blob: 13013b1701ec061d1c41c98a29e8dd7c51c9073b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
@SuppressWarnings({"javadoc", "ClassNameDiffersFromFileName"})
public class CleanupDetectorTest extends AbstractCheckTest {
protected Detector getDetector() {
return new CleanupDetector();
public void testRecycle() throws Exception {
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: This TypedArray should be recycled after use with #recycle() [Recycle]\n" +
" final TypedArray a = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs,\n" +
" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" +
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: This TypedArray should be recycled after use with #recycle() [Recycle]\n" +
" final TypedArray a = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(new int[0]);\n" +
" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" +
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: This VelocityTracker should be recycled after use with #recycle() [Recycle]\n" +
" VelocityTracker tracker = VelocityTracker.obtain();\n" +
" ~~~~~~\n" +
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: This MotionEvent should be recycled after use with #recycle() [Recycle]\n" +
" MotionEvent event1 = MotionEvent.obtain(null);\n" +
" ~~~~~~\n" +
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: This MotionEvent should be recycled after use with #recycle() [Recycle]\n" +
" MotionEvent event2 = MotionEvent.obtainNoHistory(null);\n" +
" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" +
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: This MotionEvent should be recycled after use with #recycle() [Recycle]\n" +
" MotionEvent event2 = MotionEvent.obtainNoHistory(null); // Not recycled\n" +
" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" +
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: This MotionEvent should be recycled after use with #recycle() [Recycle]\n" +
" MotionEvent event1 = MotionEvent.obtain(null); // Not recycled\n" +
" ~~~~~~\n" +
/* Not implemented in AST visitor; not a typical user error and easy to diagnose if it's done
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: This MotionEvent has already been recycled [Recycle]\n" +
" int contents2 = event1.describeContents(); // BAD, after recycle\n" +
" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" +
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: This TypedArray has already been recycled [Recycle]\n" +
" example = a.getString(R.styleable.MyView_exampleString); // BAD, after recycle\n" +
" ~~~~~~~~~\n" +
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: This Parcel should be recycled after use with #recycle() [Recycle]\n" +
" Parcel myparcel = Parcel.obtain();\n" +
" ~~~~~~\n" +
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: This TypedArray should be recycled after use with #recycle() [Recycle]\n" +
" final TypedArray a = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, // Not recycled\n" +
" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" +
"0 errors, 9 warnings\n",
public void testCommit() throws Exception {
+ "src/test/pkg/ Warning: This transaction should be completed with a commit() call [CommitTransaction]\n"
+ " getFragmentManager().beginTransaction(); // Missing commit\n"
+ " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"
+ "src/test/pkg/ Warning: This transaction should be completed with a commit() call [CommitTransaction]\n"
+ " FragmentTransaction transaction2 = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction(); // Missing commit\n"
+ " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"
+ "src/test/pkg/ Warning: This transaction should be completed with a commit() call [CommitTransaction]\n"
+ " getFragmentManager().beginTransaction(); // Missing commit\n"
+ " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"
+ "src/test/pkg/ Warning: This transaction should be completed with a commit() call [CommitTransaction]\n"
+ " getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();\n"
+ " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"
+ "0 errors, 4 warnings\n",
// Stubs just to be able to do type resolution without needing the full appcompat jar
public void testCommit2() throws Exception {
+ "No warnings.",
// Stubs just to be able to do type resolution without needing the full appcompat jar
public void testCommit3() throws Exception {
assertEquals("" +
"No warnings.",
// Stubs just to be able to do type resolution without needing the full appcompat jar
public void testCommit4() throws Exception {
assertEquals("" +
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: This transaction should be completed with a commit() call [CommitTransaction]\n"
+ " getCompatFragmentManager().beginTransaction();\n"
+ " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"
+ "0 errors, 1 warnings\n",
