blob: a63a29663f54b4fc211c0aac09f2225892d585ee [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace profiler {
// Class which helps break apart a string into tokens separated by delimiters.
// Example:
// Tokenizer t("1 1 3 5 8 13"); // Delimiter defaults to whitespace
// string token;
// t.SkipTokens(4); // Skip over '1', '1', '3', and '5'
// t.GetNextToken(&token); // token == "8"
// t.GetNextToken(&token); // token == "13"
// t.GetNextToken(&token); // Returns false, token still "13"
// Lambda support is provided for more refined parsing:
// Tokenizer t("123+321=444");
// string token;
// t.GetNextToken(Tokenizer::IsDigit, &token); // 123
// t.SkipNextChar(); // Skip over +
// t.GetNextToken(Tokenizer::IsDigit, &token); // 321
// ...
// Like the string class, this class handles bytes independently of the encoding
// used. If the input string being tokenized contains variable-length, multi-
// byte characters, this class will be unaware, operating on one byte at a time.
class Tokenizer final {
static bool IsAlpha(char c) { return isalpha(c) != 0; }
static bool IsAlphaNum(char c) { return isalnum(c) != 0; }
static bool IsDigit(char c) { return isdigit(c) != 0; }
static bool IsLower(char c) { return islower(c) != 0; }
static bool IsUpper(char c) { return isupper(c) != 0; }
static bool IsWhitespace(char c) { return strchr(kWhitespace, c) != nullptr; }
// Creates a testing function which can be used with |GetNextToken|
// e.g. GetNextToken(Tokenizer::IsOneOf("abc"), &token);
static std::function<bool(char)> IsOneOf(const char *chars) {
return [chars](char c) { return strchr(chars, c) != nullptr; };
// Returns a list of tokens by splitting |input| by |delimiters|.
// When |start_token_index| is specified, we skip that many tokens. The final
// results include only tokens after that index, if any; otherwise, no token
// is skipped.
// For example, with |input| = "1 2 3", |start_token_index| = 1, and
// |delimiter| = " ", then the result is {"2", "3"}.
// If |max_token_count| is specified, at most |max_token_count| tokens are
// returned; otherwise, the results are not limited.
// For example, with |input| = "1 2 3", |start_token_index| = 1,
// |delimiter| = " ", and |max_token_count| = 1, then the result is {"2"}.
static std::vector<std::string> GetTokens(
const std::string &input, const std::string &delimiters,
const int32_t start_token_index = 0,
const int32_t max_token_count = INT32_MAX);
// Create a tokenizer that wraps an input string. By default, it will use
// whitespace as a delimiter, but you can instead optionally specify a string
// that contains one (or more) delimiters. If multiple delimiters are
// specified, each one of them can separately indicate a token boundary.
explicit Tokenizer(const std::string &input,
const std::string &delimiters = kWhitespace)
: input_(input), delimiters_(delimiters), index_(0) {}
// Get the next token in the input text, where a token is text surrounded by
// delimiters. If found, return true and set |token| to its value. Otherwise,
// |token| will be left unset.
// This method will skip over any leading delimiters first. If this causes the
// index to move to the end of the input string, then this method returns
// false and leaves |token| unset.
// After this method is called, the index will be positioned after the end of
// the token.
// If you don't care about the token result, use |SkipNextToken| instead.
bool GetNextToken(std::string *token);
// Like |GetNextToken(token)|, but which uses a custom lambda method to
// pull out the token (which, here, does not rely on delimiters, but is the
// longest substring where the |is_valid_char| function returns true on each
// character).
bool GetNextToken(std::function<bool(char)> is_valid_char,
std::string *token);
// Get the next character in the input text and return true, unless we're
// already at the end of the text, at which point false will be returned and
// |c| will be left unset.
// This method doesn't take delimiters into account and will return the next
// character even if it is a delimiter.
// After this method is called, the index will be positioned one character
// forward.
// If you don't care about the character result, use |SkipNextChar| instead.
bool GetNextChar(char *c);
// Convenience method for calling |GetNextToken| when you don't care about the
// token result.
bool SkipNextToken() { return GetNextToken(nullptr); }
// Convenience method for calling |GetNextToken| when you don't care about the
// token result.
bool SkipNextToken(std::function<bool(char)> is_valid_char) {
return GetNextToken(is_valid_char, nullptr);
// Convenience method for calling |GetNextChar| when you don't care about the
// char result.
bool SkipNextChar() { return GetNextChar(nullptr); }
// Skip over |token_count| number of tokens, returning true if it could skip
// over that many.
// After this method is called, the index will be positioned after the end of
// the last token skipped.
bool SkipTokens(int32_t token_count);
// If the tokenizer is currently pointing at any character which is a
// delimiter, keep skipping over until all are passed. If not pointing at a
// delimiter, this method leaves the tokenizer at its current index.
// This method always returns true, so that it can be chained safely without
// breaking flow, e.g. GetToken && SkipDelimeters && GetToken
bool SkipDelimiters();
// If the tokenizer is currently pointing at any character matched by
// |should_skip|, keep skipping over until all are passed. If |should_skip|
// returns false immediately, this method leaves the tokenizer at its current
// index.
// This method always returns true, so that it can be chained safely without
// breaking flow, e.g. GetToken && SkipWhile && GetToken
bool SkipWhile(std::function<bool(char)> should_skip);
// Set the tokenizer's index directly, although it will be clamped to the
// length of the input text.
// This method is useful if you want to reset the tokenizer or start
// tokenizing from the middle of a string.
void set_index(size_t index) {
index_ = index;
if (index_ > input_.size()) {
index_ = input_.size();
size_t index() const { return index_; }
bool done() const { return index_ == input_.size(); }
static constexpr const char *const kWhitespace = " \t\r\n\f";
const std::string input_;
const std::string delimiters_;
size_t index_;
} // namespace profiler