blob: 713d00042316caac19d8736294395a695f2f13f2 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
option java_package = "";
option java_multiple_files = true;
message AppDependencies {
// List of all the dependencies, direct and indirect.
repeated Library library = 1;
// Dependencies of the libraries from the list above.
repeated LibraryDependencies library_dependencies = 2;
// List of direct dependencies per bundle module.
repeated ModuleDependencies module_dependencies = 3;
// List of dependencies of a given library.
message LibraryDependencies {
// Indices correspond to the pool of libraries defined in AppDependencies.
int32 library_index = 1;
repeated int32 library_dep_index = 2;
message ModuleDependencies {
string module_name = 1;
// Direct module dependencies.
// Index is from the pool of libraries defined in AppDependencies.
repeated int32 dependency_index = 2;
message Library {
// Oneof allows for support of other library identification systems in the future.
oneof library_oneof {
MavenLibrary maven_library = 1;
message MavenLibrary {
string groupId = 1;
string artifactId = 2;
string packaging = 3;
string classifier = 4;
string version = 5;