blob: 4c8e02efeae5cd099af06ad3bc7ddd02651f3a19 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "atrace_manager.h"
#include "atrace.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sstream>
#include "proto/profiler.grpc.pb.h"
#include "utils/bash_command.h"
#include "utils/current_process.h"
#include "utils/device_info.h"
#include "utils/fs/disk_file_system.h"
#include "utils/log.h"
#include "utils/process_manager.h"
#include "utils/tokenizer.h"
#include "utils/trace.h"
using profiler::proto::Device;
using std::string;
namespace profiler {
// Number of times we attempt to run the stop atrace command.
const int kRetryStopAttempts = 5;
const int kMbToKb = 1024;
// If Atrace fails to start with our initial requested buffer size, each follow
// up attempt is reduced by this amount. If our buffer is less than 2 times this
// amount we start to divide by 2.
const int kBufferSizeToStepReduceByKb = 8 * kMbToKb;
// Minmum supported buffer size in MB.
const int kBufferMinimumSizeMb = 1;
AtraceManager::AtraceManager(std::unique_ptr<FileSystem> file_system,
Clock *clock, int dump_data_interval_ms,
std::unique_ptr<Atrace> atrace)
: file_system_(std::move(file_system)),
atrace_(std::move(atrace)) {}
bool AtraceManager::StartProfiling(const std::string &app_pkg_name,
int sampling_interval_us,
int buffer_size_in_mb,
int *acquired_buffer_size_kb,
std::string *trace_path,
std::string *error) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(start_stop_mutex_);
*acquired_buffer_size_kb = 0;
if (is_profiling_) {
return false;
if (buffer_size_in_mb < kBufferMinimumSizeMb) {
error->append("Requested buffer size is too small");
return false;
dumps_created_ = 0;
Trace trace("CPU: StartProfiling atrace");
Log::D("Profiler:Received query to profile %s", app_pkg_name.c_str());
// Build entry to keep track of what is being profiled.
profiled_app_.trace_path = GetTracePath(app_pkg_name);
profiled_app_.app_pkg_name = app_pkg_name;
// Point trace path to entry's trace path so the trace can be pulled later.
*trace_path = profiled_app_.trace_path;
// Check if atrace is already running, if it is its okay to use that instance.
bool isRunning = atrace_->IsAtraceRunning();
int requested_buffer_size_kb = buffer_size_in_mb * kMbToKb;
int actual_buffer_size_kb = 0;
// Retry under the following conditions
// 1) We have not hit our retry attempts limit.
// 2) We are not running.
// 3) Our requested buffer size is greater than our minimum buffer size.
for (int i = 0; i < kRetryStartAttempts && !isRunning &&
requested_buffer_size_kb >= kBufferMinimumSizeMb * kMbToKb;
i++) {
std::ostringstream buffer_size_stream;
buffer_size_stream << "-b " << requested_buffer_size_kb;
buffer_size_arg_ = buffer_size_stream.str();
atrace_->Run({app_pkg_name, profiled_app_.trace_path, "--async_start",
isRunning = atrace_->IsAtraceRunning();
// Verify buffer size, if this is not our expected buffersize then cut it in
// half and try again. This can happen frequently due to the fact that
// atrace must allocate a contiguous block of memory in the size
// we are requesting.
actual_buffer_size_kb = atrace_->GetBufferSizeKb();
if (actual_buffer_size_kb != requested_buffer_size_kb) {
// If we can subtract a step from our buffer and still try again do that.
// Otherwise reduce the buffer in half and try.
if (requested_buffer_size_kb > 2 * kBufferSizeToStepReduceByKb) {
requested_buffer_size_kb -= kBufferSizeToStepReduceByKb;
} else {
requested_buffer_size_kb /= 2;
if (isRunning) {
isRunning = false;
// This is checked for in the thread below. Setting the
// value here ensures the thread reads the correct value before executing.
is_profiling_ = isRunning;
if (!isRunning) {
assert(error != nullptr);
error->append("Failed to run atrace start.");
if (actual_buffer_size_kb < kBufferMinimumSizeMb) {
" Atrace could not allocate enough memory to record a trace.");
} else {
atrace_thread_ = std::thread(&AtraceManager::DumpData, this);
*acquired_buffer_size_kb = actual_buffer_size_kb;
return isRunning;
void AtraceManager::DumpData() {
while (is_profiling_) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(dump_data_mutex_);
lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(dump_data_interval_ms_),
[this] { return !is_profiling_; });
// Our condition can be woken via time, or stop profiling. If we are no
// longer profiling we do not need to collect an async_dump as stop
// profiling will do that for us.
if (is_profiling_) {
atrace_->Run({profiled_app_.app_pkg_name, GetNextDumpPath(),
"--async_dump", buffer_size_arg_});
string AtraceManager::GetTracePath(const string &app_name) const {
std::ostringstream path;
path << CurrentProcess::dir() << GetFileBaseName(app_name) << ".atrace.trace";
return path.str();
string AtraceManager::GetFileBaseName(const string &app_name) const {
std::ostringstream trace_filebase;
trace_filebase << "atrace-";
trace_filebase << app_name;
trace_filebase << "-";
trace_filebase << clock_->GetCurrentTime();
return trace_filebase.str();
string AtraceManager::GetNextDumpPath() {
std::ostringstream path;
path << profiled_app_.trace_path << dumps_created_;
return path.str();
bool AtraceManager::StopProfiling(const std::string &app_pkg_name,
bool need_result, std::string *error) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(start_stop_mutex_);
Trace trace("CPU:StopProfiling atrace");
Log::D("Profiler:Stopping profiling for %s", app_pkg_name.c_str());
is_profiling_ = false;
// Should occur after is_profiling is set to false to stop our polling
// thread.
bool isRunning = atrace_->IsAtraceRunning();
string path = GetNextDumpPath();
for (int i = 0; i < kRetryStopAttempts && isRunning; i++) {
// For pre O devices, simply stopping atrace doesn't always write a file.
// As such we need to create the file first. This allows atrace to
// properly modify the contents of the file.
if (DeviceInfo::feature_level() < Device::O) {
DiskFileSystem fs;
// Before stopping atrace we write a clock sync marker. We do this because
// internally to atrace there is a ring buffer of data. The data may
// clobber the initial clock sync marker.
atrace_->Run({profiled_app_.app_pkg_name, path, "--async_stop", ""});
isRunning = atrace_->IsAtraceRunning();
if (isRunning) {
assert(error != nullptr);
error->append("Failed to stop atrace.");
return false;
if (need_result) {
return CombineFiles(profiled_app_.trace_path.c_str(), dumps_created_,
return !isRunning;
void AtraceManager::Shutdown() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(start_stop_mutex_);
Trace trace("CPU:Shutdown atrace");
if (is_profiling_) {
Log::D("Profiler:Shutdown atrace");
is_profiling_ = false;
bool AtraceManager::CombineFiles(const std::string &combine_file_prefix,
int count, const std::string &output_path) {
std::shared_ptr<File> file = file_system_->GetOrNewFile(output_path);
if (!file->Exists() || !file->IsOpenForWrite()) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
std::ostringstream file_path;
file_path << combine_file_prefix << i;
std::shared_ptr<File> buffer_file = file_system_->GetFile(file_path.str());
if (!buffer_file->Exists()) {
return false;
file_system_->AppendFile(output_path, file_path.str());
return true;
} // namespace profiler