blob: 8774bdf8bf2246166a382d83f8651b4677fd1c65 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList
import java.util.Calendar
import java.util.Collections
import java.util.HashMap
import java.util.HashSet
import java.util.Locale
import java.util.function.Predicate
/** Checks Gradle files for potential errors */
open class GradleDetector : Detector(), GradleScanner {
private var minSdkVersion: Int = 0
private var compileSdkVersion: Int = 0
private var compileSdkVersionCookie: Any? = null
private var targetSdkVersion: Int = 0
protected open val gradleUserHome: File
get() {
// See org.gradle.initialization.BuildLayoutParameters
var gradleUserHome: String? = System.getProperty("gradle.user.home")
if (gradleUserHome == null) {
gradleUserHome = System.getenv("GRADLE_USER_HOME")
if (gradleUserHome == null) {
gradleUserHome = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + ".gradle"
return File(gradleUserHome)
private var artifactCacheHome: File? = null
* If incrementally editing a single build.gradle file, tracks whether we've already
* transitively checked GMS versions such that we don't flag the same error on every single
* dependency declaration
private var mCheckedGms: Boolean = false
* If incrementally editing a single build.gradle file, tracks whether we've already
* transitively checked support library versions such that we don't flag the same error on every
* single dependency declaration
private var mCheckedSupportLibs: Boolean = false
* If incrementally editing a single build.gradle file, tracks whether we've already
* transitively checked wearable library versions such that we don't flag the same error on
* every single dependency declaration
private var mCheckedWearableLibs: Boolean = false
* If incrementally editing a single build.gradle file, tracks whether we've already
* applied kotlin-android plugin.
private var mAppliedKotlinAndroidPlugin: Boolean = false
* If incrementally editing a single build.gradle file, tracks whether we've already
* applied kotlin-kapt plugin.
private var mAppliedKotlinKaptPlugin: Boolean = false
private val blacklisted = HashMap<Project, BlacklistedDeps>()
// ---- Implements GradleScanner ----
private fun checkOctal(
context: GradleContext,
value: String,
cookie: Any
) {
if (value.length >= 2 &&
value[0] == '0' &&
(value.length > 2 || value[1] >= '8' && isNonNegativeInteger(value)) &&
) {
var message =
"The leading 0 turns this number into octal which is probably not what was intended"
message += try {
val numericValue = java.lang.Long.decode(value)
" (interpreted as $numericValue)"
} catch (exception: NumberFormatException) {
" (and it is not a valid octal number)"
report(context, cookie, ACCIDENTAL_OCTAL, message)
/** Called with for example "android", "defaultConfig", "minSdkVersion", "7" */
override fun checkDslPropertyAssignment(
context: GradleContext,
property: String,
value: String,
parent: String,
parentParent: String?,
propertyCookie: Any,
valueCookie: Any,
statementCookie: Any
) {
if (parent == "defaultConfig") {
if (property == "targetSdkVersion") {
val version = getSdkVersion(value)
if (version > 0 && version < context.client.highestKnownApiLevel) {
var warned = false
if (version <= 25) {
val now = calendar ?: Calendar.getInstance()
val year = now.get(Calendar.YEAR)
val month = now.get(Calendar.MONTH)
// After November 1st 2018, the apps are required to use 26 or higher
if (year > 2018 || month >= 10) {
val message =
"Google Play requires that apps target API level 26 or higher.\n"
val highest = context.client.highestKnownApiLevel
val label = "Update targetSdkVersion to $highest"
val fix = fix().name(label)
// Don't report if already suppressed with EXPIRING
val alreadySuppressed = context.containsCommentSuppress() &&
if (!alreadySuppressed) {
warned = true
} else if (month >= 4 && year == 2018) {
// Start warning about this earlier - in May.
// (Check for 2018 here: no, we don't have a time machine, but let's
// allow developers to go back in time.)
val message = "" +
"Google Play will soon require that apps target API " +
"level 26 or higher. This will be required for new apps " +
"in August 2018, and for updates to existing apps in " +
"November 2018."
val highest = context.client.highestKnownApiLevel
val label = "Update targetSdkVersion to $highest"
val fix = fix().name(label)
report(context, valueCookie, EXPIRING_TARGET_SDK_VERSION, message, fix)
warned = true
if (!warned) {
val message =
"Not targeting the latest versions of Android; compatibility " +
"modes apply. Consider testing and updating this version. " +
"Consult the android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES javadoc for " +
val highest = context.client.highestKnownApiLevel
val label = "Update targetSdkVersion to $highest"
val fix = fix().name(label)
report(context, valueCookie, TARGET_NEWER, message, fix)
if (version > 0) {
targetSdkVersion = version
} else {
checkIntegerAsString(context, value, valueCookie)
} else if (property == "minSdkVersion") {
val version = getSdkVersion(value)
if (version > 0) {
minSdkVersion = version
checkMinSdkVersion(context, version, valueCookie)
} else {
checkIntegerAsString(context, value, valueCookie)
if (value.startsWith("0")) {
checkOctal(context, value, valueCookie)
if (property == "versionName" ||
property == "versionCode" && !isNonNegativeInteger(value) ||
) {
// Method call -- make sure it does not match one of the getters in the
// configuration!
if (value == "getVersionCode" || value == "getVersionName") {
val message = "Bad method name: pick a unique method name which does not " +
"conflict with the implicit getters for the defaultConfig " +
"properties. For example, try using the prefix compute- " +
"instead of get-."
report(context, valueCookie, GRADLE_GETTER, message)
} else if (property == "packageName") {
val message = "Deprecated: Replace 'packageName' with 'applicationId'"
val fix = fix()
.name("Replace 'packageName' with 'applicationId'", true)
report(context, context.getPropertyKeyCookie(valueCookie), DEPRECATED, message, fix)
if (property == "versionCode" &&
context.isEnabled(HIGH_APP_VERSION_CODE) &&
) {
val version = getIntLiteralValue(value, -1)
val message =
"The 'versionCode' is very high and close to the max allowed value"
report(context, valueCookie, HIGH_APP_VERSION_CODE, message)
} else if (property == "compileSdkVersion" && parent == "android") {
var version = -1
if (isStringLiteral(value)) {
// Try to resolve values like "android-O"
val hash = getStringLiteralValue(value)
if (hash != null && !isNumberString(hash)) {
val platformVersion = AndroidTargetHash.getPlatformVersion(hash)
if (platformVersion != null) {
version = platformVersion.featureLevel
} else {
version = getIntLiteralValue(value, -1)
if (version > 0) {
compileSdkVersion = version
compileSdkVersionCookie = valueCookie
} else {
checkIntegerAsString(context, value, valueCookie)
} else if (property == "buildToolsVersion" && parent == "android") {
val versionString = getStringLiteralValue(value)
if (versionString != null) {
val version = GradleVersion.tryParse(versionString)
if (version != null) {
var recommended = getLatestBuildTools(context.client, version.major)
if (recommended != null && version < recommended) {
val message = "Old buildToolsVersion " +
version +
"; recommended version is " +
recommended +
" or later"
val fix = getUpdateDependencyFix(version.toString(), recommended.toString())
report(context, valueCookie, DEPENDENCY, message, fix)
// 23.0.0 shipped with a serious bugs which affects program correctness
// (such as
// Make developers aware of this and suggest upgrading
if (version.major == 23 &&
version.minor == 0 &&
version.micro == 0 &&
) {
// This specific version is actually a preview version which should
// not be used (
if (recommended == null || recommended.major < 23) {
// First planned release to fix this
recommended = GradleVersion(23, 0, 3)
val message =
"Build Tools `23.0.0` should not be used; " +
"it has some known serious bugs. Use version `$recommended` " +
reportFatalCompatibilityIssue(context, valueCookie, message)
} else if (parent == "plugins") {
// KTS declaration for plugins
if (property == "id") {
val plugin = getStringLiteralValue(value)
val isOldAppPlugin = OLD_APP_PLUGIN_ID == plugin
if (isOldAppPlugin || OLD_LIB_PLUGIN_ID == plugin) {
val replaceWith = if (isOldAppPlugin) APP_PLUGIN_ID else LIB_PLUGIN_ID
val message = "'$plugin' is deprecated; use '$replaceWith' instead"
val fix = fix()
.sharedName("Replace plugin")
report(context, valueCookie, DEPRECATED, message, fix)
} else if (parent == "dependencies") {
if (value.startsWith("files('") && value.endsWith("')")) {
val path = value.substring("files('".length, value.length - 2)
if (path.contains("\\\\")) {
val message =
"Do not use Windows file separators in .gradle files; use / instead"
report(context, valueCookie, PATH, message)
} else if (path.startsWith("/") || File(
) {
val message = "Avoid using absolute paths in .gradle files"
report(context, valueCookie, PATH, message)
} else {
var dependency = getStringLiteralValue(value)
if (dependency == null) {
dependency = getNamedDependency(value)
// If the dependency is a GString (i.e. it uses Groovy variable substitution,
// with a $variable_name syntax) then don't try to parse it.
