blob: 0884f521d97e5ee8711de4147c7901a6e75928e8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import javax.inject.Inject;
/** DSL object for configuring aapt options. */
public class AaptOptions {
public AaptOptions(boolean namespaced) {
this.namespaced = namespaced;
private boolean namespaced;
private String ignoreAssetsPattern;
private List<String> noCompressList;
@Nullable private Boolean cruncherEnabled;
private boolean failOnMissingConfigEntry = false;
private List<String> additionalParameters;
private int cruncherProcesses = 0;
public void setIgnoreAssetsPattern(@Nullable String ignoreAssetsPattern) {
this.ignoreAssetsPattern = ignoreAssetsPattern;
public void setIgnoreAssets(@Nullable String ignoreAssetsPattern) {
* Pattern describing assets to be ignore.
* <p>See <code>aapt --help</code>
public String getIgnoreAssets() {
return ignoreAssetsPattern;
* Pattern describing assets to be ignore.
* <p>See <code>aapt --help</code>
public String getIgnoreAssetsPattern() {
return ignoreAssetsPattern;
public void setNoCompress(String noCompress) {
setNoCompress(new String[] { noCompress });
public void setNoCompress(Iterable<String> noCompress) {
setNoCompress(Iterables.toArray(noCompress, String.class));
public void setNoCompress(String... noCompress) {
for (String p : noCompress) {
if (p.equals("\"\"")) {
LoggerWrapper.getLogger(AaptOptions.class).warning("noCompress pattern '\"\"' "
+ "no longer matches every file. It now matches exactly two double quote "
+ "characters. Please use '' instead.");
noCompressList = Arrays.asList(noCompress);
* Extensions of files that will not be stored compressed in the APK. Adding an empty
* extension, <i>i.e.</i>, setting {@code noCompress ''} will trivially disable compression
* for all files.
* <p>Equivalent of the -0 flag. See <code>aapt --help</code>
public Collection<String> getNoCompress() {
return noCompressList;
public void useNewCruncher(boolean value) {
LoggerWrapper.getLogger(AaptOptions.class).warning("useNewCruncher has been deprecated. "
+ "It will be removed in a future version of the gradle plugin. New cruncher is "
+ "now always enabled.");
public void setUseNewCruncher(boolean value) {
LoggerWrapper.getLogger(AaptOptions.class).warning("useNewCruncher has been deprecated. "
+ "It will be removed in a future version of the gradle plugin. New cruncher is "
+ "now always enabled.");
public void setCruncherEnabled(boolean value) {
cruncherEnabled = value;
* Whether to crunch PNGs.
* <p>This will reduce the size of the APK if PNGs resources are not already optimally
* compressed, at the cost of extra time to build.
* <p>PNG crunching is enabled by default in the release build type and disabled by default in
* the debug build type.
* <p>This is replaced by {@link BuildType#isCrunchPngs()}.
public boolean getCruncherEnabled() {
// Simulate true if unset. This is not really correct, but changing it to be a tri-state
// nullable Boolean is potentially a breaking change if the getter was being used by build
// scripts or third party plugins.
return cruncherEnabled == null ? true : cruncherEnabled;
public Boolean getCruncherEnabledOverride() {
return cruncherEnabled;
* Whether to use the new cruncher.
public boolean getUseNewCruncher() {
return true;
public void failOnMissingConfigEntry(boolean value) {
failOnMissingConfigEntry = value;
public void setFailOnMissingConfigEntry(boolean value) {
failOnMissingConfigEntry = value;
* Forces aapt to return an error if it fails to find an entry for a configuration.
* <p>See <code>aapt --help</code>
public boolean getFailOnMissingConfigEntry() {
return failOnMissingConfigEntry;
// -- DSL Methods. TODO remove once the instantiator does what I expect it to do.
* Sets extensions of files that will not be stored compressed in the APK.
* <p>Equivalent of the -0 flag. See <code>aapt --help</code>
public void noCompress(String noCompress) {
noCompressList = Collections.singletonList(noCompress);
* Sets extensions of files that will not be stored compressed in the APK.
* <p>Equivalent of the -0 flag. See <code>aapt --help</code>
public void noCompress(String... noCompress) {
noCompressList = Arrays.asList(noCompress);
* Adds additional parameters to be passed to {@code aapt}.
public void additionalParameters(@NonNull String param) {
additionalParameters = Collections.singletonList(param);
* Adds additional parameters to be passed to {@code aapt}.
public void additionalParameters(String... params) {
additionalParameters = Arrays.asList(params);
public void setAdditionalParameters(@Nullable List<String> parameters) {
additionalParameters = parameters;
/** Returns the list of additional parameters to pass to {@code aapt}. */
public List<String> getAdditionalParameters() {
return additionalParameters;
public void setCruncherProcesses(int cruncherProcesses) {
this.cruncherProcesses = cruncherProcesses;
* Obtains the number of cruncher processes to use. More cruncher processes will crunch files
* faster, but will require more memory and CPU.
* @return the number of cruncher processes, {@code 0} to use the default
public int getCruncherProcesses() {
return cruncherProcesses;
* Returns true if the resources in this sub-project are fully namespaced.
* <p>This property is incubating and may change in a future release.
public boolean getNamespaced() {
return namespaced;
public void setNamespaced(boolean namespaced) {
this.namespaced = namespaced;
public void namespaced(boolean namespaced) {
this.namespaced = namespaced;