blob: 43e0f8a66b5d0762ebb3073da0ec5b7b0706be7b [file] [log] [blame]
load(":functions.bzl", "create_option_file", "explicit_target")
def _maven_pom_impl(ctx):
# Contains both *.jar and *.aar files.
jars = depset()
# classfied jars. Sources are in clsjars["sources"]
clsjars = {} # classifier -> depset(jars)
clsjars["sources"] = depset()
if ctx.attr.library:
if ctx.attr.file or ctx.attr.classified_files:
fail("Cannot set both file and library for a maven_pom.")
jars = jars | depset([jar.class_jar for jar in])
clsjars["sources"] = clsjars["sources"] |
for classifier, library in zip(ctx.attr.classifiers, ctx.attr.classified_libraries):
if classifier not in clsjars:
clsjars[classifier] = depset()
clsjars[classifier] += depset([jar.class_jar for jar in])
if ctx.attr.file:
if ctx.attr.library or ctx.attr.classified_libraries:
fail("Cannot set both file and library for a maven_pom.")
jars = jars | ctx.attr.file.files
if ctx.attr.classified_files:
for classifier, file in zip(ctx.attr.classifiers, ctx.attr.classified_files):
if classifier not in clsjars:
clsjars[classifier] = depset()
clsjars[classifier] += file.files
if and ctx.files.properties_files:
fail("Cannot set both properties and properties_files for a maven_pom.")
parent_poms = depset([], order = "postorder")
parent_jars = {}
parent_clsjars = {} # pom -> classifier -> depset(jars)
deps_poms = depset([], order = "postorder")
deps_jars = {}
deps_clsjars = {} # pom -> classifier -> depset(jars)
# Transitive deps through the parent attribute
if ctx.attr.parent:
parent_poms = parent_poms | ctx.attr.parent.maven.parent.poms
parent_poms = parent_poms | ctx.attr.parent.maven.deps.poms
parent_poms = parent_poms | [ctx.file.parent]
parent_jars += ctx.attr.parent.maven.parent.jars
parent_jars += ctx.attr.parent.maven.deps.jars
parent_jars += {ctx.file.parent: ctx.attr.parent.maven.jars}
parent_clsjars += ctx.attr.parent.maven.parent.clsjars
parent_clsjars += ctx.attr.parent.maven.deps.clsjars
parent_clsjars += {ctx.file.parent: ctx.attr.parent.maven.clsjars}
elif hasattr(ctx.attr.source, "maven"):
parent_poms = ctx.attr.source.maven.parent.poms
parent_jars = ctx.attr.source.maven.parent.jars
parent_clsjars = ctx.attr.source.maven.parent.clsjars
# Transitive deps through deps
if ctx.attr.deps:
for label in ctx.attr.deps:
deps_poms = deps_poms | label.maven.parent.poms
deps_poms = deps_poms | label.maven.deps.poms
deps_poms = deps_poms | [label.maven.pom]
deps_jars += label.maven.parent.jars
deps_jars += label.maven.deps.jars
deps_jars += {label.maven.pom: label.maven.jars}
deps_clsjars += label.maven.parent.clsjars
deps_clsjars += label.maven.deps.clsjars
deps_clsjars += {label.maven.pom: label.maven.clsjars}
elif hasattr(ctx.attr.source, "maven"):
deps_poms = ctx.attr.source.maven.deps.poms
deps_jars = ctx.attr.source.maven.deps.jars
deps_clsjars = ctx.attr.source.maven.deps.clsjars
inputs = []
args = []
# Input file to take as base
if ctx.file.source:
args += ["-i", ctx.file.source.path]
inputs += [ctx.file.source]
# Output file
args += ["-o", ctx.outputs.pom.path]
args += ["-x"] if ctx.attr.export_pom else []
# Overrides
args += ["--group",]
if ctx.attr.artifact:
args += ["--artifact", ctx.attr.artifact]
if ctx.attr.version:
args += ["--version", ctx.attr.version]
args += ["--properties",]
inputs += []
if ctx.files.properties_files:
args += ["--properties", ":".join([file.path for file in ctx.files.properties_files])]
inputs += ctx.files.properties_files
if ctx.attr.version_property:
args += ["--version_property", ctx.attr.version_property]
# Exclusions
for (dependency, exclusions) in ctx.attr.exclusions.items():
args += ["--exclusion", dependency, ",".join([e for e in exclusions])]
args += ["--deps", ":".join([dep.path for dep in ctx.files.deps])]
