blob: d66cdb4d5e765931cb9eabd4591d1fc6effe3d09 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/bin/bash -x
# Invoked by Android Build Launchcontrol for continuous builds.
# Expected arguments:
readonly out_dir="$1"
readonly dist_dir="$2"
readonly build_number="$3"
readonly script_dir="$(dirname "$0")"
readonly script_name="$(basename "$0")"
readonly lsb_release="$(grep -oP '(?<=DISTRIB_CODENAME=).*' /etc/lsb-release)"
readonly crostini_timestamp_file="/buildbot/lastrun.out"
# Invalidate local cache to avoid picking up obsolete test result xmls
"${script_dir}/../bazel" clean --async --expunge
#Have crostini tests run locally and one at a time
if [[ $lsb_release == "crostini" ]]; then
# don't use any remote cached items, some items built on Linux may not be compatible. b/172365127
config_options="--config=cloud_resultstore --noremote_accept_cached"
current_time=$(date +"%s")
#This prevents builds from ocurring if the last one was started less than three hours ago
#so the chromebox doesn't become too bogged down
if [[ -f "${crostini_timestamp_file}" ]]; then
last_run_time=$(cat $crostini_timestamp_file)
#if the last build occurred less than three hours ago it exits
if [[ $(($current_time-$last_run_time)) -lt 10800 ]]; then
exit 0
echo $current_time > $crostini_timestamp_file
# Temp debugging for b/159371003
# Check running processes, output `ps -ef` in build log, helps avoid trips to the office
ps -ef
readonly counter="$(ps -ef | grep -c 'at-spi-bus-launcher')"
# Generate a UUID for use as the bazel invocation id
readonly logs_collector_invocation_id="$(uuidgen)"
#Build logs collector jar
"${script_dir}/../bazel" \
--max_idle_secs=60 \
build \
${config_options} \
--invocation_id=${logs_collector_invocation_id} \
--define=meta_android_build_number=${build_number} \
--tool_tag=${script_name} \
-- \
readonly test_invocation_id="$(uuidgen)"
# Run the tests one at a time after all dependencies get built
# Also limit # of jobs running, this should be based in available resources
"${script_dir}/../bazel" \
--max_idle_secs=60 \
test \
--keep_going \
${config_options} \
--test_strategy=exclusive \
--jobs=8 \
--invocation_id=${test_invocation_id} \
--define=meta_android_build_number=${build_number} \
--build_event_binary_file="${dist_dir:-/tmp}/bazel-${build_number}.bes" \
--build_tag_filters=${target_filters} \
--test_tag_filters=${target_filters} \
--tool_tag=${script_name} \
--flaky_test_attempts=//tools/adt/idea/android-uitests:.*@2 \
-- \
readonly bazel_status_no_emu=$?
if [[ -d "${dist_dir}" ]]; then
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; URL='${test_invocation_id}'\" />" > "${dist_dir}"/upsalite_test_results.html
readonly bazel_status_emu=0
readonly java="prebuilts/studio/jdk/linux/jre/bin/java"
readonly bin_dir="$("${script_dir}"/../bazel info ${config_options} bazel-bin)"
# Generate the perfgate zip from the test bes
# Copy it as part of build artifacts under dist_dir
${java} -jar "${bin_dir}/tools/vendor/adt_infra_internal/rbe/logscollector/logs-collector_deploy.jar" \
-bes "${dist_dir}/bazel-${build_number}.bes" \
-perfzip "${dist_dir}/"
else #Executes normally on linux as before
# Generate a UUID for use as the bazel invocation id
readonly invocation_id="$(uuidgen)"
# The sanity tests are ran in 2 groups.
# The first group is all the tests that do not use an Android emulator.
# The second group is all the tests that use the Android emulator.
# We need to run in 2 groups because the 2 sets of tests run with different
# options.
# Run Bazel tests - no emulator tests should run here
"${script_dir}/../bazel" \
--max_idle_secs=60 \
test \
--keep_going \
${config_options} \
--invocation_id=${invocation_id} \
--define=meta_android_build_number=${build_number} \
--build_tag_filters=${target_filters} \
--test_tag_filters=${target_filters} \
--tool_tag=${script_name} \
--flaky_test_attempts=//tools/adt/idea/android-uitests:.*@2 \
-- \
readonly bazel_status_no_emu=$?
if [[ -d "${dist_dir}" ]]; then
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; URL='${invocation_id}'\" />" > "${dist_dir}"/upsalite_test_results.html
if [[ -d "${dist_dir}" ]]; then
readonly testlogs_dir="$("${script_dir}/../bazel" info bazel-testlogs ${config_options})"
mkdir "${dist_dir}"/testlogs
(mv "${testlogs_dir}"/* "${dist_dir}"/testlogs/)
echo "Remove any empty file in testlogs"
find "${dist_dir}"/testlogs/ -size 0 -print0 |xargs -0 rm --
# See
# Exit with status 0 if all of the above tests' exit codes is 0, 3, or 4.
for test_exit_code in "${bazel_status_no_emu}" "${bazel_status_emu}"; do
case $test_exit_code in
# Exit code 0: successful test run
# Exit code 3: tests failed or timed out. We ignore test failures for
# manual review
# Exit code 4: No tests found. This can happen if all tests are moved out
# of the reliable group.
exit $test_exit_code
exit 0