blob: bb2601f8c0f6c072ff44ae915818ee37bad338b6 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "package_manager.h"
#include "utils/log.h"
#include "utils/trace.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <sstream>
using std::string;
namespace {
const char *kPackagePrefix = "package:";
const char *kPM_EXEC = "/system/bin/pm";
} // namespace
namespace profiler {
PackageManager::PackageManager() : BashCommandRunner(kPM_EXEC) {}
bool PackageManager::GetAppBaseFolder(const string &package_name, string *path,
string *error_string) const {
Trace trace("PackageManager::GetAppBaseFolder");
string parameters;
parameters.append("path ");
bool success = Run(parameters, error_string);
if (!success) {
return false;
// pm returns the path to the apk. We need to parse the response:
// package:/data/app/net.fabiensanglard.shmup-1/base.apk
// into
// /data/app/net.fabiensanglard.shmup-1
// Make sure input is well-formed.
if (path->find(kPackagePrefix) == string::npos) {
*path = "";
*error_string =
"Unable to retrieve app base folder for '" + package_name + ";";
return false;
// Remove prefix and prefix.
*path = path->substr(strlen(kPackagePrefix), path->find_last_of("/"));
return true;
bool PackageManager::GetAppDataPath(const string &package_name, string *path,
string *error_string) const {
Trace trace("PackageManager::GetAppDataPath");
BashCommandRunner pwd("pwd");
string parameters;
std::string output;
bool success = pwd.RunAs(parameters, package_name, &output);
if (!success) {
*error_string = "Unable to retrieve App Data Path";
return false;
// Remove the CR at the end of the line.
*path = output;
return true;
} // namespace profiler