blob: 7f01d5921ef7619838e3af7078bfb7072faab957 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "daemon.h"
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "connector.h"
#include "utils/android_studio_version.h"
#include "utils/config.h"
#include "utils/current_process.h"
#include "utils/device_info.h"
#include "utils/file_reader.h"
#include "utils/log.h"
#include "utils/package_manager.h"
#include "utils/process_manager.h"
#include "utils/socket_utils.h"
#include "utils/trace.h"
using grpc::Service;
using grpc::Status;
using grpc::StatusCode;
using profiler::proto::AgentData;
using std::string;
namespace profiler {
namespace {
// Connector is a program that inherits (since it is invoked by execl()) a
// client socket already connected to the daemon and passes the socket to the
// agent. This is technically an implementation detail of perfd due to Android's
// security restriction. Therefore, we frame the functionality into "perfd
// -connect". However, in the point of view of process relationship, we use
// connector as the process name (not binary name) for the ease of description.
const char* const kConnectorFileName = "perfd";
// On-device path of the connector program relative to an app's data folder.
const char* const kConnectorRelativePath = "./perfd";
// Name of the jar file containining the java classes (dex'd) which our
// instrumentation code needs to reference. This jar file will be added to the
// app via the jvmti agent.
const char* const kAgentJarFileName = "perfa.jar";
// Delete file executable from package's data folder.
void DeleteFileFromPackageFolder(const string& package_name,
const string& file_name) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << kRunAsExecutable << " " << package_name << " rm -f " << file_name;
if (system(os.str().c_str()) == -1) {
// Copy file executable from this process's folder (perfd's folder) to
// package's data folder.
void CopyFileToPackageFolder(const string& package_name,
const string& file_name) {
// Remove old agent first to avoid attaching mismatched version of agent.
// If old agent exists and it fails to copy the new one, the app would attach
// the old one and some weird bugs may occur.
// After removing old agent, the app would fail to attach the agent with a
// 'file not found' error.
DeleteFileFromPackageFolder(package_name, file_name);
std::ostringstream os;
os << kRunAsExecutable << " " << package_name << " cp "
<< CurrentProcess::dir() << file_name << " .";
if (system(os.str().c_str()) == -1) {
// Use execl() and run-as to run connector which will establish the
// communication between perfd and the agent.
// By using execl(), the client-side socket that's connected to daemon can be
// used by connector.
// By using run-as, connector is under the same user as the agent, and thus it
// can talk to the agent who is waiting for the client socket.
void RunConnector(int app_pid, const string& package_name,
const string& daemon_address) {
// Use connect() to create a client socket that can talk to the server.
int fd; // The client socket that's connected to daemon.
if ((fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) {
perror("socket error");
struct sockaddr_un addr_un;
socklen_t addr_len;
SetUnixSocketAddr(daemon_address.c_str(), &addr_un, &addr_len);
if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr*)&addr_un, addr_len) == -1) {
perror("connect error");
// Pass the app's process id so the connector knows which agent socket to
// connect to.
std::ostringstream connect_arg;
connect_arg << "--" << kConnectCmdLineArg << "=" << app_pid;
// Pass the fd as command line argument to connector.
connect_arg << ":" << kPerfdConnectRequest << ":" << fd;
int return_value =
execl(kRunAsExecutable, kRunAsExecutable, package_name.c_str(),
kConnectorRelativePath, connect_arg.str().c_str(), (char*)nullptr);
if (return_value == -1) {
// Copy over the agent so and jar to the package's directory as specified by
// |package_name| and invoke attach-agent on the app as specified by |app_name|
bool RunAgent(const string& app_name, const string& package_name,
const std::string& config_path,
const string& agent_lib_file_name) {
CopyFileToPackageFolder(package_name, kAgentJarFileName);
CopyFileToPackageFolder(package_name, agent_lib_file_name);
string data_path;
string error;
PackageManager package_manager;
bool success =
package_manager.GetAppDataPath(package_name, &data_path, &error);
if (success) {
const std::string& attach_params = ProcessManager::GetAttachAgentParams(
app_name, data_path, config_path, agent_lib_file_name);
BashCommandRunner attach(ProcessManager::GetAttachAgentCommand());
success |= attach.Run(attach_params, &error);
return success;
} // namespace
Daemon::Daemon(Clock* clock, Config* config, FileCache* file_cache,
EventBuffer* buffer)
: clock_(clock),
buffer_(buffer) {}
void Daemon::RegisterProfilerComponent(
std::unique_ptr<ProfilerComponent> component) {
if (component == nullptr) return;
Service* public_service = component->GetPublicService();
if (public_service != nullptr) {
Service* internal_service = component->GetInternalService();
if (internal_service != nullptr) {
void Daemon::RunServer(const string& server_address) {
int port = 0;
builder_.AddListeningPort(server_address, grpc::InsecureServerCredentials(),
std::unique_ptr<grpc::Server> server(builder_.BuildAndStart());
std::cout << "Server listening on " << server_address << " port:" << port
<< std::endl;
bool Daemon::TryAttachAppAgent(int32_t app_pid, const std::string& app_name,
const string& agent_lib_file_name) {
assert(profiler::DeviceInfo::feature_level() >= proto::Device::O);
string package_name = ProcessManager::GetPackageNameFromAppName(app_name);
PackageManager package_manager;
string data_path;
string error;
if (!package_manager.GetAppDataPath(package_name, &data_path, &error)) {
// Cannot access the app's data folder.
return false;
auto agent_status = GetAgentStatus(app_pid);
// Only attempt to connect if our status is not unattachable
if (agent_status == AgentData::UNATTACHABLE) {
return false;
// Copies the connector over to the package's data folder so we can run it
// to send messages to perfa's Unix socket server.
