;
ConnectivityData connectivity_data = 4;
// TODO: Break these up into their own messages (since tx and rx speeds can
// have unique timestamps), unless the error we get by combining them in the
// same message ends up being too subtle to matter
message SpeedData {
int64 sent = 1; // bytes / sec
int64 received = 2; // bytes / sec
message ConnectionData { int32 connection_number = 1; }
message ConnectivityData {
enum NetworkType {
WIFI = 2;
NetworkType network_type = 2;
message NetworkDataRequest {
enum Type {
// All types of network data are requested.
ALL = 0;
// Default network type (wifi or mobile) and radio power state.
// This data is device-wide and the same values will be returned across all
// valid |process_id| values.
// Network transmitted and received speeds (in bytes / sec).
SPEED = 2;
// Number of open connections.
Session session = 1;
int64 start_timestamp = 2;
int64 end_timestamp = 3;
Type type = 4;
message NetworkDataResponse {
repeated NetworkProfilerData data = 1;
message NetworkStartRequest {
Session session = 1;
// TODO: Dig more about network collector start response.
message NetworkStartResponse {
message NetworkStopRequest {
Session session = 1;
// TODO: Dig more about network collector stop response.
message NetworkStopResponse {
// Request to fetch all http connections that were alive between some time
// range.
// Given a range [start, end] and requests a-f...
// start end
// a: [===========|===============|=========...
// b: [=======] | |
// c: [===|===] |
// d: | [=======] |
// e: | [===|===]
// f: | | [=======]
// Keep a, c, d, and e; exclude b and f
// The time range match is inclusive, so requests ending on time |start| and
// requests starting on time |end| will be included in the results.
message HttpRangeRequest {
Session session = 1;
int64 start_timestamp = 2;
int64 end_timestamp = 3;
// Thread information obtained from Java, which is different from the thread data we would obtain from a JNI context.
// See also:
message JavaThread {
// ID of the thread obtained from Java, which is different from the thread ID obtained in a JNI context.
int64 id = 1;
// Name of the thread.
string name = 2;
// An HTTP connection represents the full lifetime of a single HTTP request /
// response network communication.
message HttpConnectionData {
// A unique identifer used to fetch any further details about this request.
// This id is guaranteed unique across all actively running apps.
int64 conn_id = 1;
// Always set. Time this network request was first opened.
int64 start_timestamp = 2;
// If not 0, time when request body stream was closed and bytes were uploaded.
int64 uploaded_timestamp = 5;
// If not 0, time when the first byte was received. Always > start.
int64 downloading_timestamp = 3;
// If not 0, time when request was closed. Always > start.
int64 end_timestamp = 4;
message HttpRangeResponse {
repeated HttpConnectionData data = 1;
// Message for querying metadata about an HTTP connection (by ID). Note that if
// the user queries details before they are ready, they will all be set to their
// default values (e.g. 0, empty string, etc.).
// TODO: Consider adding an error boolean if client queries at the wrong time.
// Is it necessary / helpful?
message HttpDetailsRequest {
enum Type {
// Metadata about a sent request. This data can be queried as soon as you
// have a connection ID to fetch it.
// Metadata about a received response. This data can be safely be queried
// for any connection that has its end_timestamp set to a non-zero value.
// (Otherwise, all the fields in the returned details will be empty)
// Fetch a path to the request body which can then be fetched over adb.
// This data can be queried for any connection that has its uploaded_timestamp
// set to a non-zero value.
// Fetch a handle to the response body which can be fetched over adb. This
// data can be safely queried for any connection that has its end_timestamp
// set to a non-zero value.
// Fetch accessed threads of a connection.
// This data can be queried as soon as you have a connection ID, however
// as a different thread may be added during the lifetime of the connection, it's advised to repeat the request
// when its end_timestamp is a non-zero value.
int64 conn_id = 1;
Session session = 2;
Type type = 3;
message HttpDetailsResponse {
message Request {
string url = 1;
// The request's method, e.g. GET, PUT, POST, etc.
string method = 2;
// Key/value pairs associated with the request
string fields = 3;
// ID to fetch a code stack trace for where this request was generated
// Use with |ProfilerService.GetBytes|
string trace_id = 4;
message Response {
// Response code, e.g. OK, 404, etc.
string code = 1;
// Key/value pairs associated with the response
string fields = 2;
message Body {
// An ID which will uniquely identify the contents of an http body. It can
// be used to fetch payload bytes via |ProfilerService.GetBytes|.
// This value will be a hash of the contents, and the same hash always
// indicates the same contents. This hash value calculation is independent
// of app, device, etc., and can always* be relied upon to indicate content
// equality.
// (*) with negligible probability of a collision
// Looks something like: "d652e629bcf87c998c614"
string payload_id = 1;
// The size of the response payload.
// If the payload does not exist the length will be 0.
int32 payload_size = 2;
message AccessingThreads {
// Threads that access a connection.
// The first thread is the thread that creates the connection.
repeated JavaThread thread = 1;
oneof details {
Request request = 1;
Response response = 2;
Body request_body = 3;
Body response_body = 4;
AccessingThreads accessing_threads = 5;