inputs += ctx.files.deps
mnemonic = "GenPom",
inputs = inputs,
outputs = [ctx.outputs.pom],
arguments = args,
executable = ctx.executable._pom,
return struct(maven = struct(
parent = struct(
poms = parent_poms,
jars = parent_jars,
clsjars = parent_clsjars,
deps = struct(
poms = deps_poms,
jars = deps_jars,
clsjars = deps_clsjars,
pom = ctx.outputs.pom,
jars = jars,
clsjars = clsjars,
maven_pom = rule(
attrs = {
"deps": attr.label_list(),
"library": attr.label(
allow_files = True,
"export_pom": attr.label(),
"classifiers": attr.string_list(
default = [],
"classified_libraries": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
default = [],
"file": attr.label(
allow_files = True,
"classified_files": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
default = [],
"group": attr.string(),
"version": attr.string(),
"artifact": attr.string(),
"source": attr.label(
allow_files = True,
single_file = True,
"properties": attr.label(
allow_files = True,
single_file = True,
"properties_files": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
default = [],
"version_property": attr.string(),
"parent": attr.label(
allow_files = True,
single_file = True,
"exclusions": attr.string_list_dict(),
"_pom": attr.label(
executable = True,
cfg = "host",
default = Label("//tools/base/bazel:pom_generator"),
allow_files = True,
outputs = {
"pom": "%{name}.pom",
implementation = _maven_pom_impl,
# A java library that can be used in a maven_repo rule.
# Usage:
# maven_java_library(
# name = "name",
# deps = A list of maven_java_library or maven_java_import dependencies
# # all java_library attriutes
# info = A maven coordinate for this artifact as a string
# )
def maven_java_library(
deps = None,
runtime_deps = None,
exclusions = None,
export_artifact = None,
srcs = None,
resources = [],
exports = None,
pom = None,
visibility = None,
if srcs and export_artifact:
fail("Ony one of [srcs, export_artifact] can be used at a time")
if export_artifact and pom:
fail("If export_artifact is specified, the maven information cannot be changed.")
java_exports = exports + [export_artifact] if export_artifact else exports
name = name,
deps = deps,
runtime_deps = runtime_deps,
srcs = srcs,
resources = native.glob(["NOTICE", "LICENSE"]) + resources,
exports = java_exports,
visibility = visibility,
# TODO: Properly exclude libraries from the pom instead of using _neverlink hacks.
maven_deps = (deps or []) + (exports or []) + (runtime_deps or [])
name = name + "_maven",
deps = [explicit_target(dep) + "_maven" for dep in maven_deps if not dep.endswith("_neverlink")] if maven_deps else None,
exclusions = exclusions,
library = export_artifact if export_artifact else name,
visibility = visibility,
source = explicit_target(export_artifact) + "_maven" if export_artifact else pom,
export_pom = explicit_target(export_artifact) + "_maven" if export_artifact else None,
# A java_import rule extended with pom and parent attributes for maven libraries.
def maven_java_import(name, pom, classifiers = [], visibility = None, jars = [], **kwargs):
name = name,
visibility = visibility,
jars = jars,
classified_libraries = []
for classifier in classifiers:
name = classifier + "-" + name,
visibility = visibility,
jars = [jar.replace(".jar", "-" + classifier + ".jar") for jar in jars],
classified_libraries += [classifier + "-" + name]
name = name + "_maven",
library = name,
classifiers = classifiers,
classified_libraries = classified_libraries,
visibility = visibility,
source = pom,
def maven_aar(name, aar, pom, visibility = None):
name = name,
srcs = [aar],
visibility = visibility,
name = name + "_maven",
file = aar,
visibility = visibility,
source = pom,
def _maven_repo_impl(ctx):
include_sources = ctx.attr.include_sources
seen = {}
inputs = []
args = []
for artifact in ctx.attr.artifacts:
if not seen.get(artifact.maven.pom):
for pom in artifact.maven.parent.poms:
jars = artifact.maven.parent.jars[pom]
if not seen.get(pom):
inputs += [pom] + list(jars)
args += [pom.path] + [jar.path for jar in list(jars)]
clsjars = artifact.maven.parent.clsjars[pom]
for classifier in clsjars:
inputs += list(clsjars[classifier])
args += [jar.path + ":" + classifier for jar in list(clsjars[classifier])]
seen += {pom: True}
inputs += [artifact.maven.pom] + list(artifact.maven.jars)
args += [artifact.maven.pom.path] + [jar.path for jar in list(artifact.maven.jars)]
for classifier in artifact.maven.clsjars:
inputs += list(artifact.maven.clsjars[classifier])
args += [jar.path + ":" + classifier for jar in list(artifact.maven.clsjars[classifier])]
seen += {artifact.maven.pom: True}
for pom in artifact.maven.deps.poms:
jars = artifact.maven.deps.jars[pom]
if not seen.get(pom):
inputs += [pom] + list(jars)
args += [pom.path] + [jar.path for jar in list(jars)]
if include_sources:
clsjars = artifact.maven.deps.clsjars[pom]
inputs += list(clsjars[classifier])
args += [jar.path + ":" + classifier for jar in list(clsjars[classifier])]
seen += {pom: True}
# Execute the command
option_file = create_option_file(
ctx.outputs.repo.path + ".lst",
inputs = inputs + [option_file],
outputs = [ctx.outputs.repo],
mnemonic = "mavenrepo",
executable = ctx.executable._repo,
arguments = [ctx.outputs.repo.path, "@" + option_file.path],
_maven_repo = rule(
attrs = {
"artifacts": attr.label_list(),
"include_sources": attr.bool(),
"_repo": attr.label(
executable = True,
cfg = "host",
default = Label("//tools/base/bazel:repo_builder"),
allow_files = True,
outputs = {
"repo": "%{name}.zip",
implementation = _maven_repo_impl,
# Creates a maven repo with the given artifacts and all their transitive
# dependencies.
# Usage:
# maven_repo(
# name = The name of the rule. The output of the rule will be ${name}.zip.
# artifacts = A list of all maven_java_libraries to add to the repo.
# include_sources = Add source jars to the repo as well (useful for tests).
# )
def maven_repo(artifacts = [], include_sources = False, **kwargs):
artifacts = [explicit_target(artifact) + "_maven" for artifact in artifacts],
include_sources = include_sources,