// Stubs just to be able to do type resolution without needing the full appcompat jar
public void testCommitChainedCalls() throws Exception {
// Regression test for
+ "src/test/pkg/ Warning: This transaction should be completed with a commit() call [CommitTransaction]\n"
+ " transaction2 = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();\n"
+ " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"
+ "0 errors, 1 warnings\n",
// Stubs just to be able to do type resolution without needing the full appcompat jar
public void testSurfaceTexture() throws Exception {
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: This SurfaceTexture should be freed up after use with #release() [Recycle]\n" +
" SurfaceTexture texture = new SurfaceTexture(1); // Warn: texture not released\n" +
" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" +
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: This SurfaceTexture should be freed up after use with #release() [Recycle]\n" +
" SurfaceTexture texture = new SurfaceTexture(1); // Warn: texture not released\n" +
" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" +
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: This Surface should be freed up after use with #release() [Recycle]\n" +
" Surface surface = new Surface(texture); // Warn: surface not released\n" +
" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" +
"0 errors, 3 warnings\n",
public void testContentProviderClient() throws Exception {
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: This ContentProviderClient should be freed up after use with #release() [Recycle]\n" +
" ContentProviderClient client = resolver.acquireContentProviderClient(\"test\"); // Warn\n" +
" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" +
"0 errors, 1 warnings\n",
public void testDatabaseCursor() throws Exception {
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: This Cursor should be freed up after use with #close() [Recycle]\n" +
" Cursor cursor = db.query(\"TABLE_TRIPS\",\n" +
" ~~~~~\n" +
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: This Cursor should be freed up after use with #close() [Recycle]\n" +
" Cursor cursor = db.query(\"TABLE_TRIPS\",\n" +
" ~~~~~\n" +
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: This Cursor should be freed up after use with #close() [Recycle]\n" +
" Cursor query = provider.query(uri, null, null, null, null);\n" +
" ~~~~~\n" +
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: This Cursor should be freed up after use with #close() [Recycle]\n" +
" Cursor query2 = resolver.query(uri, null, null, null, null);\n" +
" ~~~~~\n" +
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: This Cursor should be freed up after use with #close() [Recycle]\n" +
" Cursor query3 = client.query(uri, null, null, null, null);\n" +
" ~~~~~\n" +
"0 errors, 5 warnings\n",
public void testDatabaseCursorReassignment() throws Exception {
//noinspection ClassNameDiffersFromFileName,SpellCheckingInspection
assertEquals("No warnings.",
lintProject(java("src/test/pkg/", ""
+ "package test.pkg;\n"
+ "\n"
+ "import;\n"
+ "import android.database.Cursor;\n"
+ "import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException;\n"
+ "import;\n"
+ "\n"
+ "public class CursorTest extends Activity {\n"
+ " public void testSimple() {\n"
+ " Cursor cursor;\n"
+ " try {\n"
+ " cursor = getContentResolver().query(Uri.parse(\"blahblah\"),\n"
+ " new String[]{\"_id\", \"display_name\"}, null, null, null);\n"
+ " } catch (SQLiteException e) {\n"
+ " // Fallback\n"
+ " cursor = getContentResolver().query(Uri.parse(\"blahblah\"),\n"
+ " new String[]{\"_id2\", \"display_name\"}, null, null, null);\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " assert cursor != null;\n"
+ " cursor.close();\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n")));
// Shared preference tests
public void test() throws Exception {
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: SharedPreferences.edit() without a corresponding commit() or apply() call [CommitPrefEdits]\n" +
" SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit();\n" +
" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" +
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: SharedPreferences.edit() without a corresponding commit() or apply() call [CommitPrefEdits]\n" +
" SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit();\n" +
" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" +
"0 errors, 2 warnings\n" +
lintProject("src/test/pkg/>" +
public void test2() throws Exception {
// Regression test 1 for
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: SharedPreferences.edit() without a corresponding commit() or apply() call [CommitPrefEdits]\n" +
" SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit();\n" +
" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" +
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: SharedPreferences.edit() without a corresponding commit() or apply() call [CommitPrefEdits]\n" +