if (dependency != null) {
var gc = GradleCoordinate.parseCoordinateString(dependency)
var isResolved = false
if (gc != null && dependency.contains("$")) {
if (value.startsWith("'") &&
value.endsWith("'") &&
) {
val message = "It looks like you are trying to substitute a " +
"version variable, but using single quotes ('). For Groovy " +
"string interpolation you must use double quotes (\")."
val fix = fix().name("Replace single quotes with double quotes")
"\"" +
value.substring(1, value.length - 1) +
report(context, statementCookie, NOT_INTERPOLATED, message, fix)
gc = resolveCoordinate(context, gc)
isResolved = true
if (gc != null) {
if (gc.acceptsGreaterRevisions()) {
val message = "Avoid using + in version numbers; can lead " +
"to unpredictable and unrepeatable builds (" +
dependency +
val fix = fix().data(gc)
report(context, valueCookie, PLUS, message, fix)
// Check dependencies without the PSI read lock, because we
// may need to make network requests to retrieve version info.
context.driver.runLaterOutsideReadAction(Runnable {
checkDependency(context, gc, isResolved, valueCookie, statementCookie)
checkDeprecatedConfigurations(property, context, propertyCookie)
} else if (property == "packageNameSuffix") {
val message = "Deprecated: Replace 'packageNameSuffix' with 'applicationIdSuffix'"
val fix = fix()
.name("Replace 'packageNameSuffix' with 'applicationIdSuffix'", true)
report(context, context.getPropertyKeyCookie(valueCookie), DEPRECATED, message, fix)
} else if (property == "applicationIdSuffix") {
val suffix = getStringLiteralValue(value)
if (suffix != null && !suffix.startsWith(".")) {
val message = "Application ID suffix should probably start with a \".\""
report(context, valueCookie, PATH, message)
} else if (property == "minSdkVersion" &&
parent == "dev" &&
"21" == value &&
// Don't flag this error from Gradle; users invoking lint from Gradle may
// still want dev mode for command line usage
LintClient.CLIENT_GRADLE != LintClient.clientName
) {
"You no longer need a `dev` mode to enable multi-dexing during development, and this can break API version checks"
} else if (property == "enabled" && parent == "dataBinding") {
if (value == SdkConstants.VALUE_TRUE) {
if (mAppliedKotlinAndroidPlugin && !mAppliedKotlinKaptPlugin) {
val message = "If you plan to use data binding in a Kotlin project, you should apply the kotlin-kapt plugin."
report(context, valueCookie, DATA_BINDING_WITHOUT_KAPT, message, null)
private enum class DeprecatedConfiguration(
private val deprecatedName: String,
private val replacementName: String
) {
COMPILE("compile", "implementation"),
PROVIDED("provided", "compileOnly"),
APK("apk", "runtimeOnly"),
private val deprecatedSuffix: String = deprecatedName.capitalize()
private val replacementSuffix: String = replacementName.capitalize()
fun matches(configurationName: String): Boolean {
return configurationName == deprecatedName || configurationName.endsWith(
fun replacement(configurationName: String): String {
return if (configurationName == deprecatedName) {
} else {
configurationName.removeSuffix(deprecatedSuffix) + replacementSuffix
private fun checkDeprecatedConfigurations(
configuration: String,
context: GradleContext,
propertyCookie: Any
) {
if (context.project.gradleModelVersion?.isAtLeastIncludingPreviews(3, 0, 0) == false) {
// All of these deprecations were made in AGP 3.0.0
for (deprecatedConfiguration in DeprecatedConfiguration.values()) {
if (deprecatedConfiguration.matches(configuration)) {
// Compile was replaced by API and Implementation, but only suggest API if it was used
if (deprecatedConfiguration == DeprecatedConfiguration.COMPILE
&& suggestApiConfigurationUse(context.project, configuration)
) {
val implementation: String
val api: String
if (configuration == "compile") {
implementation = "implementation"
api = "api"
} else {
val prefix = configuration.removeSuffix("Compile")
implementation = "${prefix}Implementation"
api = "${prefix}Api"
val message =
"`$configuration` is deprecated; " +
"replace with either `$api` to maintain current behavior, " +
"or `$implementation` to improve build performance " +
"by not sharing this dependency transitively."
val apiFix = fix()
.name("Replace '$configuration' with '$api'")
.family("Replace compile with api")
val implementationFix = fix()
.name("Replace '$configuration' with '$implementation'")
.family("Replace compile with implementation")
val fixes = fix()
.name("Replace '$configuration' with '$api' or '$implementation'")
} else {
// Unambiguous replacement case
val replacement = deprecatedConfiguration.replacement(configuration)
val message = "`$configuration` is deprecated; replace with `$replacement`"
val fix = fix()
.name("Replace '$configuration' with '$replacement'")
.family("Replace deprecated configurations")
report(context, propertyCookie, DEPRECATED_CONFIGURATION, message, fix)
private fun checkMinSdkVersion(context: GradleContext, version: Int, valueCookie: Any) {
if (version in 1..(LOWEST_ACTIVE_API - 1)) {
val message =
"The value of minSdkVersion is too low. It can be incremented " +
"without noticeably reducing the number of supported devices."
val label = "Update minSdkVersion to $LOWEST_ACTIVE_API"
val fix = fix().name(label)
report(context, valueCookie, MIN_SDK_TOO_LOW, message, fix)
private fun checkIntegerAsString(context: GradleContext, value: String, valueCookie: Any) {
// When done developing with a preview platform you might be tempted to switch from
// compileSdkVersion 'android-G'
// to
// compileSdkVersion '19'
// but that won't work; it needs to be
// compileSdkVersion 19
val string = getStringLiteralValue(value)
if (isNumberString(string)) {
val message =
"Use an integer rather than a string here (replace $value with just $string)"
val fix =
fix().name("Replace with integer", true).replace().text(value).with(string).build()
report(context, valueCookie, STRING_INTEGER, message, fix)
override fun checkMethodCall(
context: GradleContext,
statement: String,
parent: String?,
namedArguments: Map<String, String>,
unnamedArguments: List<String>,
cookie: Any
) {
val plugin = namedArguments["plugin"]
if (statement == "apply" && parent == null) {
val isOldAppPlugin = OLD_APP_PLUGIN_ID == plugin
if (isOldAppPlugin || OLD_LIB_PLUGIN_ID == plugin) {
val replaceWith = if (isOldAppPlugin) APP_PLUGIN_ID else LIB_PLUGIN_ID
val message = "'$plugin' is deprecated; use '$replaceWith' instead"
val fix = fix()
.sharedName("Replace plugin")
report(context, cookie, DEPRECATED, message, fix)
if (plugin == "kotlin-android") {
mAppliedKotlinAndroidPlugin = true
if (plugin == "kotlin-kapt") {
mAppliedKotlinKaptPlugin = true
private fun checkTargetCompatibility(context: GradleContext) {
if (compileSdkVersion > 0 && targetSdkVersion > 0 && targetSdkVersion > compileSdkVersion) {
val message = "The compileSdkVersion (" +
compileSdkVersion +
") should not be lower than the targetSdkVersion (" +
targetSdkVersion +
val fix = fix().name("Set compileSdkVersion to $targetSdkVersion")
reportNonFatalCompatibilityIssue(context, compileSdkVersionCookie!!, message, fix)
// Important: This is called without the PSI read lock, since it may make network requests.
// Any interaction with PSI or issue reporting should be wrapped in a read action.