CopyFileToPackageFolder(package_name, kConnectorFileName);
// Only attach agent if one is not detected. Note that an agent can already
// exist if we have profiled the same app before, and either Studio/perfd
// has restarted and has lost any knowledge about such agent.
if (!IsAppAgentAlive(app_pid, package_name)) {
RunAgent(app_name, package_name, config_->GetConfigFilePath(),
// Only reconnect to perfa if an existing connection has not been detected.
// This can be identified by whether perfa has a valid grpc channel to send
// this perfd instance the heartbeats.
if (!CheckAppHeartBeat(app_pid)) {
int fork_pid = fork();
if (fork_pid == -1) {
perror("fork connector");
return false;
} else if (fork_pid == 0) {
// child process
string socket_name;
RunConnector(app_pid, package_name, socket_name);
// RunConnector calls execl() at the end. It returns only if an error
// has occured.
return true;
grpc::Status Daemon::Execute(const proto::Command& command_data,
std::function<void(void)> post) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
std::unique_ptr<Command> command(
grpc::Status status = command->ExecuteOn(this);
return status;
grpc::Status Daemon::Execute(const proto::Command& command_data) {
return Execute(command_data, []() {});
std::vector<proto::EventGroup> Daemon::GetEventGroups(
const proto::GetEventGroupsRequest* request) {
return buffer_->Get(request->kind(), request->from_timestamp(),
// Runs the connector as the application user and tries to send a message
// (e.g. |kHeartBeatRequest|) to the agent via unix socket. If the agent's
// unix socket server is up, the send operation should be sucessful, in which
// case this will return true, false otherwise.
bool Daemon::IsAppAgentAlive(int app_pid, const string& app_name) {
std::ostringstream args;
args << "--" << kConnectCmdLineArg << "=" << app_pid << ":"
<< kHeartBeatRequest;
BashCommandRunner ping(kConnectorRelativePath);
return ping.RunAs(args.str(), app_name, nullptr);
AgentData::Status Daemon::GetAgentStatus(int32_t pid) {
auto got = agent_status_map_.find(pid);
if (got != agent_status_map_.end()) {
return got->second;
// Only query the app's debuggable state if we haven't already, to
// avoid calling "run-as" repeatedly.
auto attachable_itr = agent_attachable_map_.find(pid);
if (attachable_itr != agent_attachable_map_.end()) {
return attachable_itr->second ? AgentData::UNSPECIFIED
string app_name = ProcessManager::GetCmdlineForPid(pid);
if (app_name.empty()) {
// Process is not available. Do not cache the attachable result here since
// we couldn't retrieve the process.
return AgentData::UNATTACHABLE;
if (profiler::DeviceInfo::feature_level() < proto::Device::O) {
// pre-O, since the agent is deployed with the app, we should receive a
// heartbeat right away. We can simply use that as a signal to determine
// whether an agent can be attached.
// Note: This will only be called if we have not had a heartbeat yet, so we
// will return unspecified by default.
return AgentData::UNSPECIFIED;
// In O+, we can attach an jvmti agent as long as the app is debuggable
// and the app's data folder is available to us.
string package_name = ProcessManager::GetPackageNameFromAppName(app_name);
PackageManager package_manager;
string data_path;
string error;
bool has_data_path =
package_manager.GetAppDataPath(package_name, &data_path, &error);
agent_attachable_map_[pid] = has_data_path;
return has_data_path ? AgentData::UNSPECIFIED : AgentData::UNATTACHABLE;
bool Daemon::CheckAppHeartBeat(int app_pid) {
auto got = agent_status_map_.find(app_pid);
if (got != agent_status_map_.end()) {
return got->second == proto::AgentData::ATTACHED;
return false;
void Daemon::SetHeartBeatTimestamp(int32_t app_pid, int64_t timestamp) {
heartbeat_timestamp_map_[app_pid] = timestamp;
Status Daemon::ConfigureStartupAgent(
const profiler::proto::ConfigureStartupAgentRequest* request,
profiler::proto::ConfigureStartupAgentResponse* response) {
if (profiler::DeviceInfo::feature_level() < proto::Device::O) {
return Status(StatusCode::UNIMPLEMENTED,
"JVMTI agent cannot be attached on Nougat or older devices");
string package_name = request->app_package_name();
string agent_lib_file_name = request->agent_lib_file_name();
CopyFileToPackageFolder(package_name, kAgentJarFileName);
CopyFileToPackageFolder(package_name, agent_lib_file_name);
PackageManager package_manager;
string data_path;
string error;
string config_path = config_->GetConfigFilePath();
string agent_args = "";
if (package_manager.GetAppDataPath(package_name, &data_path, &error)) {
return Status::OK;
} // namespace profiler