blob: bb2b5b4c737fa82bd43ef773d190640cb957fd8a [file] [log] [blame]
def _gradle_build_impl(ctx):
args = []
outputs = [ctx.outputs.output_log]
args += ["--log_file", ctx.outputs.output_log.path]
args += ["--gradle_file", ctx.file.build_file.path]
if (ctx.attr.output_file_destinations):
for source, dest in zip(ctx.attr.output_file_sources, ctx.outputs.output_file_destinations):
outputs += [dest]
args += ["--output", source, dest.path]
distribution = ctx.attr._distribution.files.to_list()[0]
args += ["--distribution", distribution.path]
for repo in ctx.files.repos:
args += ["--repo", repo.path]
for task in ctx.attr.tasks:
args += ["--task", task]
inputs = + ctx.files.repos + [ctx.file.build_file, distribution],
outputs = outputs,
mnemonic = "gradlew",
arguments = args,
executable = ctx.executable._gradlew,
# This rule is wrapped to allow the output Label to location map to be expressed as a map in the
# build files.
_gradle_build_rule = rule(
attrs = {
"data": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
"output_file_sources": attr.string_list(),
"output_file_destinations": attr.output_list(),
"tasks": attr.string_list(),
"build_file": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
"repos": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
"output_log": attr.output(),
"_distribution": attr.label(
default = Label("//tools/base/build-system:gradle-distrib"),
allow_files = True,
"_gradlew": attr.label(
executable = True,
cfg = "host",
default = Label("//tools/base/bazel:gradlew"),
allow_files = True,
implementation = _gradle_build_impl,
def gradle_build(
name = None,
build_file = None,
data = [],
output_file = None,
output_file_source = None,
output_files = {},
repos = [],
tasks = [],
tags = []):
output_file_destinations = []
output_file_sources = []
if (output_file):
output_file_destinations += [output_file]
if (output_file_source):
output_file_sources += ["build/" + output_file_source]
output_file_sources += ["build/" + output_file]
for output_file_destination, output_file_source_name in output_files.items():
output_file_destinations += [output_file_destination]
output_file_sources += [output_file_source_name]
name = name,
build_file = build_file,
data = data,
output_file_sources = output_file_sources,
output_file_destinations = output_file_destinations,
output_log = name + ".log",
repos = repos,
tags = tags,
tasks = tasks,