private fun checkDependency(
context: GradleContext,
dependency: GradleCoordinate,
isResolved: Boolean,
cookie: Any,
statementCookie: Any
) {
val version = dependency.version
val groupId = dependency.groupId
val artifactId = dependency.artifactId
val revision = dependency.revision
if (version == null || groupId == null || artifactId == null) {
var newerVersion: GradleVersion? = null
val filter = getUpgradeVersionFilter(context, groupId, artifactId, revision)
when (groupId) {
// Play services
checkPlayServices(context, dependency, version, revision, cookie)
"" -> {
if ("gradle" == artifactId) {
if (checkGradlePluginDependency(context, dependency, cookie)) {
// If it's available in, fetch latest available version
newerVersion = GradleVersion.max(
getGoogleMavenRepoVersion(context, dependency, filter)
"" -> {
// TODO: 24.0-android
if ("guava" == artifactId) {
newerVersion = getNewerVersion(version, 21, 0)
"" -> {
if ("gson" == artifactId) {
newerVersion = getNewerVersion(version, 2, 8, 2)
"org.apache.httpcomponents" -> {
if ("httpclient" == artifactId) {
newerVersion = getNewerVersion(version, 4, 5, 5)
"com.squareup.okhttp3" -> {
if ("okhttp" == artifactId) {
newerVersion = getNewerVersion(version, 3, 10, 0)
"com.github.bumptech.glide" -> {
if ("glide" == artifactId) {
newerVersion = getNewerVersion(version, 3, 7, 0)
"" -> {
if ("gradle" == artifactId) {
val parsed = GradleVersion.tryParse(revision)
if (parsed != null && parsed < "1.21.6") {
val fix = getUpdateDependencyFix(revision, "1.22.1")
"Use Fabric Gradle plugin version 1.21.6 or later to " +
"improve Instant Run performance (was $revision)",
} else {
// From
newerVersion = getNewerVersion(version, GradleVersion(1, 25, 1))
"com.bugsnag" -> {
if ("bugsnag-android-gradle-plugin" == artifactId) {
if (!version.isAtLeast(2, 1, 2)) {
val fix = getUpdateDependencyFix(revision, "2.4.1")
"Use BugSnag Gradle plugin version 2.1.2 or later to " +
"improve Instant Run performance (was $revision)",
} else {
// From
// %20a%3A%22bugsnag-android-gradle-plugin%22
newerVersion = getNewerVersion(version, 3, 2, 5)
"org.robolectric" -> {
if ("robolectric" == artifactId &&
) {
if (!version.isAtLeast(4, 1, 0)) {
val fix = getUpdateDependencyFix(revision, "4.1")
"Use robolectric version 4.1 or later to " +
"fix issues with parsing of Windows paths",
val blacklistedDeps = blacklisted[context.project]
if (blacklistedDeps != null) {
val path = blacklistedDeps.checkDependency(groupId, artifactId, true)
if (path != null) {
val message = getBlacklistedDependencyMessage(context, path)
if (message != null) {
val fix = fix().name("Delete dependency").replace().all().build()
report(context, statementCookie, DUPLICATE_CLASSES, message, fix)
val sdkRegistry = getDeprecatedLibraryLookup(context.client)
val deprecated = sdkRegistry.getVersionInfo(dependency)
if (deprecated != null) {
val prefix: String
val issue: Issue
if (deprecated.status == "insecure") {
prefix = "This version is known to be insecure."
} else {
prefix = "This version is ${deprecated.status}."
val suffix: String
val fix: LintFix?
val recommended = deprecated.recommended
if (recommended != null) {
suffix = " Consider switching to recommended version $recommended."
fix = getUpdateDependencyFix(dependency.revision, recommended)
} else {
suffix = ""
fix = null
val separatorDot =
if (deprecated.message.isNotEmpty() && !deprecated.message.endsWith("."))
val message = "$prefix Details: ${deprecated.message}$separatorDot$suffix"
report(context, statementCookie, issue, message, fix)
} else {
val recommended = sdkRegistry.getRecommendedVersion(dependency)
if (recommended != null && (newerVersion == null || recommended > newerVersion)) {
newerVersion = recommended
// Network check for really up to date libraries? Only done in batch mode.
var issue = DEPENDENCY
if (context.scope.size > 1 && context.isEnabled(REMOTE_VERSION)) {
val latest = getLatestVersionFromRemoteRepo(
context.client, dependency, filter, dependency.isPreview
if (latest != null && version < latest) {
newerVersion = latest
// Compare with what's in the Gradle cache.
newerVersion = GradleVersion.max(newerVersion, findCachedNewerVersion(dependency, filter))
// Compare with IDE's repository cache, if available.
newerVersion = GradleVersion.max(
context.client.getHighestKnownVersion(dependency, filter)
// If it's available in, fetch latest available version.
newerVersion = GradleVersion.max(
newerVersion, getGoogleMavenRepoVersion(context, dependency, filter)
if (groupId == SUPPORT_LIB_GROUP_ID || groupId == "") {
checkSupportLibraries(context, dependency, version, newerVersion, cookie)
if (newerVersion != null && newerVersion > version) {
val versionString = newerVersion.toString()
val message = getNewerVersionAvailableMessage(dependency, versionString)
val fix = if (!isResolved) getUpdateDependencyFix(revision, versionString) else null
report(context, cookie, issue, message, fix)
* Returns a predicate that encapsulates version constraints for the given library, or null if
* there are no constraints.
private fun getUpgradeVersionFilter(
context: GradleContext,
groupId: String,
artifactId: String,
revision: String
): Predicate<GradleVersion>? {
// Logic here has to match checkSupportLibraries method to avoid creating contradictory
// warnings.
if (isSupportLibraryDependentOnCompileSdk(groupId, artifactId)) {
if (compileSdkVersion >= 18) {
return Predicate { version -> version.major == compileSdkVersion }
} else if (targetSdkVersion > 0) {
return Predicate { version -> version.major >= targetSdkVersion }
if (groupId == "" && LintClient.isStudio) {
val clientRevision = context.client.getClientRevision() ?: return null
val ideVersion = GradleVersion.parse(clientRevision)
val version = GradleVersion.parse(revision)
return Predicate { v ->
// Any higher IDE version that matches major and minor
// (e.g. from 3.3.0 offer 3.3.2 but not 3.4.0)
(v.major == ideVersion.major &&
v.minor == ideVersion.minor) ||
// Also allow matching latest current existing major/minor version
(v.major == version.major &&
v.minor == version.minor)
return null
/** Home in the Gradle cache for artifact caches */
@Suppress("MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate") // overridden in the IDE
protected fun getArtifactCacheHome(): File {
return artifactCacheHome ?: run {
val home = File(
"caches" + File.separator + "modules-2" + File.separator + "files-2.1"
artifactCacheHome = home
private fun findCachedNewerVersion(
dependency: GradleCoordinate,
filter: Predicate<GradleVersion>?
): GradleVersion? {
val versionDir = File(
dependency.groupId + File.separator + dependency.artifactId
return if (versionDir.exists()) {
} else null
private fun ensureTargetCompatibleWithO(
context: GradleContext,
version: GradleVersion?,
cookie: Any,
major: Int,
minor: Int,
micro: Int
) {
if (version != null && !version.isAtLeast(major, minor, micro)) {
var revision = GradleVersion(major, minor, micro)
val newest = getNewerVersion(version, revision)
if (newest != null) {
revision = newest
val message = "Version must be at least $revision when targeting O"
reportFatalCompatibilityIssue(context, cookie, message)
// Important: This is called without the PSI read lock, since it may make network requests.
// Any interaction with PSI or issue reporting should be wrapped in a read action.
private fun checkGradlePluginDependency(
context: GradleContext,
dependency: GradleCoordinate,
cookie: Any
): Boolean {
val minimum = GradleCoordinate.parseCoordinateString(
if (minimum != null &&, minimum) < 0) {
val recommended = GradleVersion.max(
getGoogleMavenRepoVersion(context, minimum, null),
val message = "You must use a newer version of the Android Gradle plugin. The " +
"minimum supported version is " +
" and the recommended version is " +
report(context, cookie, GRADLE_PLUGIN_COMPATIBILITY, message)
return true
return false
private fun checkSupportLibraries(
context: GradleContext,
dependency: GradleCoordinate,
version: GradleVersion,
newerVersion: GradleVersion?,
cookie: Any
) {
val groupId = dependency.groupId ?: return
val artifactId = dependency.artifactId ?: return
// For artifacts that follow the platform numbering scheme, check that it matches the SDK
// versions used.
if (isSupportLibraryDependentOnCompileSdk(groupId, artifactId)) {
if (compileSdkVersion >= 18 &&
dependency.majorVersion != compileSdkVersion &&
dependency.majorVersion != GradleCoordinate.PLUS_REV_VALUE &&
) {
var fix: LintFix? = null
if (newerVersion != null) {
fix = fix().name("Replace with $newerVersion")
val message = "This support library should not use a different version (" +
dependency.majorVersion +
") than the `compileSdkVersion` (" +
compileSdkVersion +
reportNonFatalCompatibilityIssue(context, cookie, message, fix)
if (!mCheckedSupportLibs &&
!artifactId.startsWith("multidex") &&
!artifactId.startsWith("renderscript") &&
artifactId != "support-annotations"
) {
mCheckedSupportLibs = true
if (!context.scope.contains(Scope.ALL_RESOURCE_FILES)) {
// Incremental editing: try flagging them in this file!
checkConsistentSupportLibraries(context, cookie)
if ("appcompat-v7" == artifactId) {
val supportLib26Beta = version.isAtLeast(26, 0, 0, "beta", 1, true)
var compile26Beta = compileSdkVersion >= 26
// It's not actually compileSdkVersion 26, it's using O revision 2 or higher
if (compileSdkVersion == 26) {
val buildTarget = context.project.buildTarget
if (buildTarget != null && buildTarget.version.isPreview) {
compile26Beta = buildTarget.revision != 1
if (supportLib26Beta &&
!compile26Beta &&
// We already flag problems when these aren't matching.