" Editor editor = preferences.edit();\n" +
" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" +
"0 errors, 2 warnings\n",
lintProject("src/test/pkg/>" +
public void test3() throws Exception {
// Regression test 2 for
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: SharedPreferences.edit() without a corresponding commit() or apply() call [CommitPrefEdits]\n" +
" Editor editor = preferences.edit();\n" +
" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" +
"0 errors, 1 warnings\n",
lintProject("src/test/pkg/>" +
public void test4() throws Exception {
// Regression test 3 for
+ "src/test/pkg/ Warning: SharedPreferences.edit() without a corresponding commit() or apply() call [CommitPrefEdits]\n"
+ " Editor editor = preferences.edit();\n"
+ " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"
+ "0 errors, 1 warnings\n",
lintProject("src/test/pkg/>" +
public void test5() throws Exception {
// Check fields too:
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: SharedPreferences.edit() without a corresponding commit() or apply() call [CommitPrefEdits]\n" +
" mPreferences.edit().putString(PREF_FOO, \"bar\");\n" +
" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" +
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: SharedPreferences.edit() without a corresponding commit() or apply() call [CommitPrefEdits]\n" +
" mPreferences.edit().remove(PREF_BAZ).remove(PREF_FOO);\n" +
" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" +
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: SharedPreferences.edit() without a corresponding commit() or apply() call [CommitPrefEdits]\n" +
" preferences.edit().putString(PREF_FOO, \"bar\");\n" +
" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" +
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: SharedPreferences.edit() without a corresponding commit() or apply() call [CommitPrefEdits]\n" +
" preferences.edit().remove(PREF_BAZ).remove(PREF_FOO);\n" +
" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" +
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: SharedPreferences.edit() without a corresponding commit() or apply() call [CommitPrefEdits]\n" +
" preferences.edit().putString(PREF_FOO, \"bar\");\n" +
" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" +
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: SharedPreferences.edit() without a corresponding commit() or apply() call [CommitPrefEdits]\n" +
" preferences.edit().remove(PREF_BAZ).remove(PREF_FOO);\n" +
" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" +
"src/test/pkg/ Warning: SharedPreferences.edit() without a corresponding commit() or apply() call [CommitPrefEdits]\n" +
" Editor editor = preferences.edit().putString(PREF_FOO, \"bar\");\n" +
" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" +
"0 errors, 7 warnings\n",
lintProject("src/test/pkg/>" +
public void test6() throws Exception {
// Regression test for
+ "src/test/pkg/ Warning: SharedPreferences.edit() without a corresponding commit() or apply() call [CommitPrefEdits]\n"
+ " settings.edit().putString(MY_PREF_KEY, myPrefValue);\n"
+ " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"
+ "0 errors, 1 warnings\n",
lintProject("src/test/pkg/>" +
public void test7() throws Exception {
assertEquals("No warnings.", // minSdk < 9: no warnings
lintProject("src/test/pkg/>" +
public void test8() throws Exception {
+ "src/test/pkg/ Warning: Consider using apply() instead; commit writes its data to persistent storage immediately, whereas apply will handle it in the background [CommitPrefEdits]\n"
+ " editor.commit();\n"
+ " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"
+ "0 errors, 1 warnings\n",
public void testChainedCalls() throws Exception {
+ "src/test/pkg/ Warning: SharedPreferences.edit() without a corresponding commit() or apply() call [CommitPrefEdits]\n"
+ " PreferenceManager\n"
+ " ^\n"
+ "0 errors, 1 warnings\n",
lintProject(java("src/test/pkg/", ""
+ "package test.pkg;\n"
+ "\n"
+ "import android.content.Context;\n"
+ "import android.preference.PreferenceManager;\n"
+ "\n"
+ "public class Chained {\n"
+ " private static void falsePositive(Context context) {\n"
+ " PreferenceManager\n"
+ " .getDefaultSharedPreferences(context)\n"
+ " .edit()\n"
+ " .putString(\"wat\", \"wat\")\n"
+ " .commit();\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " private static void falsePositive2(Context context) {\n"
+ " boolean var = PreferenceManager\n"
+ " .getDefaultSharedPreferences(context)\n"
+ " .edit()\n"
+ " .putString(\"wat\", \"wat\")\n"
+ " .commit();\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " private static void truePositive(Context context) {\n"
+ " PreferenceManager\n"
+ " .getDefaultSharedPreferences(context)\n"
+ " .edit()\n"
+ " .putString(\"wat\", \"wat\");\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n")));