blob: 0869537109f21d77c0531c36a8be2dee9634e931 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <atomic>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include "utils/fs/file_system.h"
namespace profiler {
// Class for storing files on disk into a cache with a shortish cleanup period
// (since disk space on an average mobile device is magnitudes smaller than your
// standard PC).
// The cache will get cleaned up periodically by a background thread and will
// not outlive separate runs of the application. In other words, creating a
// new cache will nuke any contents it may find from before.
// The cache will automatically create two subdirectores - "partial" and
// "complete". As bytes are streamed into the cache, a corresponding file is
// built up in the "partial" subfolder. When streaming is finished, the complete
// file is moved to the "complete" subfolder, at which points it becomes a
// candidate for eventual cache cleanup.
// Example:
// // Streaming data into the cache
// FileCache cache("/");
// cache.AddChunk("id", "123");
// cache.AddChunk("id", "456");
// auto file = cache.Complete("id"); // file->Contents() == "123456"
// This class is not thread safe. You must be careful when modifying this cache
// across multiple threads.
class FileCache final {
FileCache(const std::string &root_path);
// Make the path of file cache based on whether it is for test, because
// non-testing path is not available in test environment.
FileCache(std::unique_ptr<FileSystem> fs, const std::string &root_path);
FileCache(const FileCache &) = delete;
FileCache &operator=(const FileCache &) = delete;
// Repeatedly call this to add chunks of data to be appended to a file
// named after the passed in |cache_id|. If no file exists yet, a new one will
// be created. Call |Abort| to cancel or |Complete| when done.
// |cache_id| is case sensitive and must be a valid file name. For example,
// "../../myid" could cause unexpected behavior.
// Finally, it's up to the caller to ensure they choose a unique name, or else
// they will overwrite something else in the cache.
// Note: If you already have an entire string, use |AddString| instead.
void AddChunk(const std::string &cache_id, const std::string &chunk);
// Delete the cached file associated with the |cache_id|, if you were
// calling |AddChunk| but want to cancel.
void Abort(const std::string &cache_id);
// Notify the cache that the file associated with |cache_id| is now
// complete, having called |AddChunk| enough times. This will put the
// contents of the file into a final location, returning it.
std::shared_ptr<File> Complete(const std::string &cache_id);
// Add a complete string into the cache, returning a unique ID generated for
// it. You can then use |GetFile| to pull a file that contains that string.
// If you add a string with the same value as one that's already been added,
// the same ID will be returned (meaning the string value is reused and
// shared).
// This method is best reserved for strings that are long-ish and/or
// you expect the string to have many duplicates (e.g. callstacks)
std::string AddString(const std::string &value);
// Return the cached file associated with the |cache_id|. While the pointer
// returned will never be null, the file may not exist, if |Complete|
// wasn't called first, or if the cleanup thread has since deleted the file.
std::shared_ptr<File> GetFile(const std::string &cache_id);
// While running, periodically walks the cache and removes old files
void JanitorThread();
// Max size we allow this cache to grow to, in bytes. Note: The cache may
// temporarily go over this limit, but it will be trimmed down the next time
// the |JanitorThread| runs a cleanup pass.
int64_t size_limit_b;
// File system for storing cached files
std::unique_ptr<FileSystem> fs_;
std::shared_ptr<Dir> cache_partial_;
std::shared_ptr<Dir> cache_complete_;
std::atomic_bool is_janitor_running_;
std::thread janitor_thread_;
} // namespace profiler