compileSdkVersion == version.major
) {
"When using a `compileSdkVersion` older than android-O revision 2, " +
"the support library version must be 26.0.0-alpha1 or lower " +
"(was $version)"
} else if (!supportLib26Beta && compile26Beta) {
"When using a `compileSdkVersion` android-O revision 2 " +
"or higher, the support library version should be 26.0.0-beta1 " +
"or higher (was $version)"
if (minSdkVersion >= 14 && compileSdkVersion >= 1 && compileSdkVersion < 21) {
"Using the appcompat library when minSdkVersion >= 14 and compileSdkVersion < 21 is not necessary"
private fun checkPlayServices(
context: GradleContext,
dependency: GradleCoordinate,
version: GradleVersion,
revision: String,
cookie: Any
) {
val groupId = dependency.groupId ?: return
val artifactId = dependency.artifactId ?: return
// 5.2.08 is not supported; special case and warn about this
if ("5.2.08" == revision && context.isEnabled(COMPATIBILITY)) {
// This specific version is actually a preview version which should
// not be used (
val maxVersion = GradleVersion.max(
getGoogleMavenRepoVersion(context, dependency, null)
val fix = getUpdateDependencyFix(revision, maxVersion.toString())
val message =
"Version `5.2.08` should not be used; the app " +
"can not be published with this version. Use version `$maxVersion` " +
reportFatalCompatibilityIssue(context, cookie, message, fix)
if (context.isEnabled(BUNDLED_GMS) &&
PLAY_SERVICES_V650.isSameArtifact(dependency) &&, PLAY_SERVICES_V650) >= 0
) {
// Play services 6.5.0 is the first version to allow un-bundling, so if the user is
// at or above 6.5.0, recommend un-bundling
val message = "Avoid using bundled version of Google Play services SDK."
report(context, cookie, BUNDLED_GMS, message)
if (GMS_GROUP_ID == groupId && "play-services-appindexing" == artifactId) {
val message = "Deprecated: Replace '" +
":play-services-appindexing:" +
revision +
"' with '' or above. " +
"More info:"
val fix = fix().name("Replace with Firebase")
report(context, cookie, DEPRECATED, message, fix)
if (targetSdkVersion >= 26) {
// When targeting O the following libraries must be using at least version 10.2.1
// (or 0.6.0 of the jobdispatcher API)
if (GMS_GROUP_ID == groupId && "play-services-gcm" == artifactId) {
ensureTargetCompatibleWithO(context, version, cookie, 10, 2, 1)
} else if (FIREBASE_GROUP_ID == groupId && "firebase-messaging" == artifactId) {
ensureTargetCompatibleWithO(context, version, cookie, 10, 2, 1)
} else if ("firebase-jobdispatcher" == artifactId || "firebase-jobdispatcher-with-gcm-dep" == artifactId) {
ensureTargetCompatibleWithO(context, version, cookie, 0, 6, 0)
if (GMS_GROUP_ID == groupId || FIREBASE_GROUP_ID == groupId) {
if (!mCheckedGms) {
mCheckedGms = true
// Incremental analysis only? If so, tie the check to
// a specific GMS play dependency if only, such that it's highlighted
// in the editor
if (!context.scope.contains(Scope.ALL_RESOURCE_FILES)) {
// Incremental editing: try flagging them in this file!
checkConsistentPlayServices(context, cookie)
} else {
if (!mCheckedWearableLibs) {
mCheckedWearableLibs = true
// Incremental analysis only? If so, tie the check to
// a specific GMS play dependency if only, such that it's highlighted
// in the editor
if (!context.scope.contains(Scope.ALL_RESOURCE_FILES)) {
// Incremental editing: try flagging them in this file!
checkConsistentWearableLibraries(context, cookie)
private fun MavenCoordinates.isSupportLibArtifact() =
isSupportLibraryDependentOnCompileSdk(groupId, artifactId)
* Returns if the given group id belongs to an AndroidX artifact. This usually means that it
* starts with "androidx." but there is an special case for the navigation artifact which does
* start with "androidx." but links to non-androidx classes
private fun MavenCoordinates.isAndroidxArtifact() =
groupId.startsWith(ANDROIDX_PKG_PREFIX) && groupId != "androidx.navigation"
private fun checkConsistentSupportLibraries(
context: Context,
cookie: Any?
) {
checkConsistentLibraries(context, cookie, SUPPORT_LIB_GROUP_ID, null)
val androidLibraries = getAndroidLibraries(context.project)
var usesOldSupportLib: MavenCoordinates? = null
var usesAndroidX: MavenCoordinates? = null
for (library in androidLibraries) {
val coordinates = library.resolvedCoordinates
if (usesOldSupportLib == null && coordinates.isSupportLibArtifact()) {
usesOldSupportLib = coordinates
if (usesAndroidX == null && coordinates.isAndroidxArtifact()) {
usesAndroidX = coordinates
if (usesOldSupportLib != null && usesAndroidX != null) {
if (usesOldSupportLib != null && usesAndroidX != null) {
val message = "Dependencies using groupId " +
"can not be combined but " +
"found `$usesOldSupportLib` and `$usesAndroidX` incompatible dependencies"
if (cookie != null) {
reportNonFatalCompatibilityIssue(context, cookie, message)
} else {
private fun checkConsistentPlayServices(context: Context, cookie: Any?) {
checkConsistentLibraries(context, cookie, GMS_GROUP_ID, FIREBASE_GROUP_ID)
private fun checkConsistentWearableLibraries(
context: Context,
cookie: Any?
) {
// Make sure we have both
// compile ''
// provided ''
val project = context.mainProject
if (!project.isGradleProject) {
val supportVersions = HashSet<String>()
val wearableVersions = HashSet<String>()
for (library in getAndroidLibraries(project)) {
val coordinates = library.resolvedCoordinates
// Claims to be non-null but may not be after a failed gradle sync
if (coordinates != null &&
WEARABLE_ARTIFACT_ID == coordinates.artifactId &&
GOOGLE_SUPPORT_GROUP_ID == coordinates.groupId
) {
for (library in getJavaLibraries(project)) {
val coordinates = library.resolvedCoordinates
// Claims to be non-null but may not be after a failed gradle sync
if (coordinates != null &&
WEARABLE_ARTIFACT_ID == coordinates.artifactId &&
ANDROID_WEAR_GROUP_ID == coordinates.groupId
) {
if (!library.isProvided) {
if (cookie != null) {
val message =
"This dependency should be marked as `provided`, not `compile`"
reportFatalCompatibilityIssue(context, cookie, message)
} else {
val message =
"The $ANDROID_WEAR_GROUP_ID:$WEARABLE_ARTIFACT_ID dependency should be marked as `provided`, not `compile`"
context, guessGradleLocation(context.project), message
if (!supportVersions.isEmpty()) {
if (wearableVersions.isEmpty()) {
val list = ArrayList(supportVersions)
val first = Collections.min(list)
val message =
"Project depends on $GOOGLE_SUPPORT_GROUP_ID:$WEARABLE_ARTIFACT_ID:$first, " +
"so it must also depend (as a provided dependency) on " +
if (cookie != null) {
reportFatalCompatibilityIssue(context, cookie, message)
} else {
context, guessGradleLocation(context.project), message
} else {
// Check that they have the same versions
if (supportVersions != wearableVersions) {
val sortedSupportVersions = ArrayList(supportVersions)
val supportedWearableVersions = ArrayList(wearableVersions)
val message = String.format(
"The wearable libraries for %1\$s and %2\$s " +
"must use **exactly** the same versions; found %3\$s " +
"and %4\$s",
if (sortedSupportVersions.size == 1)
else sortedSupportVersions.toString(),
if (supportedWearableVersions.size == 1)
else supportedWearableVersions.toString()
if (cookie != null) {
reportFatalCompatibilityIssue(context, cookie, message)
} else {
context, guessGradleLocation(context.project), message
private fun checkConsistentLibraries(
context: Context,
cookie: Any?,
groupId: String,
groupId2: String?
) {
// Make sure we're using a consistent version across all play services libraries
// (b/22709708)
val project = context.mainProject
val versionToCoordinate = ArrayListMultimap.create<String, MavenCoordinates>()
val androidLibraries = getAndroidLibraries(project)
for (library in androidLibraries) {
val coordinates = library.resolvedCoordinates
// Claims to be non-null but may not be after a failed gradle sync
if (coordinates != null &&
(coordinates.groupId == groupId || coordinates.groupId == groupId2) &&
// Historically the multidex library ended up in the support package but
// decided to do its own numbering (and isn't tied to the rest in terms
// of implementation dependencies)
!coordinates.artifactId.startsWith("multidex") &&
// Renderscript has stated in b/37630182 that they are built and
// distributed separate from the rest and do not have any version
// dependencies
!coordinates.artifactId.startsWith("renderscript") &&
// Similarly firebase job dispatcher doesn't follow normal firebase version
// numbering
) {
versionToCoordinate.put(coordinates.version, coordinates)
for (library in getJavaLibraries(project)) {
val coordinates = library.resolvedCoordinates
// Claims to be non-null but may not be after a failed gradle sync
if (coordinates != null &&
(coordinates.groupId == groupId || coordinates.groupId == groupId2) &&
// The Android annotations library is decoupled from the rest and doesn't
// need to be matched to the other exact support library versions
coordinates.artifactId != "support-annotations"
) {
versionToCoordinate.put(coordinates.version, coordinates)
val versions = versionToCoordinate.keySet()
if (versions.size > 1) {
val sortedVersions = ArrayList(versions)
val c1 = findFirst(versionToCoordinate.get(sortedVersions[0]))
val c2 = findFirst(versionToCoordinate.get(sortedVersions[1]))
// For GMS, the synced version requirement ends at version 14
if (groupId == GMS_GROUP_ID || groupId == FIREBASE_GROUP_ID) {
// c2 is the smallest of all the versions; if it is at least 14,
// they all are
val version = GradleVersion.tryParse(c2.version)
if (version != null && (version.major >= 14 || version.major == 0)) {
// Not using toString because in the IDE, these are model proxies which display garbage output
val example1 = c1.groupId + ":" + c1.artifactId + ":" + c1.version
val example2 = c2.groupId + ":" + c2.artifactId + ":" + c2.version
val groupDesc = if (GMS_GROUP_ID == groupId) "gms/firebase" else groupId
var message = "All " +
groupDesc +
" libraries must use the exact same " +
"version specification (mixing versions can lead to runtime crashes). " +
"Found versions " +
Joiner.on(", ").join(sortedVersions) +
". " +
"Examples include `" +
example1 +
"` and `" +
example2 +
// Create an improved error message for a confusing scenario where you use
// data binding and end up with conflicting versions:
for (library in androidLibraries) {
val coordinates = library.resolvedCoordinates
// Claims to be non-null but may not be after a failed gradle sync
if (coordinates != null &&
coordinates.groupId == "" &&
coordinates.artifactId == "library"
) {
for (dep in library.libraryDependencies) {
val c = dep.resolvedCoordinates
// Claims to be non-null but may not be after a failed gradle sync
if (c != null &&
c.groupId == "" &&
c.artifactId == "support-v4" &&
sortedVersions[0] != c.version
) {
message += ". Note that this project is using data binding " +
"(" +
coordinates.version +
") which pulls in" +
c.version +
". You can try to work around this " +
"by adding an explicit dependency on " +
"" +
if (cookie != null) {
reportNonFatalCompatibilityIssue(context, cookie, message)
} else {
val projectDir = context.project.dir
var location1 = guessGradleLocation(context.client, projectDir, example1)
val location2 = guessGradleLocation(context.client, projectDir, example2)
if (location1.start != null) {
if (location2.start != null) {
location1.secondary = location2
} else {
if (location2.start == null) {
location1 = guessGradleLocation(
// Probably using version variable
c1.groupId + ":" + c1.artifactId + ":"
if (location1.start == null) {
location1 = guessGradleLocation(
// Probably using version variable
c2.groupId + ":" + c2.artifactId + ":"
} else {
location1 = location2
reportNonFatalCompatibilityIssue(context, location1, message)
override fun beforeCheckRootProject(context: Context) {
val project = context.project
blacklisted[project] = BlacklistedDeps(project)
override fun afterCheckRootProject(context: Context) {
val project = context.project
if (project === context.mainProject &&
// Full analysis? Don't tie check to any specific Gradle DSL element
) {
checkConsistentPlayServices(context, null)
checkConsistentSupportLibraries(context, null)
checkConsistentWearableLibraries(context, null)
// Check for blacklisted dependencies
checkBlacklistedDependencies(context, project)
* Report any blacklisted dependencies that weren't found in the build.gradle source file during
* processing (we don't have accurate position info at this point)
private fun checkBlacklistedDependencies(context: Context, project: Project) {
val blacklistedDeps = blacklisted[project] ?: return
val dependencies = blacklistedDeps.getBlacklistedDependencies()
if (!dependencies.isEmpty()) {
for (path in dependencies) {
val message = getBlacklistedDependencyMessage(context, path) ?: continue
val projectDir = context.project.dir
var coordinates = path[0].requestedCoordinates
if (coordinates == null) {
coordinates = path[0].resolvedCoordinates
var location = guessGradleLocation(
coordinates.groupId + ":" + coordinates.artifactId
if (location.start == null) {
location = guessGradleLocation(
context.client, projectDir, coordinates.artifactId
}, location, message)
private fun report(
context: Context,
cookie: Any,
issue: Issue,
message: String,
fix: LintFix? = null
) {
// Some methods in GradleDetector are run without the PSI read lock in order
// to accommodate network requests, so we grab the read lock here.
context.client.runReadAction(Runnable {
if (context.isEnabled(issue) && context is GradleContext) {
// Suppressed?
// Temporarily unconditionally checking for suppress comments in Gradle files
// since Studio insists on an AndroidLint id prefix
val checkComments = /*context.getClient().checkForSuppressComments() &&*/
if (checkComments && context.isSuppressedWithComment(cookie, issue)) {
val location = context.getLocation(cookie), location, message, fix)
* Normally, all warnings reported for a given issue will have the same severity, so it isn't
* possible to have some of them reported as errors and others as warnings. And this is
* intentional, since users should get to designate whether an issue is an error or a warning
* (or ignored for that matter).
* However, for [.COMPATIBILITY] we want to treat some issues as fatal (breaking the
* build) but not others. To achieve this we tweak things a little bit. All compatibility issues
* are now marked as fatal, and if we're *not* in the "fatal only" mode, all issues are reported
* as before (with severity fatal, which has the same visual appearance in the IDE as the
* previous severity, "error".) However, if we're in a "fatal-only" build, then we'll stop
* reporting the issues that aren't meant to be treated as fatal. That's what this method does;
* issues reported to it should always be reported as fatal. There is a corresponding method,
* [.reportNonFatalCompatibilityIssue] which can be used to
* report errors that shouldn't break the build; those are ignored in fatal-only mode.
private fun reportFatalCompatibilityIssue(
context: Context,
cookie: Any,
message: String
) {
report(context, cookie, COMPATIBILITY, message)
private fun reportFatalCompatibilityIssue(
context: Context,
cookie: Any,
message: String,
fix: LintFix?
) {
report(context, cookie, COMPATIBILITY, message, fix)
/** See [.reportFatalCompatibilityIssue] for an explanation. */
private fun reportNonFatalCompatibilityIssue(
context: Context,
cookie: Any,
message: String,
lintFix: LintFix? = null
) {
if (context.driver.fatalOnlyMode) {
report(context, cookie, COMPATIBILITY, message, lintFix)
private fun reportFatalCompatibilityIssue(
context: Context,
location: Location,
message: String
) {
// Some methods in GradleDetector are run without the PSI read lock in order
// to accommodate network requests, so we grab the read lock here.
context.client.runReadAction(Runnable {, location, message)
/** See [.reportFatalCompatibilityIssue] for an explanation. */
private fun reportNonFatalCompatibilityIssue(
context: Context,
location: Location,
message: String
) {
if (context.driver.fatalOnlyMode) {
// Some methods in GradleDetector are run without the PSI read lock in order
// to accommodate network requests, so we grab the read lock here.
context.client.runReadAction(Runnable {, location, message)
private fun getSdkVersion(value: String): Int {
var version = 0
if (isStringLiteral(value)) {
val codeName = getStringLiteralValue(value)
if (codeName != null) {
if (isNumberString(codeName)) {
// Don't access numbered strings; should be literal numbers (lint will warn)
return -1
val androidVersion = SdkVersionInfo.getVersion(codeName, null)
if (androidVersion != null) {
version = androidVersion.featureLevel
} else {
version = getIntLiteralValue(value, -1)
return version
private fun resolveCoordinate(
context: GradleContext,
gc: GradleCoordinate
): GradleCoordinate? {
assert(gc.revision.contains("$")) { gc.revision }
val project = context.project
val variant = project.currentVariant
if (variant != null) {
val dependencies = variant.mainArtifact.dependencies
for (library in dependencies.libraries) {
val mc = library.resolvedCoordinates
// Even though the method is annotated as non-null, this code can run
// after a failed sync and there are observed scenarios where it returns
// null in that ase
// Claims to be non-null but may not be after a failed gradle sync
if (mc != null &&
mc.groupId == gc.groupId &&
mc.artifactId == gc.artifactId
) {
val revisions = GradleCoordinate.parseRevisionNumber(mc.version)
if (!revisions.isEmpty()) {
return GradleCoordinate(
mc.groupId, mc.artifactId, revisions, null
return null
/** True if the given project uses the legacy http library */
private fun usesLegacyHttpLibrary(project: Project): Boolean {
val model = project.gradleProjectModel ?: return false
for (path in model.bootClasspath) {
if (path.endsWith("org.apache.http.legacy.jar")) {
return true
return false
private fun getUpdateDependencyFix(
currentVersion: String,
suggestedVersion: String
): LintFix {
return LintFix.create()
.name("Change to $suggestedVersion")
.sharedName("Update versions")
private fun getNewerVersionAvailableMessage(
dependency: GradleCoordinate,
version: String
): String {
return "A newer version of " +
dependency.groupId +
":" +
dependency.artifactId +
" than " +
dependency.revision +
" is available: " +
* Checks if the library with the given `groupId` and `artifactId` has to match
* compileSdkVersion.
private fun isSupportLibraryDependentOnCompileSdk(
groupId: String,
artifactId: String
): Boolean {
return (SUPPORT_LIB_GROUP_ID == groupId &&
!artifactId.startsWith("multidex") &&
!artifactId.startsWith("renderscript") &&
// Support annotation libraries work with any compileSdkVersion
artifactId != "support-annotations")
private fun findFirst(coordinates: Collection<MavenCoordinates>): MavenCoordinates {
return Collections.min(
{ o1, o2 -> o1.toString().compareTo(o2.toString()) }
private fun getBlacklistedDependencyMessage(
context: Context,
path: List<Library>
): String? {
if (context.mainProject.minSdkVersion.apiLevel >= 23 && !usesLegacyHttpLibrary(context.mainProject)) {
return null
val direct = path.size == 1
val message: String
val resolution = "Solutions include " +
"finding newer versions or alternative libraries that don't have the " +
"same problem (for example, for `httpclient` use `HttpUrlConnection` or " +
"`okhttp` instead), or repackaging the library using something like " +
if (direct) {
message =
"`${path[0].resolvedCoordinates.artifactId}` defines classes that conflict with classes now provided by Android. $resolution"
} else {
val sb = StringBuilder()
var first = true
for (library in path) {
if (first) {
first = false
} else {
sb.append(" \u2192 ") // right arrow
val coordinates = library.resolvedCoordinates
sb.append(") ")
val chain = sb.toString()
message = "`${path[0].resolvedCoordinates.artifactId}` depends on a library " +
"(${path[path.size - 1].resolvedCoordinates.artifactId}) which defines " +
"classes that conflict with classes now provided by Android. $resolution " +
"Dependency chain: $chain"
return message
private fun getNewerVersion(
version1: GradleVersion,
major: Int,
minor: Int,
micro: Int
): GradleVersion? {
return if (!version1.isAtLeast(major, minor, micro)) {
GradleVersion(major, minor, micro)
} else null
private fun getNewerVersion(
version1: GradleVersion,
major: Int,
minor: Int
): GradleVersion? {
return if (!version1.isAtLeast(major, minor, 0)) {
GradleVersion(major, minor)
} else null
private fun getNewerVersion(
version1: GradleVersion,
version2: GradleVersion
): GradleVersion? {
return if (version1 < version2) {
} else null
private var googleMavenRepository: GoogleMavenRepository? = null
private var deprecatedSdkRegistry: DeprecatedSdkRegistry? = null
private fun getGoogleMavenRepoVersion(
context: GradleContext,
dependency: GradleCoordinate,
filter: Predicate<GradleVersion>?
): GradleVersion? {
val repository = getGoogleMavenRepository(context.client)
return repository.findVersion(dependency, filter, dependency.isPreview)
private fun getGoogleMavenRepository(client: LintClient): GoogleMavenRepository {
return googleMavenRepository ?: run {
val cacheDir = client.getCacheDir(MAVEN_GOOGLE_CACHE_DIR_KEY, true)
val repository = object : GoogleMavenRepository(cacheDir) {
public override fun readUrlData(url: String, timeout: Int): ByteArray? =
readUrlData(client, url, timeout)
public override fun error(throwable: Throwable, message: String?) =
client.log(throwable, message)
googleMavenRepository = repository
private fun getDeprecatedLibraryLookup(client: LintClient): DeprecatedSdkRegistry {
return deprecatedSdkRegistry ?: run {
val cacheDir = client.getCacheDir(DEPRECATED_SDK_CACHE_DIR_KEY, true)
val repository = object : DeprecatedSdkRegistry(cacheDir) {
public override fun readUrlData(url: String, timeout: Int) =
readUrlData(client, url, timeout)
public override fun error(throwable: Throwable, message: String?) =
client.log(throwable, message)
deprecatedSdkRegistry = repository
companion object {
/** Calendar to use to look up the current time (used by tests to set specific time */
var calendar: Calendar? = null
private val IMPLEMENTATION = Implementation(, Scope.GRADLE_SCOPE)
/** Obsolete dependencies */
val DEPENDENCY = Issue.create(
id = "GradleDependency",
briefDescription = "Obsolete Gradle Dependency",
explanation = """
This detector looks for usages of libraries where the version you are using \
is not the current stable release. Using older versions is fine, and there \
are cases where you deliberately want to stick with an older version. \
However, you may simply not be aware that a more recent version is \
available, and that is what this lint check helps find.""",
category = Category.CORRECTNESS,
priority = 4,
severity = Severity.WARNING,
implementation = IMPLEMENTATION
/** Deprecated Gradle constructs */
val DEPRECATED = Issue.create(
id = "GradleDeprecated",
briefDescription = "Deprecated Gradle Construct",
explanation = """
This detector looks for deprecated Gradle constructs which currently work \
but will likely stop working in a future update.""",
category = Category.CORRECTNESS,
priority = 6,
androidSpecific = true,
severity = Severity.WARNING,
implementation = IMPLEMENTATION
/** Deprecated Gradle configurations */
id = "GradleDeprecatedConfiguration",
briefDescription = "Deprecated Gradle Configuration",
explanation = """
Some Gradle configurations have been deprecated since Android Gradle Plugin 3.0.0 \
and will be removed in a future version of the Android Gradle Plugin.
category = Category.CORRECTNESS,
moreInfo = "",
priority = 6,
severity = Severity.WARNING,
implementation = IMPLEMENTATION
/** Incompatible Android Gradle plugin */
id = "GradlePluginVersion",
briefDescription = "Incompatible Android Gradle Plugin",
explanation = """
Not all versions of the Android Gradle plugin are compatible with all \
versions of the SDK. If you update your tools, or if you are trying to \
open a project that was built with an old version of the tools, you may \
need to update your plugin version number.""",
category = Category.CORRECTNESS,
priority = 8,
severity = Severity.ERROR,
androidSpecific = true,
implementation = IMPLEMENTATION
/** Invalid or dangerous paths */
val PATH = Issue.create(
id = "GradlePath",
briefDescription = "Gradle Path Issues",
explanation = """
Gradle build scripts are meant to be cross platform, so file paths use \
Unix-style path separators (a forward slash) rather than Windows path \
separators (a backslash). Similarly, to keep projects portable and \
repeatable, avoid using absolute paths on the system; keep files within \
the project instead. To share code between projects, consider creating \
an android-library and an AAR dependency""",
category = Category.CORRECTNESS,
priority = 4,
severity = Severity.WARNING,
implementation = IMPLEMENTATION
/** Constructs the IDE support struggles with */
val IDE_SUPPORT = Issue.create(
id = "GradleIdeError",
briefDescription = "Gradle IDE Support Issues",
explanation = """
Gradle is highly flexible, and there are things you can do in Gradle \
files which can make it hard or impossible for IDEs to properly handle \
the project. This lint check looks for constructs that potentially \
break IDE support.""",
category = Category.CORRECTNESS,
priority = 4,
severity = Severity.ERROR,
implementation = IMPLEMENTATION
/** Using + in versions */
val PLUS = Issue.create(
id = "GradleDynamicVersion",
briefDescription = "Gradle Dynamic Version",
explanation = """
Using `+` in dependencies lets you automatically pick up the latest \
available version rather than a specific, named version. However, \
this is not recommended; your builds are not repeatable; you may have \
tested with a slightly different version than what the build server \
used. (Using a dynamic version as the major version number is more \
problematic than using it in the minor version position.)""",
category = Category.CORRECTNESS,
priority = 4,
severity = Severity.WARNING,
implementation = IMPLEMENTATION
/** Accidentally calling a getter instead of your own methods */
val GRADLE_GETTER = Issue.create(
id = "GradleGetter",
briefDescription = "Gradle Implicit Getter Call",
explanation = """
Gradle will let you replace specific constants in your build scripts \
with method calls, so you can for example dynamically compute a version \
string based on your current version control revision number, rather \
than hardcoding a number.
When computing a version name, it's tempting to for example call the \
method to do that `getVersionName`. However, when you put that method \
call inside the `defaultConfig` block, you will actually be calling the \
Groovy getter for the `versionName` property instead. Therefore, you \
need to name your method something which does not conflict with the \
existing implicit getters. Consider using `compute` as a prefix instead \
of `get`.""",
category = Category.CORRECTNESS,
priority = 6,
severity = Severity.ERROR,
androidSpecific = true,
implementation = IMPLEMENTATION
/** Using incompatible versions */
val COMPATIBILITY = Issue.create(
id = "GradleCompatible",
briefDescription = "Incompatible Gradle Versions",
explanation = """
There are some combinations of libraries, or tools and libraries, that \
are incompatible, or can lead to bugs. One such incompatibility is \
compiling with a version of the Android support libraries that is not \
the latest version (or in particular, a version lower than your \
category = Category.CORRECTNESS,
priority = 8,
severity = Severity.FATAL,
androidSpecific = true,
implementation = IMPLEMENTATION
/** Using a string where an integer is expected */
val STRING_INTEGER = Issue.create(
id = "StringShouldBeInt",
briefDescription = "String should be int",
explanation = """
The properties `compileSdkVersion`, `minSdkVersion` and `targetSdkVersion` \
are usually numbers, but can be strings when you are using an add-on (in \
the case of `compileSdkVersion`) or a preview platform (for the other two \
However, you can not use a number as a string (e.g. "19" instead of 19); \
that will result in a platform not found error message at build/sync \
category = Category.CORRECTNESS,
priority = 8,
severity = Severity.ERROR,
androidSpecific = true,
implementation = IMPLEMENTATION
/** Attempting to use substitution with single quotes */
val NOT_INTERPOLATED = Issue.create(
id = "NotInterpolated",
briefDescription = "Incorrect Interpolation",
explanation = """
To insert the value of a variable, you can use `${"$"}{variable}` inside a \
string literal, but **only** if you are using double quotes!""",
moreInfo = "",
category = Category.CORRECTNESS,
priority = 8,
severity = Severity.ERROR,
implementation = IMPLEMENTATION
/** A newer version is available on a remote server */
val REMOTE_VERSION = Issue.create(
id = "NewerVersionAvailable",
briefDescription = "Newer Library Versions Available",
explanation = """
This detector checks with a central repository to see if there are newer \
versions available for the dependencies used by this project. This is \
similar to the `GradleDependency` check, which checks for newer versions \
available in the Android SDK tools and libraries, but this works with any \
MavenCentral dependency, and connects to the library every time, which \
makes it more flexible but also **much** slower.""",
category = Category.CORRECTNESS,
priority = 4,
severity = Severity.WARNING,
implementation = IMPLEMENTATION,
enabledByDefault = false
/** The API version is set too low. */
val MIN_SDK_TOO_LOW = Issue.create(
id = "MinSdkTooLow",
briefDescription = "API Version Too Low",
explanation = """
The value of the `minSdkVersion` property is too low and can be \
incremented without noticeably reducing the number of supported \
category = Category.CORRECTNESS,
priority = 4,
severity = Severity.WARNING,
implementation = IMPLEMENTATION,
androidSpecific = true,
enabledByDefault = false
/** Accidentally using octal numbers */
val ACCIDENTAL_OCTAL = Issue.create(
id = "AccidentalOctal",
briefDescription = "Accidental Octal",
explanation = """
In Groovy, an integer literal that starts with a leading 0 will be \
interpreted as an octal number. That is usually (always?) an accident \
and can lead to subtle bugs, for example when used in the `versionCode` \
of an app.""",
category = Category.CORRECTNESS,
priority = 2,
severity = Severity.ERROR,
implementation = IMPLEMENTATION
val BUNDLED_GMS = Issue.create(
id = "UseOfBundledGooglePlayServices",
briefDescription = "Use of bundled version of Google Play services",
explanation = """
Google Play services SDK's can be selectively included, which enables a \
smaller APK size. Consider declaring dependencies on individual Google \
Play services SDK's. If you are using Firebase API's \
(, Android Studio's \
Tools → Firebase assistant window can automatically add just the \
dependencies needed for each feature.""",
moreInfo = "",
category = Category.PERFORMANCE,
priority = 4,
severity = Severity.WARNING,
androidSpecific = true,
implementation = IMPLEMENTATION
/** Using a versionCode that is very high */
val HIGH_APP_VERSION_CODE = Issue.create(
id = "HighAppVersionCode",
briefDescription = "VersionCode too high",
explanation = """
The declared `versionCode` is an Integer. Ensure that the version number is \
not close to the limit. It is recommended to monotonically increase this \
number each minor or major release of the app. Note that updating an app \
with a versionCode over `Integer.MAX_VALUE` is not possible.""",
moreInfo = "",
category = Category.CORRECTNESS,
priority = 8,
severity = Severity.ERROR,
androidSpecific = true,
implementation = IMPLEMENTATION
/** Dev mode is no longer relevant */
val DEV_MODE_OBSOLETE = Issue.create(
id = "DevModeObsolete",
briefDescription = "Dev Mode Obsolete",
explanation = """
In the past, our documentation recommended creating a `dev` product flavor \
with has a minSdkVersion of 21, in order to enable multidexing to speed up \
builds significantly during development.
That workaround is no longer necessary, and it has some serious downsides, \
such as breaking API access checking (since the true `minSdkVersion` is no \
longer known).
In recent versions of the IDE and the Gradle plugin, the IDE automatically \
passes the API level of the connected device used for deployment, and if \
that device is at least API 21, then multidexing is automatically turned \
on, meaning that you get the same speed benefits as the `dev` product \
flavor but without the downsides.""",
category = Category.PERFORMANCE,
priority = 2,
severity = Severity.WARNING,
androidSpecific = true,
implementation = IMPLEMENTATION
/** Duplicate HTTP classes */
val DUPLICATE_CLASSES = Issue.create(
id = "DuplicatePlatformClasses",
briefDescription = "Duplicate Platform Classes",
explanation = """
There are a number of libraries that duplicate not just functionality \
of the Android platform but using the exact same class names as the ones \
provided in Android -- for example the apache http classes. This can \
lead to unexpected crashes.
To solve this, you need to either find a newer version of the library \
which no longer has this problem, or to repackage the library (and all \
of its dependencies) using something like the `jarjar` tool, or finally, \
rewriting the code to use different APIs (for example, for http code, \
consider using `HttpUrlConnection` or a library like `okhttp`).""",
category = Category.CORRECTNESS,
priority = 8,
severity = Severity.FATAL,
androidSpecific = true,
implementation = IMPLEMENTATION
/** targetSdkVersion about to expiry */
id = "ExpiringTargetSdkVersion",
briefDescription = "TargetSdkVersion Soon Expiring",
explanation = """
In the second half of 2018, Google Play will require that new apps and app \
updates target API level 26 or higher. This will be required for new apps in \
August 2018, and for updates to existing apps in November 2018.
Configuring your app to target a recent API level ensures that users benefit \
from significant security and performance improvements, while still allowing \
your app to run on older Android versions (down to the `minSdkVersion`).
This lint check starts warning you some months **before** these changes go \
into effect if your `targetSdkVersion` is 25 or lower. This is intended to \
give you a heads up to update your app, since depending on your current \
`targetSdkVersion` the work can be nontrivial.
To update your `targetSdkVersion`, follow the steps from \
"Meeting Google Play requirements for target API level",
category = Category.COMPLIANCE,
priority = 8,
severity = Severity.ERROR,
androidSpecific = true,
implementation = IMPLEMENTATION
/** targetSdkVersion no longer supported */
id = "ExpiredTargetSdkVersion",
briefDescription = "TargetSdkVersion No Longer Supported",
moreInfo = "",
explanation = """
As of the second half of 2018, Google Play requires that new apps and app \
updates target API level 26 or higher.
Configuring your app to target a recent API level ensures that users benefit \
from significant security and performance improvements, while still allowing \
your app to run on older Android versions (down to the `minSdkVersion`).
To update your `targetSdkVersion`, follow the steps from \
"Meeting Google Play requirements for target API level",
category = Category.COMPLIANCE,
priority = 8,
severity = Severity.FATAL,
androidSpecific = true,
implementation = IMPLEMENTATION
/** Using a deprecated library */
val DEPRECATED_LIBRARY = Issue.create(
id = "OutdatedLibrary",
briefDescription = "Outdated Library",
explanation = """
Your app is using an outdated version of a library. This may cause violations \
of Google Play policies (see \
and/or may affect your app’s visibility on the Play Store.
Please try updating your app with an updated version of this library, or remove \
it from your app.
category = Category.COMPLIANCE,
priority = 8,
severity = Severity.ERROR,
androidSpecific = true,
implementation = IMPLEMENTATION
/** Using data binding with Kotlin but not Kotlin annotation processing */
id = "DataBindingWithoutKapt",
briefDescription = "Data Binding without Annotation Processing",
moreInfo = "",
explanation = """
Apps that use Kotlin and data binding should also apply the kotlin-kapt plugin. \
category = Category.CORRECTNESS,
priority = 1,
severity = Severity.WARNING,
androidSpecific = true,
implementation = IMPLEMENTATION
/** Using a vulnerable library */
val RISKY_LIBRARY = Issue.create(
id = "RiskyLibrary",
briefDescription = "Libraries with Privacy or Security Risks",
explanation = """
Your app is using a version of a library that has been identified by \
the library developer as a potential source of privacy and/or security risks. \
This may be a violation of Google Play policies (see \ and/or affect your app’s \
visibility on the Play Store.
When available, the individual error messages from lint will include details \
about the reasons for this advisory.
Please try updating your app with an updated version of this library, or remove \
it from your app.
category = Category.SECURITY,
priority = 8,
severity = Severity.ERROR,
androidSpecific = true,
implementation = IMPLEMENTATION
/** The Gradle plugin ID for Android applications */
const val APP_PLUGIN_ID = ""
/** The Gradle plugin ID for Android libraries */
const val LIB_PLUGIN_ID = ""
/** Previous plugin id for applications */
const val OLD_APP_PLUGIN_ID = "android"
/** Previous plugin id for libraries */
const val OLD_LIB_PLUGIN_ID = "android-library"
/** Group ID for GMS */
const val GMS_GROUP_ID = ""
const val FIREBASE_GROUP_ID = ""
const val ANDROID_WEAR_GROUP_ID = ""
private const val WEARABLE_ARTIFACT_ID = "wearable"
private val PLAY_SERVICES_V650 =
* Threshold to consider a versionCode very high and issue a warning.
* indicates that the highest value
* accepted by Google Play is 2100000000
private const val VERSION_CODE_HIGH_THRESHOLD = 2000000000
/** TODO: Cache these results somewhere! */
fun getLatestVersionFromRemoteRepo(
client: LintClient,
dependency: GradleCoordinate,
filter: Predicate<GradleVersion>?,
allowPreview: Boolean
): GradleVersion? {
val groupId = dependency.groupId
val artifactId = dependency.artifactId
if (groupId == null || artifactId == null) {
return null
val query = StringBuilder()
val encoding =
try {
query.append(URLEncoder.encode(groupId, encoding))
query.append(URLEncoder.encode(artifactId, encoding))
} catch (e: UnsupportedEncodingException) {
return null
if (filter == null && allowPreview) {
val response: String?
try {
response = readUrlDataAsString(client, query.toString(), 20000)
if (response == null) {
return null
} catch (e: IOException) {
"Could not connect to maven central to look up the latest " + "available version for %1\$s",
return null
// Sample response:
// {
// "responseHeader": {
// "status": 0,
// "QTime": 0,
// "params": {
// "fl": "id,g,a,v,p,ec,timestamp,tags",
// "sort": "score desc,timestamp desc,g asc,a asc,v desc",
// "indent": "off",
// "q": "g:\"\" AND a:\"guava\"",
// "core": "gav",
// "wt": "json",
// "rows": "1",
// "version": "2.2"
// }
// },
// "response": {
// "numFound": 37,
// "start": 0,
// "docs": [{
// "id": "",
// "g": "",
// "a": "guava",
// "v": "17.0",
// "p": "bundle",
// "timestamp": 1398199666000,
// "tags": ["spec", "libraries", "classes", "google", "code"],
// "ec": ["-javadoc.jar", "-sources.jar", ".jar", "-site.jar", ".pom"]
// }]
// }
// }
// Look for version info: This is just a cheap skim of the above JSON results.
var index = response.indexOf("\"response\"")
while (index != -1) {
index = response.indexOf("\"v\":", index)
if (index != -1) {
index += 4
val start = response.indexOf('"', index) + 1
val end = response.indexOf('"', start + 1)
if (start in 0..(end - 1)) {
val substring = response.substring(start, end)
val revision = GradleVersion.tryParse(substring)
if (revision != null) {
// Guava unfortunately put "-jre" and "-android" in the version number
// instead of using a different artifact name; this turns off maven
// semantic versioning. Special case this.
val preview = revision.isPreview && !substring.endsWith("-android")
if ((allowPreview || !preview) && (filter == null || filter.test(
) {
return revision
return null
fun getCompileDependencies(project: Project): Dependencies? {
if (!project.isGradleProject) {
return null
val variant = project.currentVariant ?: return null
val artifact = variant.mainArtifact
return artifact.dependencies
fun getAndroidLibraries(project: Project): Collection<AndroidLibrary> {
val compileDependencies = getCompileDependencies(project) ?: return emptyList()
val allLibraries = HashSet<AndroidLibrary>()
addIndirectAndroidLibraries(compileDependencies.libraries, allLibraries)
return allLibraries
fun getJavaLibraries(project: Project): Collection<JavaLibrary> {
val compileDependencies = getCompileDependencies(project) ?: return emptyList()
val allLibraries = HashSet<JavaLibrary>()
addIndirectJavaLibraries(compileDependencies.javaLibraries, allLibraries)
return allLibraries
private fun addIndirectAndroidLibraries(
libraries: Collection<AndroidLibrary>,
result: MutableSet<AndroidLibrary>
) {
for (library in libraries) {
if (!result.contains(library)) {
addIndirectAndroidLibraries(library.libraryDependencies, result)
private fun addIndirectJavaLibraries(
libraries: Collection<JavaLibrary>,
result: MutableSet<JavaLibrary>
) {
for (library in libraries) {
if (!result.contains(library)) {
addIndirectJavaLibraries(library.dependencies, result)
// Convert a long-hand dependency, like
// group: '', name: 'support-v4', version: '21.0.+'
// into an equivalent short-hand dependency, like
fun getNamedDependency(expression: String): String? {
// if (value.startsWith("group: '', name: 'support-v4', version: '21.0.+'"))
if (expression.indexOf(',') != -1 && expression.contains("version:")) {
var artifact: String? = null
var group: String? = null
var version: String? = null
val splitter = Splitter.on(',').omitEmptyStrings().trimResults()
for (property in splitter.split(expression)) {
val colon = property.indexOf(':')
if (colon == -1) {
return null
var quote = '\''
var valueStart = property.indexOf(quote, colon + 1)
if (valueStart == -1) {
quote = '"'
valueStart = property.indexOf(quote, colon + 1)
if (valueStart == -1) {
// For example, "transitive: false"
val valueEnd = property.indexOf(quote, valueStart)
if (valueEnd == -1) {
return null
val value = property.substring(valueStart, valueEnd)
when {
property.startsWith("group:") -> group = value
property.startsWith("name:") -> artifact = value
property.startsWith("version:") -> version = value
if (artifact != null && group != null && version != null) {
return group + ':'.toString() + artifact + ':'.toString() + version
return null
private var majorBuildTools: Int = 0
private var latestBuildTools: GradleVersion? = null
* Returns the latest build tools installed for the given major version. We just cache this
* once; we don't need to be accurate in the sense that if the user opens the SDK manager and
* installs a more recent version, we capture this in the same IDE session.
* @param client the associated client
* @param major the major version of build tools to look up (e.g. typically 18, 19, ...)
* @return the corresponding highest known revision
private fun getLatestBuildTools(client: LintClient, major: Int): GradleVersion? {
if (major != majorBuildTools) {
majorBuildTools = major
val revisions = ArrayList<GradleVersion>()
when (major) {
267 -> revisions.add(GradleVersion(27, 0, 3))
26 -> revisions.add(GradleVersion(26, 0, 3))
25 -> revisions.add(GradleVersion(25, 0, 3))
24 -> revisions.add(GradleVersion(24, 0, 3))
23 -> revisions.add(GradleVersion(23, 0, 3))
22 -> revisions.add(GradleVersion(22, 0, 1))
21 -> revisions.add(GradleVersion(21, 1, 2))
20 -> revisions.add(GradleVersion(20, 0))
19 -> revisions.add(GradleVersion(19, 1))
18 -> revisions.add(GradleVersion(18, 1, 1))
// The above versions can go stale.
// Check if a more recent one is installed. (The above are still useful for
// people who haven't updated with the SDK manager recently.)
val sdkHome = client.getSdkHome()
if (sdkHome != null) {
val dirs = File(sdkHome, FD_BUILD_TOOLS).listFiles()
if (dirs != null) {
for (dir in dirs) {
val name =
if (!dir.isDirectory || !Character.isDigit(name[0])) {
val v = GradleVersion.tryParse(name)
if (v != null && v.major == major) {
if (!revisions.isEmpty()) {
latestBuildTools = Collections.max(revisions)
return latestBuildTools
private fun suggestApiConfigurationUse(project: Project, configuration: String): Boolean {
return when {
configuration.startsWith("test") || configuration.startsWith("androidTest") -> false
else -> when (project.projectType) {
ProjectType.APP ->
// Applications can only generally be consumed if there are dynamic features
// (Ignoring the test-only project for this purpose)
ProjectType.LIBRARY -> true
ProjectType.FEATURE, ProjectType.DYNAMIC_FEATURE, ProjectType.ATOM -> true
ProjectType.TEST -> false
ProjectType.INSTANT_APP -> false